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Analysis of Internal Friction Angle and Cohesion Value for Road Base Materials in a Specified Gradation Grawira Ganjur Giwangkara; Azman Mohamed; Hasanan Md. Nor; Nur Hafizah A.; Rachmat Mudiyono
JACEE (Journal of Advanced Civil and Environmental Engineering) Vol 3, No 2 (2020): October
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jacee.3.2.58-65


Internal friction angle (φ) is one of the important parameter in a foundation engineering, especially in the stress distribution event. The higher value of the internal friction angle shows the higher of the material can withstand the lateral force. Cohesion factor (c) is also an integral part of the shear strength for the foundation material. In the granular soil such as sand or non-cohesive material, including aggregate, cohesion value usually assumed as zero, although some cohesion factor may be applied. In this research, two different materials were tested for their shear strength. The materials were Natural Crushed Aggregate (NCA) and Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA). Each material was also tested under two different circumstances. First, the materials were tested in a small-scale direct shear (SSDS) test with the maximum material size of 0.425 mm and 2.0 mm. Secondly, the materials were tested in a large-scale direct shear (LSDS) test with the graded size of aggregate according to road base layer specification. The SSDS showed the internal friction angle of NCA and RCA varies from 26.20 to 29.82 degrees. Whereas the LSDS showed the internal friction angle of NCA and RCA are 44.90 and 29.16 respectively. Both of SSDS and LSDS also showed the cohesion value of NCA and RCA.
Pondasi Vol 27, No 1 (2022): JUNI
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/pondasi.v27i1.23161


Sidewalks are pedestrian paths generally parallel to road and higher than the pavement surface to ensure the safety of pedestrians. Sidewalk is important for pedestrians; thus, it has to meet the standards of technical requirement. This study aimed to evaluate condition of sidewalk in Kudus City, Indonesia to find out whether the existing sidewalks had complied with the technical requirement as stipulated in the Indonesian guideline for technical planning of pedestrian facilities. This was a descriptive quantitative study involving sidewalks as the sample. Data were collected through survey and analyzed quantitatively. Despite having several issues around design of the construction, the existing sidewalk in Kudus City, Indonesia had been in accordance with the provision as prescribed in the Indonesian guideline for technical planning of pedestrian facilities. Finding of the study suggested that sidewalks need for further improvement for the convenience of pedestrians, especially signposts, sidewalk accessories, direction and other relevant properties.Keywords: Descriptive qualitative study, Indonesian standard of public facilities development, pedestrians, sidewalks
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jcebt.v6i2.7737


Perlintasan jalan rel kereta api di Mranggen menyebabkan kemacetan, oleh karena itu perlu adanya pembangunan flyover di Mranggen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kinerja lalu lintas jalan Semarang Purwodadi sebelum pembangunan flyover, saat konstruksi flyover dan setelah pembangunan flyover selesai. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei dan analisa kinerja jalan berdasarkan MKJI 1997. Jumlah sampel yang diambil 3 hari yaitu di hari senin, jumat dan sabtu. Hasil analisis kondisi sebelum pembangunan diperoleh derajat kejenuhan maksimal sabtu pagi dari Grobagan ke arah Semarang yaitu 0,90864 termasuk tingkat pelayanan jalannya E, tingkat kejenuhan maksimal saat ada pembangunan Fly Over pada senin pagi dari Grobagan ke arah Semarang yaitu 1,023177 termasuk tingkat pelayanan jalannya F, tingkat kejenuhan maksimal setelah pembangunan Fly Over Mranggen pada jumat pagi dari Grobagan ke arah Semarang didapatkan angka 0,793675 termasuk tingkat pelayanan jalannya jalannya C, sehingga efek positif setelah konstruksi flyover selesai yaitu arus lalu lintas menjadi lancar karena tidak melewati pasar tumpah Ganefo dan juga tidak melewati rel kereta api tiga jalur yang sering macet karena lalu lintas kereta api hampir disetiap 30 menit.
ROAD DAMAGED FACTOR ANALYSIS AT SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION (Case Study: The Traffic Light in Front of UNISSULA, Jl. Raya Kaligawe KM 4, Semarang) Widya Ayu Prawesthi; Rachmat Mudiyono; Hermin Poedjiastoeti
Pondasi Vol 27, No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/pondasi.v27i2.24345


