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Investigating EFL Teachers' Emotional Regulation Strategies in Second Language Classroom Contexts Kristian Florensio Wijaya
ELT Worldwide: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 8, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/eltww.v8i1.18032


ABSTRACT            It is of clear importance for EFL teachers to better regulate their emotions while facing multivariate classroom vicinities offering undeniable uniqueness possessed by each learner. As a contradictory, EFL teachers frequently undergo emotional impairs during engaging in their vocation as burnout, emotional exhaustion, boredom, frustration, and reluctance. Responding to this serious teaching issue, emotional regulation strategies should be introduced earlier for EFL teachers in order to bring about positive teaching-learning influences for the whole school communities in terms of enjoyable learning activities, spirited learners, committed educators, and a solid rapport established among educational boards. This current study attempted to probe more profoundly on tangible emotional regulation strategies implemented by EFL teachers teaching in distinctive school institutions. One research problem was formulated in this study namely, what are the specific strategies EFL Teachers apply to regulate their emotions in second language learning contexts? This qualitative study utilized narrative inquiry to better obtain more obvious portrayals out of the teachers’ real-time experiences of managing their emotional states for particular teaching periods. The findings of this study displayed that the diminution of EFL teachers’ negative emotions will enable learners to achieve their gratifying learning outcomes and retain teachers to survive longer in their current vocation. 
Graduate Students’ Perceptions on their Self-Efficacy in Writing Academic Papers kristian florensio wijaya; Concilianus Laos Mbato
ELT Worldwide: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 7, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/eltww.v7i1.13010


ABSTRACTIt is notable to note here that self-efficacy needs to be ingrained strongly within graduate students to show a higher enthusiasm, efforts, and persistence in accomplishing various demanding academic writing projects. Tangibly, there are still many graduate students who lack motivation and confidence when doing academic writings. As a result, their attitudes toward writing turn into negative actions crippling their self-efficacy. This study aimed to investigate graduate students’ perceived self-efficacy in academic writings. One research problem was formulated in this study namely, how do English Education Master Students maintain their self-efficacy to accomplish their academic writings? This study employed a mixed-method harnessing classroom survey and interview questions to gather data from English Education Master Students engaging in academic writings, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta. Findings from this study revealed that graduate students are able to produce more qualified academic writing products when they are motivated continuously by their lecturer. Keywords: self-efficacy, perceptions, academic writings, graduate students, mixed method       
English Education Master Students' Attributional Beliefs in Their Academic Reading Venture Kristian Florensio Wijaya
ELT Worldwide: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/eltww.v8i2.20131


ABSTRACT     To breed more successful, tenacious, and proficient L2 academic readers, the precise conceptions of attributional beliefs should be introduced earlier at the commencement of the L2 academic reading venture to better assist them in coping with a wide variety of academic reading learning issues potentially quenched their potent reading learning endeavor. Specifically, adaptive attributional beliefs played an important role in this academic learning arena since graduate university EFL learners will accurately attribute their reading learning success and failure as the minimum expendable efforts rather than lack of learning competencies along with luck. This present qualitative study aimed to investigate English Education Master Students’ attributional beliefs in their academic reading venture. One research problem was enacted in this study namely, what are the specific attributional beliefs upheld by English Education Master Students while engaging in the academic reading venture? Qualitative content analysis was harnessed in this study to yield a set of renewable conceptions out of the tangible phenomenon. The suggestive findings succinctly recited that the full induction of adaptive attributional beliefs had enabled the participants to be more creative, innovative, independent, strategic, and competent L2 academic readers amid laborious academic reading learning enterprises. Keywords: attributional beliefs, adaptive attributional beliefs, English Education Master Students, qualitative content analysis
LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal Vol 11, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : English Department of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/let.v11i1.4539


To promote more holistic, pleasurable, and meaningful ELT enterprises requires specific durable psychological characteristics from EFL teachers in terms of positive emotions, well-being, robust motivation, and resilience. The ultimate psychological stream is noted as one of the paramount factors embodying brighter future educational outlooks since the majority of prior studies revealed that a higher degree of resilience would enable EFL teachers to cultivate stronger dedication, tenacity, and commitment in leading their pupils to reach the targeted learning outcomes fully. In consonance with this theoretical underpinning, the major focus of this present study is to unearth particular independent strategies employed by two invited EFL teachers in maintaining their resilience, particularly while being exposed to adverse working conditions and unpredictable stress events. Thus, the results obtained from these two invited participants will shed a new light regarding a set of rewarding independent strategies incorporated by EFL teachers in preserving their resilience amid taxing working conditions. In light of this matter, the sharing emanated from these research participants will work as a propelling force for global EFL teachers working under arduous teaching dynamics owing to the full activation of their resilience enabling them to stay on the right educational tracks; educating young generations for better future lives.
LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching Vol 24, No 2 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : English Education Study Programme of Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/llt.v24i2.3142


