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Metode Kombinasi Weight of Evidence (WoE) dan Logistic Regression (LR) untuk Pemetaan Kerentanan Gerakan Tanah di Takengon, Aceh pamela pamela; Imam A. Sadisun; Rendy Dwi Kartiko; Yukni Arifianti
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Bencana Geologi Vol 9, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Badan Geologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2319.397 KB) | DOI: 10.34126/jlbg.v9i2.219


ABSTRAKPeta kerentanan gerakan tanah sangat diperlukan sebagai dasar dalam perencanaan tata ruang, pemanfaatan lahan dan mitigasi bencana. Kerentanan gerakan tanah dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti kemiringan lereng, arah lereng, litologi, tutupan lahan, elevasi, curah hujan, kelurusan, percepatan gempabumi, kurvatur, arah aliran, jarak dari sungai, dan jalan. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan metode pemetaan kerentanan gerakan tanah menggunakan metode kombinasi logistic regression (LR) – weight of evidence (WoE). Metode gabungan ini diharapkan dapat menghasilkan metoda yang menggabungkan kelebihan dari masing-masing metode serta sekaligus mengatasi kelemahan masing-masing metode. Wilayah studi kasus penelitian adalah Takengon, salah satu wilayah di Provinsi Aceh yang rawan terhadap bencana gempabumi dan gerakan tanah. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 251 kejadian gerakan tanah secara acak yang terjadi pada tahun 2000 hingga tahun 2016. Data tersebut dibagi menjadi dua kelompok data, 70% data digunakan sebagai set data analisis untuk penyusunan model dan 30% data digunakan sebagai set data validasi untuk pengujian model. Tahapan penelitian meliputi pembobotan dua belas parameter yang mempengaruhi kerentanan gerakan tanah dengan menggunakan metode WoE. Analisis kombinasi LR-WoE menggunakan parameter hasil pembobotan metode WoE dan kemudian di analisis menggunakan statistik LR. Selanjutnya melakukan analisis perbandingan hasil pemetaan kerentanan gerakan tanah melalui pengujian kurva Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC). Hasil validasi dan pengujian model menunjukkan bahwa metode kombinasi LR-WoE mempunyai nilai AUC 0,853 yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan menggunakan metode WoE (AUC 0,830). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa metode kombinasi LR-WoE memberikan tingkat akurasi yang lebih baik dari metode WoE untuk pemetaan kerentanan gerakan tanah. Metode kombinasi LR-WoE dapat terus dikembangkan dan dapat diusulkan menjadi metode pemetaan gerakan tanah yang akurat, efektif dan ekonomis. Kata kunci: Kerentanan gerakan tanah, Logistic Regression, Takengon, Weight of Evidence. ABSTRACTLandslide susceptibility map is an imperative basic tool for land use application, spatial planning and disaster mitigation. The susceptibility of landslide is influenced by factors such as slope, slope aspect, lithology, land cover, elevation, rainfall, linemeant, peak ground acceleration, curvature, flow direction, distance from rivers, and roads. In this research, a combined method of weight of evidence (WoE) and logistic regression (LR) was applied to assessed its advantages and overcome the limitation of each method. Takengon is an area prone to earthquake disaster and landslide. The 251 landslides from 2000 until 2016 were randomly divided into two groups of modelling/training data (70%) and validation/test data sets (30%).  The research stages include weighting of twelve parameters that affect the susceptibility of landslide using the WoE method. The combination LR-WoE analysis uses the weighted parameter of the WoE method and then analyzed using LR statistics. The validation results using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve showed that the LR-WoE method had a better accuracy than the WoE methods, with values of 0,890 higher than that of the WoE method 0,830 prediction. Therefore, it is concluded that the combined method of LR and WoE can provide a promising level of accuracy for landslide susceptibility mapping. Combined LR-WoE method can be developed and proposed to be an accurate, effective and economical method of mapping the landslides susceptibility map. Keywords: Kerentanan gerakan tanah, Logistic Regression, Takengon, Weight of Evidence. 
Fasies Sedimen Kuarter Kaitannya Dengan Potensi Likuefaksi Di Kawasan Das Cimanuk, Indramayu, Jawa Barat Rifki Asrul Sani; Eko Soebowo; Imam A. Sadisun
Jurnal Teknologi Vol 15 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi
Publisher : Jurnal Teknologi, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34151/jurtek.v15i2.3158


The lower Cimanuk catchment area which will be developed as industrial area is dominated by Quaternary deposits which are susceptible againts liquefaction if large earthquakes occurred. The presence of Subang, Cirebon 1 and Cirebon 2 active fault segments will trigger earthquake which potentially liquefaction. This study aims to characterize the type of sedimentary facies induced liquefaction hazard in the lower Cimanuk catchment area, Indramayu, West Java. This research methods consist of borehole description and sedimentary facies analysis based on CPT and CPTu data with cone resistance (qt) corrected value, friction ratio (Fr), laboratory analysis and liquefaction potential based on SNI 1726:2019, which is deterministic and 2,500 years return period PGA value. Based on facies association analysis there are three facies that developed in the study area. First, delta plain facies consisting of fluvial sands, silt and clay. Second, delta front facies consisting of beach ridge sands and sandy silt. Third, silt and clay prodelta facies. Liquefaction potential analysis based on N-SPT, CPT and CPTu data shows that almost all test point are potentially liquefied, especially beach ridge sands and silty sand delta front facies. Liquefaction potential is more in the northern region of the study area, caused by the low density of sand and sandy sediments (N-SPT value < 10 or qc < 6,000 kPa).