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Improving Performance of Zakat Institution in Poverty Alleviation: Balanced Scorecard Approach Sulastiningsih Sulastiningsih; Suci Utami Wikaningtyas; Dwi Novitasari
Tazkia Islamic Finance and Business Review Vol. 14 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Empowerment (LPPM TAZKIA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30993/tifbr.v14i2.253


The purpose of this study is to develop a performance improvement model of Zakat Institution in Indonesia (OPZIS) using four balanced scorecard perspectives in poverty alleviation. The model is examined by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. Respondents of this study was 100 employees of 11 Zakat Institution, 100 muzzaki and 100 mustahiq. The results of this study prove that the Balanced Scorecard approach as a strategic management model can improve Zakat Institution performance. The quality of Zakat Institution performance is influenced by the organization's ability to grow and become a learning organization with training and support from supervisors. Good internal processes are created by employee satisfaction and loyalty, which ultimately affects the quality of customer service. Good quality customer service will affect customer satisfaction, which in turn, customers become  more loyal and affect Zakat Institution financial performance. High financial performance will increase the contribution of Zakat Institution in poverty alleviation. This is because Zakat Institution is able to properly channel the funds to those entitled to receive it, namely the poor.
Universal Raharja Community (URNITY Journal) Vol 3 No 2 (2023): URNITY (Universal Raharja Community)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33050/urnity.v3i2.2760


Pengelolaan dan pemanenan air hujan merupakan hal penting dalam menjaga kelestarian sumber air bagi keberlangsungan kehidupan. Namun, praktik tentang hal ini belum banyak dilakukan dan disadari oleh masyarakat terutamanya yang berada di daerah yang minim pasokan air dan rawan terjadi kekeringan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan solusi tentang kurangnya pengetahuan dan praktik memanen air hujan. Metode yang digunakan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan ini adalah dengan edukasi melalui pemaparan materi dan diskusi, serta melakukan praktik dan pendampingan dalam pengelolaan dan pemanenan air hujan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah bertambahnya pengetahuan, pemahaman tentang pengelolaan dan pemanenan air hujan serta mampu menerapkan sistem sederhana untuk pemanenan air hujan melalui atap gedung sekaligus pemanfaatan misalnya untuk berwudhu.
Pendampingan “Maggot BSF” Pengolahan Sampah dan Sarana Wisata Edukasi Karang Taruna Desa Bawuran Pleret Bantul Prafidhya Dwi Yulianto; Dwi Novitasari; Agung Slamet Prasetyo; Lilik Ambarwati
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): February 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Sunan Bonang Tuban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61231/jp2m.v2i1.165


Cultivating BSF maggots can be used to decompose organic waste. This community service activity aims to: (1) find out the amount and sorting of organic waste produced by Bawuran village residents; (2) Bawuran village residents have a special place for organic waste and organic waste sorting; (3) Bawuran village Youth Organization is able to cultivate BSF maggots; (4) Bawuran village Youth Organization is able to utilize the results of BSF Maggot cultivation; (5) The government/residents of Bawuran village have a waste education tourist attraction. The method of implementing community service activities is by means of training and mentoring. As a result of this community service activity, the residents of Bawuran village have a waste sorting place, Karang Taruna is able to cultivate BSF maggots and there is a waste education tour in Puncak Sosok. This community service activity provides waste processing solutions, community empowerment and adds economic value to community income by utilizing waste cultivation products and educational tourism.