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Dampak Obyek Wisata Religi Makam Gus Dur Terhadap Pendapatan Pedagang Di Tebuireng Kecamatan Diwek Kabupaten Jombang Ilyas Nurul Azam
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 7 No 2 (2019): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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This study aims to determine the impact of religious tourism Gus Dur of income traders, these findings are; Visitors to the tomb of Sunan degrees has a goal to enjoy and linger in the pilgrimage, the pilgrims usually they unwind by buying food and drinks around the tomb of Sunan degrees as well as pocket money if there is more they prefer to buy souvenirs bearing the tomb of Gus Dur , even they also provided a place to stay so it can also indirectly increase the income of traders. Friday day on certain days of the Islamic month of Ramadan, especially in the number of visitors increased. Results of analysis of different test average (compare the mean) with t-test with Paired Two Sample for Means (Paired Data) between income trader before he was traded by the trade around the tomb of Gus Dur with an average income of 42 food and beverage vendors, toys children, souvenir, souvenirs and religious equipment moving at intervals 28,444,390,243.90 and 122,250,000,00 with average earnings up to 1,650,000,00 526.097.56 showed that it greatly affects the location of differences on income traders, before trading at the location about the Tomb of Gus Dur by not selling around the grave even though the merchants did not have the homogeneity of old sell.
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan Vol. 8 No. 6 (2021): November-2021
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/vol8iss20216pp757-770