Abstract: Road damage is common occurrence at signalized intersections. This causes delays in vehicle mobility and leads to congestion. This research seeks to investigate the types of damage occurring at signalized intersections, the factors causing the damage, and the alternatives to prevent the damage. Based on RCI method the value is 4,4, it means that on the location, the condition of the road are bad, many holes, and irregular surface. And also in the  location often flooded, and affected by centrifugal force from the U turn, and the vibrating force while the vehicles waiting for the traffic light, and affected on the previous flexible layer get damaged. Based on that result, the repair possibility at the Traffic Light jalan Kaligawe KM. 4 (main road in front of Universitas Islam Sultan Agung) Semarang should use rigid pavement. And there are some specification items that relevant with the condition of the road: concrete slab thickness = 15cm, concrete slab length = 100m, shrink joint applied in space 5m, cross joint (dowel) applied with straight wire that have 32mm diameters, length 45cm, and space between the wire is 30cm, and tie bar use whorl beam that have 16mm diameters, length 70cm and space 75cm.
Perilaku Aspal Wearing Course terhadap Pengaruh Rendaman Air Pasang (ROB) dengan Bahan Tambah Polyethylene dan Fine Agregat Slag Juny Andry; P Pratikso; Rachmat Mudiyono
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Sipil UMS 2023: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Sipil UMS
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Rob atau air pasang adalah banjir air laut atau naiknya permukaan air laut yang diakibatkan oleh air laut pasang yang menggenangi daratan. Lalu lintas yang padat dan rendaman air pasang di jalan utama mengakibatkan deformasi permanen yang membutuhkan aspal berkualitas yang tahan terhadap rendaman pasang surut dan beban lalu lintas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi modifikasi job mix formula terbaik yang dapat digunakan untuk asphalt concrete wearing course. Penggunaan kombinasi LDPE dan aggregat slag menjadi pembaharuan yang belum ada sebelumnya. Limbah plastik Polyethylene (PE) memberi ketahanan terhadap air sehingga kombinasi tersebut dapat menjadi Job Mix Formula baru yang mampu tahan terhadap rendaman air pasang (rob) sehingga dapat digunakan dalam konstruksi struktur jalan (Flexibel Pavement) Asphalt concrete wearing course modifikasi direndam dalam air standar laboratorium, air rob, dan air dengan kandungan klorida (Cl- ) yang berbeda-beda. Durasi perendaman 7 hari, 14 hari dan 21 hari serta metode perendaman terdiri dari perendaman dengan pola menerus (continuous) dan perendaman dengan pola berkala/ siklik (intermittent). Komposisi terbaik untuk Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course yang didapat dalam perendaman menerus adalah agregat Slag 50% dan LDPE 6% sedangkan untuk perendaman berkala adalah agregat Slag 0% dan 50% dengan LDPE 6% dan 8%.
Analisa kebutuhan sarana transportasi sekolah: Studi kasus di wilayah kota Tegal Teguh Prihatno; Rachmat Mudiyono; antonius antonius
Pondasi Vol 28, No 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/pondasi.v28i1.30285


Ketersediaan angkutan sekolah yang layak dapat menjadi alternatif solusi bagi pemangku kepentingan untuk merubah perilaku pelajar yang saat ini banyak menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dalam melakukan perjalanan kesekolah. Kondisi ini dinilai tidak efisien, mengingat dampak yang ditimbulkan. Jaminan ketepatan waktu, kenyamanan, keselamatan, dan keamanan dalam perjalanan menggunakan moda transportasi angkutan sekolah menjadi parameter hasil kajian efektivitas angkutan sekolah di Kota Tegal. Hingga saat ini, pelayanan angkutan umum di kota Tegal dinilai masih belum dapat bekerja secara optimal. Tidak optimalnya fungsi layanan angkutan umum di kota Tegal, dianggap menjadi salah satu penyebab tingginya tingkat penggunaan kendaraan pribadi dikalangan pelajar. Oleh karena itu, penyediaan jasa angkutan sekolah yang layak dapat menjadi salah satu solusi alternatif untuk mengatasi kepadatan arus lalulintas di kota tersebut, khususnya pada jam sibuk seperti jam berangkat dan pulang sekolah. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa minat pelajar dalam menggunakan jasa angkutan sekolah masih cukup tinggi, dengan catatan bahwa moda transportasi yang dimaksud mampu menjangkau daerah dimana para pelajar tinggal.
Analisis Penataan Sistem Drainase Sebagai Pengembangan Edu-Tourism Khaira Ummah di Kampus Unissula Semarang Mochamad Hisam Ashari; Rachmat Mudiyono; Soedarsono Soedarsono
Pondasi Vol 28, No 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/pondasi.v28i1.30389


Floods and Rob floods are natural disasters that often occur in Indonesia. The UNISSULA campus area is in the Pantura road area. UNISSULA is one of the campuses affected by floods and robs. Extreme weather conditions and rising sea levels have exacerbated the condition of the north coast road. Thus causing traffic jams and activities of the surrounding community to falter.The purpose of this study was to analyze the drainage system of the UNISSULA campus area by utilizing the potential of a storage pond by disposing of water directly into the estuary. With this research, it is hoped that it can be used as data and material for consideration for the development of a drainage system in the campus area and to become a pilot campus to control flooding. The method used is a simulation of the rainfall-runoff model using EPA SWMM Version 5.1.This study carried out two scenarios in carrying out flood control efforts, namely the first scenario, the existing west, and east retention ponds will be connected to pond 1, for the pond in the north, will be connected from pool 4 to the engineering pool, channeled to pool 3, to pool 2 and connected with pool 1 equipped with a pump with a capacity of 1 m3/sec with additional long storage from pool 2 to pool 1 along 184 meters. The second scenario is to break the direction of the front and rear drainage flows. For drainage, it will be pulled into pond 4, then a technical pond until it is connected to pool 2 and discharged directly into the sea with a flood pump with a capacity of 0.5 m3/sec. This makes the flood travel time short and is expected to reduce inundation. With this scenario, it can also be developed as Khairu Ummah Edu-tourism Khaira Ummah in the campus area.