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Perspektif Vol 8 No 02 (2017): Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Publisher : UIR Press

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In technology based era nowadays, blended learning appears as an option to run interactive andmeaningful learning atmosphere by combining virtual and traditional learning settings. There have beennumerous studies conducted regarding to the implementation of blended learning activities. Manyresearchers suggested that blended learning methods are effective in facilitating the process of effectiveonline learning. However, teachers and students may encounter some difficulties in adjusting blendedlearning due to their unfamiliarity of new learning system that require them to fully understand it. Inline with the application of the blended learning in teaching and learning contexts, this paper providesdescriptive qualitative research of the relevant literature that aimed to present three points in relation tochallenges, benefits, and instructional best practices of blended learning in teaching and learning. Thefindings indicate that the implementation of blended learning can be a challenge for teachers if they arenot supported by self-confidence, competence, and adequate accessibility to technology resources.However, blended learning instruction provides positive benefits for both teachers and students, such aspedagogy improvements and easy access to knowledge. Hence, some efforts need to be considered byteachers to have effective course design and provide active learning approaches in both face to face andvirtual learning environments.
Teaching Practicum Current Practices: Challenges and Opportunity Shalawati, Shalawati; Hadijah, Sitti
J-SHMIC : Journal of English for Academic Vol 5 No 1 (2018): J-SHMIC(Journal of English for Academic)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP UIR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/jshmic.2018.vol5(1).1261


The aims of this study is to explore the practicum implementation in order to see barrier occurs and to suggest off possible solution to issues occur into the below specific objectives: (a) to explore form of PPL implementation from several points of view: school partners, supervisor-lecturer, and teacher-student, (b) to overview the actual work of the students in the school, viewing from workload and timing, (c) to describe supervision from school partner teacher, types of supervision and partnership pattern in the classroom. The approaches employed samples from four schools, a university and related research participants all of whom are probed for detail individual and group interview. There is also a look for document review applied for better comprehension of the practice. The selected schools are; two SMPs and two SMAs, all of which lie in Pekanbaru. Then, the university reviewed at was Universitas Islam Riau. The research sees that the currect practice is running well, however, there are few wrong doing happening on the ground that school management and PPL unit need to review about, such as workload of the students, supervision, and illegal request from schools that related to financial or non-financial. The timing of the practicum variation need some unified approached and the university need to delegate supervisor-lecturer for initial talk with schools regarding the timing, at about 2 months period. On the other hand, the preparation of the students is in need of revision in term of their self awarenes for experience-based learning. And post practicum reflection process is strongly suggested for better practice and indivdual strengthening learning process.
Enhancing English Language Learners’ Listening Comprehension through Listening Strategies Instruction Hadijah, Sitti; Shalawati, Shalawati
J-SHMIC : Journal of English for Academic Vol 5 No 1 (2018): J-SHMIC(Journal of English for Academic)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP UIR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/jshmic.2018.vol5(1).1204


This paper is a part of research project carried out to enhance the English learners’ listening comprehension through listening strategies instruction. The research worked on classroom action research design, conducted in two cycles by involving a group from fresh year English learners in English study program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Islam Riau on 2017/2018 academic year. The findings revealed gradual improvement of the students’ performances in doing the listening tests. At the first cycle, the students could reach 25 out of 40 questions, in which this number is four points less than the students’ achievement in cycle 2. Then, in range 10-25 questions of correct answers in cycle 1 could be reached by 24 students, while in cycle 2, there were 32 students got correct answers at that range. Furthermore, there were 6 students could reach less than 10 questions correctly, beside that there were only 3 students in cycle 2. In conclusion, there have been improvement of the students’ achievements in listening tasks provided in all meetings during cycle 1 and 2. Although they found challenges in completing the tests, the teachers’ assistances in guiding them to apply some strategies contributed towards the improvement of their performances in listening. Keywords: enhancing, listening comprehension, listening strategies instruction
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 12, No 2 (2020): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (572.757 KB) | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v12i2.202


This research aims to describe senior high school students’ perspectives about the use of learning media in English language teaching context and to investigate the sorts of interactive and educative learning media in English language teaching. This research worked on descriptive research design, both qualitative and quantitative data were collected through a questionnaire. This study involved 171 senior high school students who voluntary filled in the questionnaire. The research findings reveal that the use of learning media to support learning process needs to be improved since the media used needs to be adjusted with the current trend of learning that is technology-based learning media. In addition, Powerpoint slides, video, film, online or traditional games were found as interactive and educative learning media from the students’ perspectives. The students are excited when the teachers are presenting media in their learning process, even though it only simply presented through Powerpoint. In other words, learning media has an essential role to support effective learning atmosphere for the students. 
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 10, No 2 (2018): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v10i2.75


Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik dan dibuktikan dengan kepemilikan sertifikat IELTS menjadi suatu kebutuhan saat ini, terutama bagi para mahasiswa yang ingin melanjutkan studi ataupun mengembangkan karir mereka pada level internasional. Dalam hal ini, para mahasiswa perlu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris dan mengenal IELTS, serta memiliki pengalaman dalam menyelesaikan tes IELTS ataupun tes simulasi IELTS. Terkait dengan adanya beberapa keterampilan yang diuji pada IELTS, penelitian ini berfokus pada tes keterampilan menyimak (listening) dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menyimak karena menyimak merupakan langkah pertama pada kegiatan komunikasi. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menemukan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan dan kesulitan pada tes yang diberikan. Penelitian ini dirancang menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif melalui teknik sampel purposif yang melibatkan 35 orang mahasiswa untuk melakukan tes simulasi IELTS (menyimak). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peserta tes telah mampu memahami informasi yang mereka dengar selama tes dilaksanakan, tetapi masih berada pada konteks komunikasi sederhana yang telah diketahui dengan baik oleh peserta tes. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan perolehan rentang nilai 4—6 oleh sebahagian besar peserta tes, sehingga tingkat keterampilan mahasiswa dalam melakukan tes perlu ditingkatkan. Faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan siswa dalam melakukan tes adalah faktor persiapan dan latihan, tetapi sebahagian besar mahasiswa tidak melakukan persipan khusus ketika akan melakukan tes simulasi yang diberikan, sehingga hasil yang diperoleh perlu ditingkatkan.Having good English skill which is proven by the ownership of IELTS certificate becomes a need nowadays, particularly for students who want to pursue their study in higher level or step out in international level career. In this case, the students need to keep improving their English, study about IELTS, have experience in completing IELTS test. Since there are some skills assessed in IELTS, this article focused on discussing the students’ performances in Listening IELTS test with two objectives; to analyse the students’ performances in IELTS listening tests, and to find out some factors infleuneced the students’ success and difficulty in comepeleting the test. Hence, this research is descriptive research by working on quantitative and qualitative data and involving 35 students to join the tests. The findings of the research reveal that most of the students had already showed their good perofmances in compeleting the listening tests since they could reach 4-6 range of scores. However, the students need to keep improving their performances in the future listening test. Furthermore, having preparation before conducting EILTS test become one of the most essential components to be success in the test, but most of the students did not seriously prepare themselves when taking the test.
Analisis Kemampuan Mahasiswa dalam Berkomunikasi secara Lisan pada Tes Simulasi IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Sitti Hadijah; Shalawati Shalawati; Andi Idayani
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Islam Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/geram.2018.vol6(2).2194


IELTS (International English Language Testing System) merupakan salah satu tes kemahiran berbahasa Inggris yang megukur 4 keterampilan berbahasa Inggris seseorang. Terkait dengan adanya beberapa keterampilan berbahasa Inggris yang diukur di IELTS, penelitian ini berfokus pada penelitian berbicara (speaking) yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris pada IELTS Simulation Test untuk menganalisa kemampuan mahasiswa dalam melakukan tes keterampilan berbicara, serta menemukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan dan menjadi penghambat dalam melakukan tes simulasi yang diberikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat keterampilan mahasiswa dalam melakukan tes simulasi IELTS untuk keterampilan berbicara perlu untuk ditingkatkan lagi karena sebahagian besar mahasiswa masih berada pada rentang nilai 4-6. Sehingga, dapat dimaknai bahwa tingkat keterampilann mahasiswa dalam melakuan tes simulasi EITLS Speaking (Berbicara) sudah menunjukkan keterampilan yang cukup baik karena ada beberapa mahasiswa yang mampu meraih rentang nilai 7, dan sebahagian besar peserta tes juga sudah berada pada rentang 5-6, hanya beberapa mahasiswa yang berada pada rentang 4-4,5. Faktor latihan merupakan faktor utama yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan peserta tes untuk meningkatkan keterampilan mereka dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris, namun seluruh mahasiswa yang diinterview mengemukakan bahwa mereka tidak melakukan persiapan khusus ketika mereka akan melakukan tes, sehinggan hasil yang mereka peroleh masih perlu untuk ditingkatkan. Selain itu, kecemasan pada saat melakukan tes berbicara mempengaruhi keterampilan peserta tes dalam menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan, selain itu kesulitan peserta tes dalam memahami beberapa makna kata yang dituturkan oleh penguji menimbulkan kesulitan bagi peserta tes untuk merepon pertanyaan yang diajukan, namun mengetahui tips dan trik dalam melaukan tes IELTS Speaking dapat meminimalisir hal-hal yang dapat mengganggu selama pelaksanaan tes. Kata Kunci : Berbicara, Tes Simulasi IELTS
MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF DAN EDUKATIF PADA PENGAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS DISEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS (PERSPEKTIF GURU PADA PENGGUNAAN MEDIA): (Interactive and Educative Learning Media in English Language Teaching at Senior High School (Teachers’ Perspectives in Using the Media) Sitti Hadijah; Marhamah Marhamah; Shalawati Shalawati
Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan Vol 10 No 2 (2019): Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/perspektif.2019.vol10(2).4020