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas secara mendalam terkait penerapan wakaf produktif di lembaga pendidikan agama TPQ dari perspektif madzhab Syafi'i. Penelitian ini diklasifikasikan sebagai penelitian kualitatif karena data yang digunakan bersifat kualitatif. Yakni, informasi yang diperoleh dari Kepala TPQ, nadzir, dan penyewa yang menjadi pemikiran atau pemahaman mereka tentang objek atau topik tertentu, dalam hal ini, adalah pengembangan kontrak ijarah di tanah wakaf. Penelitian ini menunjukkan perkembangan wakaf produktif melalui perjanjian ijarah di lembaga pendidikan agama dalam bentuk TPQ yang sudah memenuhi syarat dan rukun ijarah menurut madzhab Imam Syafi'i. Hal ini dibuktikan karena, dari transaksi atau perjanjian tersebut, nazir telah menggunakan tenggat waktu per tahun. Selain itu, sudah ada juga kesepakatan dari awal bahwa tanah wakaf yang disewa digunakan untuk melakukan bisnis perdagangan. Dan sewa tempat itu hanya sementara, bukan untuk selamanya. Penelitian ini dapat menjadi masukan bagi praktisi ekonomi syariah untuk dapat mengembangkan wakaf produktif secara optimal dengan model ijarah serta menjadikan wakaf produktif di TPQ sebagai model pengembangan wakaf produktif yang sangat potensial di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Wakaf produktif, ijarah, Pendidikan keagamaan, madzhab Syafi’i. ABSTRACTThis research discussed the application of productive waqf in the TPQ (Al-Qur’an Learning Centre) religious education institution from the perspective of the Syafi'i school of thought. This research was classified as qualitative research because it used qualitative data, namely the information obtained from the Head of TPQ, nadzir, and tenants that became their thoughts or understanding of a particular object or topic, in this case, was the development of an ijarah contract on waqf land. This research showed the productive waqf development through ijarah agreements in religious educational institutions in the form of TPQ that had fulfilled the requirements and pillars of ijarah according to the Imam Syafi'i school of thought. It was proven that Nazir had used the deadline per year from the transaction or agreement. In addition, there was also an agreement from the beginning that the leased waqf land was used to conduct trading business. Furthermore, the lease of the place was only temporary, not forever. This research can be an input for practitioners of Islamic economics to develop productive waqf optimally with the ijarah model and make productive waqf in TPQ as a model for developing productive waqf with great potential in Indonesia.Keywords: Productive Waqf, Ijarah, Religious Education, Shafi'i madhhab. REFERENCESAl-Syarbaini, S. M. I. M., & al-Khatib, E. (2009). Mughni al-muhtaj ilâ maʻrifah maʻânî alfadz al-minhaj, juz 2. 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Penerаpаn Nіlаі Іslаm Pаdа Proses Rekrutmen Sumber Dаyа Mаnusіа PT. Аnekа Dhіnаmіkа Solusі-Sіdoаrjo Triana Rosalina Noor; Ilyas Nurul Azam
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 11 No 1 (2023): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Background. The proper humаn resource recruіtment process wіll benefіt аn orgаnіzаtіon. Іslаmіc vаlues ​​guіde the crіterіа thаt must be met referrіng to the expertіse аnd competіtіon possessed.Aim. Thіs reseаrch іs to descrіbe аnd аnаlyze the аpplіcаtіon of Іslаmіc vаlues ​​іn the humаn resource recruіtment process аpplіed аt PT. Аnekа Dhіnаmіkа Solusі (АDS) Sіdoаrjo.Methods. The quаlіtаtіve cаse study аpproаch wаs selected usіng observаtіon, documentаtіon аnd іntervіews wіth two іnformаnts who were determіned purposіvely.Results. The results of thіs study іndіcаte thаt PT. АDS аs аn outsourcіng compаny іn cаrryіng out the workforce recruіtment process hаs іmplemented Іslаmіc vаlues, іncludіng hаvіng аn аgreement wіth the workforce before stаrtіng work, the аccepted workforce must be mаture, mаіntаіn good cooperаtіve relаtіons аnd cаrry out delіberаtіon аs а solutіon іf а dіspute occurs. іn the collаborаtіve process.
Analisis Efisiensi dan Efektivitas Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah Terhadap Realisasi Anggaran Pembangunan di Sektor Pendidikan Kabupaten Jombang Ilyas Nurul Azam
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 8 No 2 (2020): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Performance indicators for development activities are quantitative and qualitative measures that describe the level of achievement of a predetermined activity which is categorized into inputs, outputs, outcomes, benefits and impacts of regional development activities. This study specifically analyzes how: (1) the consistency between the Regional Expenditure Budget and the realization of the development budget in the Jombang Regency government's education sector from a financial perspective, (2) the level of efficiency and effectiveness of the development budget in the education sector which is allocated from the Budget Revenue Expenditures The area as seen from the realization of the budget, expenditure plans and realization of expenditure in the Jombang Regency government's education sector. Measurement analysis using the Balance Score Card method of financial aspects and Value For Money levels of efficiency and effectiveness. The results of this study indicate that: (1) there is consistency between the Regional Expenditure Budget and the realization of the development budget in the Jombang Regency government's education sector from a financial perspective, (2) the development budget in the education sector is allocated from the Regional Expenditure Budget from a financial perspective. budget realization, expenditure plans and realization of expenditure in the education sector of the Jombang Regency government are said to be efficient with a value of more than 90% and an effectiveness level of 100% taking into account the outcomes achieved
Peranan Ekonomi Syariah Dalam Perkembangan Digitalisasi Ekonomi Terkait Prospek Marketplace Di Indonesia Ilyas Nurul Azam
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 9 No 1 (2021): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Disruption also turns trade transactions commonly done in physical markets into virtual markets, or commonly referred to as marketplaces. The change turned out to bring many opportunities so that not a few businesses start even switching their business to the online world. In addition to creating opportunities for businesses, the change is also enjoyed by consumers who want to buy products or services because cenderueng facilitate transactions ithout having to meet physically. However, some of these economic actors take advantage of these changes regardless of the limits of sharia. Sharia economic values that are collected universally, in the form of monotheism (faith), 'adl (justice), nubuwwah (prophecy), khilafah (leadership), and ma'ad (results). From these values, it is then stated in the goals of Islam, namely maqoshid syari'ah which is composed of religion (hifdz ad-din), soul (hifdz an nafs), reason (hifdz al-aql), honor (hifdz an-nasl), and wealth ( hifdz al maal) which will describe the role of the Islamic economy in digitalizing the economy,especially in the marketplace. In writing this thesis, the writer uses research qualitative, namely research that intends to understand the phenomenon about what is experienced by research subjects such as behavior, perceptions, motivations, actions and others holistically and in a way description in the form of words and language, in a special natural context and by utilizing various scientific methods.From this research, it is intended that Sharia economy has a role to play in the development of economic digitalization, especially in the prospect of marketplace in Indonesia. In this case, the authors used qualitative research methods with a type of library research (literature) and produce relevant points of the role of Sharia economy in the development of economic digitization related to the prospects of marketplaces in Indonesia.
J-Mabes: Jurnal Manajemen, Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Studi Ekonomi Syariah Vol 1 No 1 (2023): J-Mabes
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang

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Based on findings in the field, the Account Officer Analysis of BMT Maslahah Wagir Branch has not used the 5C principle (character, capacity, capital, collateral, condition) in analyzing the feasibility of murabahah financing, but only uses two principles, namely character and customer ability, so that if these two principles have been fulfilled then the other three principles will follow these two principles. However, in implementing installments, there are customers who are fluent in payments and there are customers who are late in the payment process. The purpose of the study was to determine the feasibility process of murabahah financing at BMT Maslahah, Wagir Branch. The method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. This research was conducted at BMT Maslahah Wagir Branch. The results show that the feasibility analysis of the financing proposed by the customer will be analyzed by the BMT Maslahah Wagir Branch using the 5C principle (Character, Capacity, Collateral, Capital, Condition). In addition, the strategy in analyzing financing applies various things, such as taking a personal approach to prospective customers in a communicative manner and conducting interviews by preparing various required documents.
Freedom To Act Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah (Studi Prospek Ekonomi Syariah Era 4.0 di Indonesia) Ilyas Nurul Azam; Eka Kurniatiningsih
J-Mabes: Jurnal Manajemen, Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Studi Ekonomi Syariah Vol 1 No 1 (2023): J-Mabes
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang

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Economic freedom is a form of freedom or authority possessed by individuals of each economic actor to carry out economic activities with all the capabilities, opportunities and desires they have in their efforts to meet life needs and satisfaction with the ultimate goal of welfare level. Since the development of the Industrial Revolution from era 1.0 to 4.0, there have been various developments towards regenerating the industry in a direction that is completely sophisticated, both in information technology and communication technology. This era of 4.0 is not well understood and implemented by the majority of countries in the world. This is due to a lack of knowledge and the inability of a country to keep up with the very rapid pace of industrial development in the 4.0 era. This research, it is intended that the prospect study of the sharia economy can contribute to a country, especially Indonesia, so that it can keep up with the pace of economic development in the 4.0 era, so that the lack of relevance of the 4.0 era can be addressed by the transformation of the sharia economic prospects. This case, the author uses qualitative research methods with the type of literature (library research) wich uses a theological-philosophical approach directed at universal coclusions with a fulcrum at the root of the problem. The produces research on the point of relevance of the sharia economic prospects in addressing the pace of economic freedom in the era of 4.0 which is considered irrelevant in the majority of countries in the world. As for the point that is considered relevan in islamic economics is the point of utility, equality of opportunity, social justice, multiple ownership and others.
J-Mabes: Jurnal Manajemen, Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Studi Ekonomi Syariah Vol 1 No 2 (2024): J-Mabes
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang

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Nowadays, in the modern era, the use of marketing strategies aims to modify and introduce existing products to the wider community. Along with the times and accompanied by technological developments, the use of advertising as a promotional medium has changed. One way or steps that companies can take to create advertisements that are appropriate to the current era in marketing their products is by using endorsements. The goal to be achieved in this writing is how the social economy views the use of endorsements in promotional activities The research uses the approach used in this research, namely using a qualitative descriptive approach, while the type of research used in this research is literature. The results of this research are that endorsements are one type of muamalah that is not prohibited in Islam, but there is nothing prohibited in this activity in sharia provisions
Efektivitas Penggunaan Dana Desa Pada Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Masyarakat Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah Di Desa Rejoagung Jombang Ilyas Nurul Azam; Salamah Layliya
J-Mabes: Jurnal Manajemen, Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Studi Ekonomi Syariah Vol 1 No 2 (2024): J-Mabes
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang

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Village funds are one of the most important aspects of a village to carry out government programs. This includes programs for the welfare of the people in their area. It is believed that the village government is better able to see the priorities of the community's needs compared to the district government, which actually has a wider and more complex scope of problems. The purpose of this study is to determine the use of village funds, the effectiveness of the use of village funds for the economic welfare of the community and the use of village funds in a sharia economic perspective. This research uses a type of field research with a qualitative descriptive research method, the methods used in this research are: observation, interviews, and documentation. To analyze the data, the authors use the analysis of the Miles and Huberman models with deductive thinking methods. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the implementation of the 2021-2022 Village Funds is well distributed because the use of Village Funds in the field of development and community empowerment is almost balanced, which will later create prosperity, prosperity, independence for the community and widespread development for the village.