Abstract To be more proficient and self-regulated, L2 academic writers, the deployment of motivation regulation strategies should be incorporated at the commencement of academic writing learning enterprises, particularly during this pandemic situation. According to previous studies, the establishment of robust motivation regulation strategies will potentially help L2 academic writers to better manage the ongoing writing learning dynamics and cope with varied upcoming challenges. Specifically, this study was conducted qualitatively by lending support from qualitative content analysis in order to offer more overarching findings derived from actual events experienced by the participants. To comply with this objectivity, two research instruments were also utilized in this study namely the Likert-Scale questionnaire and open-ended interviews. Further, the Likert-Scale questionnaire was administered via Google Forms to be filled out by 36 English education master students from batch 2018 and 2019, and the open-ended interview inquiries were sent through WhatsApp application in order to obtain the responses from the three random selected interviewees. Results from this study revealed that the majority of English education master students had successfully become more competent and resilient academic writers through five major streams of motivation regulation strategies namely interest enhancement, performance self-talk, mastery self-talk, self-consequating, and environmental structuring.      Keywords: Motivation regulation strategies, academic writing, graduate students, Covid-19 pandemic
Elementary EFL teachers’ perceptions on code-switching in primary learning contexts Kristian Florensio Wijaya; Retno Muljani Retno Muljani; Barli Bram
Journal of English Language and Pedagogy Vol 3 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36597/jelp.v3i2.7236


In this 21st century teaching and learning, there is an intense debate involving language experts whether code-switching should be integrated into EFL learning contexts or not. The supporters of the L2 believed that intense training in the target language will enable EFL learners to be more proficient target language users. While the L1 experts allowed EFL teachers to apply their mother tongue while delivering the teaching-learning materials in order to deliver their teaching-learning instructions clearly for the learners. In line with this contradictory paradigm, EFL teachers need to implement the first language more judiciously in order to preserve learners’ first language and acquire their target language competencies fully. This study attempted to discover Elementary EFL teachers’ perceptions of the use of code-switching in primary learning contexts. This study utilized narrative inquiry utilizing one research instrument, open-ended interview questions to discover Elementary EFL teachers’ perceptions regarding the utilization of code-switching in primary learning contexts. The participants involving in this study were EFL teachers working in Demangan Baru 1 Elementary School, Yogyakarta. Findings from this study revealed that code-switching did not only help EFL teachers to deliver particular learning materials clearly but also promote greater EFL learning enjoyment for the students.
Eltin Journal : Journal of English Language Teaching in Indonesia Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Volume 8, Issue 2, October 2020
Publisher : STKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/eltin.v8i2.p75-90


To enable all EFL learners to engage in teacher-course experiences to be high-quality educators in the future, outcome-based education needs to be implemented by all lecturers in charge of improving the future national educational systems through hands-on, enjoyable, and cooperative learning experiences. Therefore, outcome-based education had been assumed as one of the best answers to rejuvenate the whole educational policies nowadays since the learners will be able to engage more proactively in portraying their status as future educators through mutual cognitive and affective engagement. This study employed a qualitative method to investigate whether outcome-based education had successfully promoted learning autonomy for EFL learners engaging in the introduction to education class. Furthermore, two researcher instruments were also utilized to obtain a higher degree of trustworthiness in this study namely classroom observation and classroom survey. In accord with the gathered data, the findings suggest all EFL lecturers teaching in teacher-course experiences to apply outcome-based education fully to promote a higher degree of enjoyment in learning, engage all learners to be more highly participative in disseminating a wide array of knowledge, and raise more intriguing awareness for the lecturers to be more self-evaluative on their applied teaching-learning practices. Keywords: outcome-based education, EFL learners’ learning autonomy, introduction to education class 
English Education Master Students' Perceptions on Their Agency as Future EFL Teachers Kristian Florensio Wijaya
Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Vol 6, No 2 (2021): July
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/ftl.v6i2.11994


