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Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 2, No 2 (2010): Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan

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This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the management of International Standard State Senior High Schools in Yogyakarta City in terms of the Context, Input, Process, and Product components. This study was an evaluation research study employing the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation model. This study employed the quantitative descriptive approach. The research subjects comprised 2 principals, 27 teachers, and 250 students of SMA Negeri 1 dan 3 Yogyakarta. The students were selected by means of the purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through observations, documents, interviews, and questionnaires. The data were analyzed using the SPSS Program Version 16.0. The results of the study are as follows. 1) The effectiveness in terms of the Context component is in the moderate category (73.51%), 2) The effectiveness in terms of the Input component is in the high category (76.33%), 3) The effectiveness in terms of the Process components is in the moderate category (74.68%), 4) The effectiveness in terms of the Product component is in the high category (88.13%).Key words: management of International Standard State Senior High Schools, Context, Input, Process, Product and SMA-BI.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 5, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan

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Rampant corruption occurred recently is essentially  a portrait of the accumulated actions of society in carrying out the activities of daily life. It must be recognized  that  educational institutions , especially the world of schooling also donates seeds of  the corruptive behaviour, manipulative and nepotism in a certain level, primarily in the transfer of knowledge and the transfer of value to the learning process in the classroom cubicles, and schools. The process of awareness against the corruption must be inculcated and struggled for its existence in order that Indonesia will be free from the bondage of the corruption crime soon. Anti- corruption education in high school Pacitan is an alternative solution- to unravel the "culture" of the corruption prevailing in all life lines of the Indonesian people.The research reveals that students and teachers understanding of the corruption is high. It is proved from the 339 respondents, 90.6 % claim to understand and very aware that corruption is a despicable act and against the law. Only 9.4 % do not understand that the corruption includes a criminal behaviour. Meanwhile, a motivation of society to learn the eradication of the corruption is very high, namely 85.3 % of the 252 available respondents, only 14.7 % of them who are not motivated. The awareness of learning the crime and the negative effect of the corruption is quite high.It is proved that 65.8 % of respondent answers are aware and the remaining 44.2 % are not aware of the negative effects of the corruption. Besides, the school society also recognizes that the factor supporting the implementation of anti-corruption education in the school is very high, namely 93.4 %, the rest is only 6.6 % that does not support it. The implementation of anti –corruption curriculum in the high school Pacitan has been generally integrated in the daily life at school. However, the level as well as the intention is still quite low. It is proved from the texts of Islamic Education, Civics and other subjects, there is no specific subject discussing the corruption.Keyword: anti-corruption education, school, and learning society.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan
Publisher : LPPM Press STKIP PGRI Pacitan

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This research aims at revealing the scientific dialectics of Tremas Boarding School in a gender perspective. It is kind of field Research that was carried out in Tremas Boarding, located in Tremas Village, Arjosari District, Pacitan. The technique of taking the subjects in this research was purposive sampling. And the methods of collecting data are observation, interviews, and literature study. Based on the Research findings that the scientific dialectics of Tremas boarding school in the gender perspective is revealed in: 1) the process of Ijab (consent) and qabul (acceptance) between foster parent and Kiai, 2) the system of Teaching and Education, 3) the study of Islamic classic books (well-known as yellow books), 4) concept of Kiai toward gender. The fourth aspecst shows that the strong dialectics of gender is occured in this boarding school. There is no distinction and impairment in each other. Men are not treated more superior than women, and women are not treated more privileged than men. Everything is in a balanced portion.Keywords: Scientific Dialectics, Boarding School (pesantren), Tremas, Gender.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 5, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan
Publisher : LPPM Press STKIP PGRI Pacitan

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Rampant corruption occurred recently is essentially  a portrait of the accumulated actions of society in carrying out the activities of daily life. It must be recognized  that  educational institutions , especially the world of schooling also donates seeds of  the corruptive behaviour, manipulative and nepotism in a certain level, primarily in the transfer of knowledge and the transfer of value to the learning process in the classroom cubicles, and schools. The process of awareness against the corruption must be inculcated and struggled for its existence in order that Indonesia will be free from the bondage of the corruption crime soon. Anti- corruption education in high school Pacitan is an alternative solution- to unravel the "culture" of the corruption prevailing in all life lines of the Indonesian people.The research reveals that students and teachers understanding of the corruption is high. It is proved from the 339 respondents, 90.6 % claim to understand and very aware that corruption is a despicable act and against the law. Only 9.4 % do not understand that the corruption includes a criminal behaviour. Meanwhile, a motivation of society to learn the eradication of the corruption is very high, namely 85.3 % of the 252 available respondents, only 14.7 % of them who are not motivated. The awareness of learning the crime and the negative effect of the corruption is quite high.It is proved that 65.8 % of respondent answers are aware and the remaining 44.2 % are not aware of the negative effects of the corruption. Besides, the school society also recognizes that the factor supporting the implementation of anti-corruption education in the school is very high, namely 93.4 %, the rest is only 6.6 % that does not support it. The implementation of anti –corruption curriculum in the high school Pacitan has been generally integrated in the daily life at school. However, the level as well as the intention is still quite low. It is proved from the texts of Islamic Education, Civics and other subjects, there is no specific subject discussing the corruption.Keyword: anti-corruption education, school, and learning society.
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 24, No 2 (2016): Agama, Politik dan Kebangsaan
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ws.24.2.1086


This study aimed at exploring the starting point of Islam Abangan and nationalism among Samin community in Blora regency. This research also aimed at exposing the resistance of Samin community Blora in recent time. For this research, qualitative approach and e phenomenological method were both used to get the accurate results. Relation between Islam Abangan and nationalism among Samin community in Blora were coherently intertwined and in harmony. The harmony were manifested through the daily practices of Samin community containing the teachings of Ki Samin Surosentiko. The c onsistency  of the community in carrying out the teachings of Ki Samin Surosentiko caused them still exist to survive amid the onslaught of modernism currents. Thus, local culture, and Javanese Islam were the means to strengthen the attachment of humanity, to strengthen the humanity affinity as well as the seeds of nationalism spirit, in the regional locality, including in Blora.***Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi titik pangkal Islam Abangan, dan nasionalisme di komunitas Samin Kabupaten Blora. Selain itu, riset ini juga bertujuan untuk mengekspos daya tahan eksistensi komunitas Samin Blora yang masih hidup hingga kini. Agar menemukan hasil yang akurat riset ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologi. Relasi antara Islam Abangan, dan nasionalisme di kalangan komunitas Samin Brola terjalin padu, dan harmoni. Keharmonian keduanya terejawantahkan melalui praktik-praktik keseharian mereka yang merupakan nilai ajaran Ki Samin Surosentiko. Konsistensi komunitas Samin dalam menjalankan ajaran Ki Samin mengakibatkan mereka tetap eksis bertahan di tengah gempuran arus modernisme. Dengan demikian, kebudayaan lokal, dan Islam (Jawa) Abangan menjadi sarana untuk memperkokoh kelekatan kemanusiaan, sekaligus penyemai jiwa nasionalisme di bilik-bilik lokalitas kedaerahan, tak terkecuali di Blora.