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Asia Pacific Fraud Journal Vol 5, No 2: Volume 5, No. 2nd Edition (July-December 2020)
Publisher : Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Indonesia Chapter

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21532/apfjournal.v5i2.160


Potential of corruption is a condition that allows corruption criminal to occur. This paper aims to see whether perceptions of potential corruption have a relationship with business integrity, public integrity, and local integrity systems. The research method used is analysis by looking at the relationship between variables using Rank Spearman test. The results indicate that perceptions of potential corruption have relationship with local integration systems, local integration systems have relationship with the perceptions of business integrity, and the perceptions of business integrity have relationship with public integrity. Thus there are findings that, the eradication of corruption can not be initiated from public integrity, but must be initiated by the improvement of a clean system.
National Conference for Community Service Project (NaCosPro) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): The 2nd National Conference of Community Service Project 2020 (Accepted Papers)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/nacospro.v2i1.1162


In this era of information disclosure, the campaign to win a candidate is carried out in various ways. The purpose of this Community Service is to conduct socialization so that recipients of information will not be trapped in a heated situation with lots of hoaxes and misleading information. This activity was carried out using the focus group discussion method through the online "WhatsUp group" and fellow alumni from the Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung '92. The output target is to provide socialization and increase understanding of all information circulating in the presidential election campaign period from a political economy perspective. Participants felt enlightened and began to understand the situation in society ahead of the Presidential election.
Sosialisasi Peran Serta Pemerintah Menangani UMKM saat COVID-19 Melinda Malau; Posma Sariguna Johnson Kennedy; Humala Situmorang; Patricia Irene; Anselmus Rufus
IKRA-ITH ABDIMAS Vol 4 No 3 (2021): IKRAITH-ABDIMAS No 3 Vol 4 November 2021
Publisher : Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1164.735 KB)


Proposal ini dibentuk untuk memberi pemahaman bagaimana peran pemerintah dalam menangani COVID-19 dan membantu pelaku UMKM dalam memanfaatkan sumber-sumber yang masih ada guna memperbaiki perekonomian baik bagi dirinya sendiri dan juga untuk negara Indonesia. Pemerintah mengambil perhatian secara khusus pada UMKM karena peran UMKM efektif dalam meningkatkan laju perekonomian Indonesia sehingga diharapkan agar UMKM dapat beradaptasi dengan Era Society 5.0 dan mampu memanfaatkan teknologi dalam mengembangkan usahanya. Implikasi dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah UMKM yang mampu berperan menjaga dan meningkatkan perekonomian negara dan juga peran serta dari pemerintah untuk mempertahankan keberadaan UMKM selama COVID-19.
Analisis Beda atas Tingkat Pengembalian dan Risiko Beta Saham Sebelum dan Selama Kasus COVID-19 pada Perusahaan Consumer Goods di BEI Periode 2018-2021 Posma Sariguna Johnson Kennedy; Ruth Mote; Humala Situmorang; Franky Sitorus
IKRAITH-EKONOMIKA Vol 6 No 1 (2023): IKRAITH-EKONOMIKA Vol 6 No 1 Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37817/ikraith-ekonomika.v6i1.2489


Dalam kegiatan berinvestasi, seorang investor dihadapkan pada risk dan return. Keduavariabel ini memiliki korelasi yang positif, semakin besar hasil yang diperoleh makaumumnya semakin besar risiko yang dimiliki, demikian sebaliknya. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui dan menganalisi perbedaan risk dan return pada delapan subjekpenelitian perusahaan consumer goods yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sebelum danselama COVID-19 di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisisdata kuantitatif, penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder berupa harga saham pada 8perusahaan Consumer Goods indeks LQ45 yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia mulaidari tahun 2018 sampai 2021. Hasil uji Statistics menunjukkan bahwa terdapat berbedaanrisk dan return yang signifikan antara sebelum dan selama masa pandemi COVID-19 diIndonesia. Hal ini menunjukkan peristiwa COVID-19 menyebabkan perubahan perilakuinvestor dalam berinvestasi di perusahaan consumer goods.
Accountability for the Implementation of State Finances (APBN) for the Covid-19 Pandemic Program and National Economic Recovery (PC-PEN) in the Fiscal Year 2020 Posma Sariguna Johnson Kennedy
Asia Pacific Fraud Journal Vol 7, No 2: 2nd Edition (July-December 2022)
Publisher : Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Indonesia Chapter

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21532/apfjournal.v7i2.254


This study aims want to see the results of the examination of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) in its reporting to the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR-RI)  concerning the study of State Finance to fulfill the task of inspection of Accountability for Implementation of the Budget (APBN) for the Fiscal Year 2020 related explicitly with the COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery Program (PC-PEN), in connection with the Internal Control System (SPI) and Compliance with Legislation. The research method in this study is to use qualitative methods through the literature or secondary data. The process of collecting data in this research is by using the form of documentation and literature study, namely by collecting and studying data, especially those taken from the results of the BPK examination. Although the BPK’s examination results gave an “Unqualified Opinion” (WTP), BPK still saw that it did not fully achieve the effectiveness, transparency, accountability, and compliance of State Finance management and responsibilities in the PC-PEN Program in the COVID-19 pandemic emergency conditions.