This study investigated English Education Master Students’ perceptions of their agency as future EFL teachers. The underlying concern for conducting this study is a shortage of future EFL teachers’ professional development literature exploring the significance of promoting agency in varied second language classroom contexts. The narrative inquiry approach was employed to obtain more overarching depictions about the apparent stories told by the research participants to fulfil this central research objectivity. Ten open-ended written narrative inquiries were harnessed to shed more enlightenment for future EFL teachers’ professional development with the support of robust agency establishment. This set of narrative inquiry questions heed more profound attention to dig out graduate EFL students’ perceptions of their agency as prospective second language educators. The obtained findings overtly revealed that future EFL teachers could elevate their agency and promote holistic second language learning enterprises while their school institutions imparted continuous mutual supports. Eventually, the findings will shed more enlightenment for ELT experts, practitioners, and policymakers to design more unrestricted educational regulations. They supportively substantiate future EFL teachers' agency growth, particularly in Indonesia's EFL learning contexts, emphasizing the text-based learning achievements.
Polyglot Vol 17, No 2 (2021): JULY
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/pji.v17i2.3590


There is an indispensable need for language teachers to promote a more specific breakthrough in diverse wide-ranging Indonesian EFL classroom contexts. One of the efficient teaching-learning strategies worthwhile to achieve this holistic educational major objectivity is to promote student-centered learning approaches in which all learners are capable of constructing a vast array of knowledge jointly with their trusted learning companions. Responding to the resurgence of this learning strategy, both collaborative and problem-based learning enterprises can potentially breed more proficient, critical, creative, and autonomous L2 academicians. These positive matters may be due to the considerable number of precious learning opportunities imparted for learners to enrich each other’s existent understanding in the light of meaningful sharing as well as intimate cooperative networking. This study was conducted by using a library approach to reveal the renewable findings out of the observed phenomenon. Thus, 30 collaborative along with problem-based learning studies conducted in Indonesian EFL learning contexts were overviewed in this study. Generally speaking, two specific major themes strongly suggested Indonesian EFL teachers incorporating collaborative and problem-based learning approaches in their multiverse second language classroom settings to promote more fruitful learning outcomes that suit learners’ real-time life experiences.BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: Ada sebuah kebutuhan yang sangat krusial bagi para guru Bahasa untuk membawa sebuah terobosan yang spesifik di dalam keanekaragaman pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris konteks negara Indonesia. Salah satu dari strategi pembelajaran yang efektif untuk mewujudkan nilai holistik pendidikan ini adalah menerapkan metode pembelajaran berbasis student-centered dimana semua pelajar dapat memperkaya diri mereka dengan berbagai macam pengetahuan bersama-sama dengan rekan-rekan pembelajaran yang dipercaya. Berkenaan dengan kebangkitan dari strategi pembelajaran ini, pembelajaran berbasis kolaboratif serta pemecahan masalah berpeluang menghasilkan cendekiawan Bahasa kedua yang lebih cakap, kritis, kreatif, dan mandiri. Hal-hal positif dari pembelajaran ini barangkali disebabkan oleh banyaknya ketersediaan dari kesempatan belajar yang berharga ditujukan kepada para pelajar untuk memperkaya pemahaman mendasar mereka satu sama lainnya melalui sharing yang bermanfaat dan kerjasama kooperatif yang intim. Penelitian kualitatif ini menerapkan metode studi pustaka dengan meninjau hasil-hasil yang berarti dari 30 penelitian pembelajaran berbasis kolaboratif dan pemecahan masalah. Secara umum, 2 tema utama yang spesifik dengan kuat menganjurkan para guru Bahasa Inggris untuk menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis kolaboratif dan pemecahan masalah didalam konteks pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang beraneka ragam untuk mempromosikan pembelajaran yang lebih bermanfaat sesuai dengan konteks kehidupan sehari-hari para pelajar.
ELTR Journal Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : English Language Education Study Program Association (ELESPA) or Asosiasi Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (APSPBI), Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37147/eltr.v6i1.120


Abstract Inculcating a higher degree of metacognitive awareness in the presence of academic writing learning scope is a crucial matter for globalized ELT educationalists since learners can regulate their learning objectives, behavior, motivation, and endeavor for a better purpose. Specifically, this present qualitative study aimed to further investigate English Education Master Students’ metacognitive awareness in academic writing learning enterprises accompanied with the support of 10 narrative written interview inquiries asking about the significance of metacognitive awareness in their academic writing learning activities. Two English Education Master Students batch 2018 and 2020 from Sanata Dharma University were invited to take part in this study. Based on the obtained findings, these two participants concurred that a higher degree of metacognitive awareness gradually transformed them into more persistent and goal-oriented academic writers. In line with those aforementioned findings, it is worthwhile to be recommended for worldwide educators to continually nurture the robust development of graduate EFL learners’ metacognitive awareness to provide more long-lasting holistic academic writing learning values for their future career occurrences. Keywords: Metacognitive awareness, academic writing, narrative inquiry