Penelitian ini diajukan untuk memperoleh informasi terkait dengan penggunaan media pada pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Menengah Atas, serta untuk mengetahui jenis media yang digunakan untuk mendukung terlaksananya pembelajaran yang edukatif dan interaktif pada konteks pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris berdasarkan berdasarkan perpektif guru bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dekriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan data-data yang telah dikumpulkan secara kualitatif melalui lembar kuesioner yang diberikan sekolompok guru-guru bahasa Inggris yang telah memiliki pengalaman mengajar bahasa Inggris selama 1-5 tahun di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran yang diintegrasikan dengan teknologi sudah diterapkan oleh para guru, seperti menggunakan powerpoint slides, internet, komputer/laptop, film, permainan virtual dan tradisional. Selain itu, para guru mengemukakan bahwa media yang dipresentasikan untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris sangat mendukung meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa Inggris peserta didik. Namun, para guru perlu untuk menggunakan bergam media pembelajaran yang terkait dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini sehingga kegiatan pembelajaran dapat berlangsung lebih efektif dan bermakna.
Proceedings of ISELT FBS Universitas Negeri Padang Vol 5 (2017): The Proceedings of International Seminar on English Language and Teaching
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.77 KB)


As numerous issues of effective use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in English teaching and learning contexts, many teachers worldwide have been starting to deploy either simple of advanced technology products. However, some challenges are still inevitable, which affect the effectiveness of ICT integration in teaching and learning process. In this case, this paper reports an effort of investigating teachers’ barriers to ICT integration in teaching English at Senior High Schools in Pekanbaru. This study worked on descriptive research design in which qualitative and quantitative approaches employed to analyze the underlying barriers of ICT integration in English language teaching. Questionnaires were distributed to fourteen Senior High School teachers in Pekanbaru, and afterwards open-ended interview was also carried out to gather further information about the teachers’ barriers in integrating ICT. Then, the findings indicated that some barriers encountered by the teachers in term of accessibility of ICT, time, professional development, and technical support. Hence, these linking barriers suggest the teachers should be fully motivated and supported to engage with ICT in their teaching activities.  
Listening Comprehension Hindrances of EFL (English Foreign Language) Learners on 2016/2017 in English Study Program of Universitas Islam Riau Sitti Hadijah; Shalawati Shalawati
J-SHMIC : Journal of English for Academic Vol. 4 No. 1 (2017): J-SHMIC(Journal of English for Academic)
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (386.398 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/jshmic.2017.vol4(1).512


As one of essential skills to master a language, listening subject is provided as one of compulsory subjects to the learners in English study program at university level in order to help them in improving their English skill in term of having good ability in comprehending spoken information delivered by native or non-native speakers of English in various contexts of communication.Despite of having long term English learning experiences and easy access of learning sources, the learners seem still having hindrances in listening comprehension skill. Based on researcher’s experiences in teaching interpretative listening subject to the first year students of English study program, most of the students did not actively involve during the teaching and learning activities, they also had low performances on listening.In relation to the phenomena, this study was conducted with a descriptive research design in order to answer a question about the first year students’ listening comprehension hindrances. The participants were 30 students undertaking interpretative listening subject on 2016/2017 academic year at English Study Program, Universitas Islam Riau. Distributing questionnaire and interviewing the learners were done in collecting the data. Then, the findings show that there are five factors encountered by the learners as their hindrances in listening activities; inadequate listening practices, speed-rate of speakers, pronunciation, unknown vocabulary, and grammatical understanding
A Study on Listening Skills and Perspectives to First Year Students at English Department of Academic Year 2015/2016 Sitti Hadijah; Shalawati Shalawati
J-SHMIC : Journal of English for Academic Vol. 3 No. 2 (2016): J-SHMIC(Journal of English for Academic)
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (96.386 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/jshmic.2016.vol3(2).527


Good ability in listening means having competence to comprehend information during listening activities. However, Listening skill is still considered as one of the most difficult skills for English language learners although they have been learning English for few years. Hence, this study was designed to gather information about the students’ challenges in listening activities, their perspectives on listening subject, and positive factors on the students’ success in listening. Then, a set of listening test and questionnaire were distributed. Both quantitative and qualitative data were studied to identify the underlying matters in students’ listening skills, addressing challenges, main listening hindrance factors and learning experiences. The findings of this study revealed that the students faced problems in listening because they still could not complete the basic listening skills in the test. Furthermore, Most of them considered that the listening classes are challenging for them due to some problems and difficulties during the teaching and learning activities. Besides that, there were 5 factors influenced the students’ listening skill; lack of practice, limited vocabulary mastery, native speakers’ accent, pronunciation, and uninteresting learning materials. Moreover, their knowledge about English structure and good facilities in listening classes supported them to be able to figure out some challenges in listening activities. In addition, the students realized the important of the listening activities, but assistances from the teachers and some other students were still needed during the teaching and learning activities. In conclusion, having good listening skill still appeared as a challenge for the first year students at English Department of Academic Year 2015/2016.