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Qadauna: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol 1 No 3
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/qadauna.v1i3.14429


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban seorang istri yang ditetapkan sebagai narapidana. Dikarenakan seorang istri tidak bisa memenuhi hak dan kewajibannya seperti biasanya sebelum ditetapkan sebagai narapidana. Agar masyarakat tidak kebingungan dalam hal pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban sebagai suami istri maka dibutuhkan informasi terkait dengan pelaksanaan hak dan kewajiban istri yang berstatus sebagai narapidana lembaga pemasyarakatan perempuan kelas II A Sungguminasa sekaligus dampak dari pelaksanaan hak dan kewajiban istri yang berstatus sebagai narapidana lembaga pemasyarakatan perempuan kelas II A Sungguminasa. Jenis penelitian yang dignkan dalam skripsi ini adalah field research kualitatif deskriptif yaitu mlakukan wawancara langsung di LPP kelas II A Sungguminasa. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan hak dan kewajiban istri yang menjalani hukuman dibatasi sesuai dengan kebijakan yang diterapkan di lapas. Kebijakan ini ialah diperbolehkannya bagi keluarga untuk berkunjung atau membesuk, disediakan telepon untuk berkomunikasi dengan keluarga. Saran yang diperoleh yaitu bagi masyarakat terkhusus keluarga dari para narapidana harus saling memahami apa yg menjadi hak dan kewajibannya supaya keharmonisan tetap terjaga.Kata Kunci: Hak, Kewajiban, Istri, Narapidana.
Qadauna: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol 2 No 3
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/qadauna.v2i3.19336


AbstrakDalam konsep perkawinan yang sesuai dengan tuntunan syar’i sudah seharusnya suami memberikan rasa cinta dan kasih sayang kepada isteri dengan sepenuh hati, berupa pelayanan yang baik dan tutur kata yang lembut dan juga memenuhi nafkah baik lahir maupun batin. Akan tetapi, tidak semua ikatan suci ini berjalan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan karena ada faktor yang menghalangi suami tidak dapat memberikan nafkah lahir maupun batin. Adapun faktor tersebut yaitu suami seorang narapidana dan mendekam di dalam penjara sehingga pemenuhan nafkah batin terkendala dan tidak terpenuhi.Adapun pertanyaan penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana pemenuhan nafkah batin seorang isteri apabila suami seorang narapidana yang sedang menjalani masa tahanan dan bagaimana implikasinya terhadap keharmonisan keluarga. Dengan menggunakan metode penellitian lapangan (field research), penulis juga menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis yaitu suatu metode yang meneliti suatu kelompok manusia, suatu objek ataupun suatu sistem pemikiran untuk membuat deskripsi, gambaran secara sistematis faktual dan akurat. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa pemenuhan nafkah batin yang dilakukan narapidana di Lapas kelas 1 Makassar berupa pemenuhan nafkah batin secara psikologis yaitu menelpon keluarga, bertatap muka saat isteri berkunjungdan saling memberi kabar lewat SMS, karena memang tidak tersedianya fasilitas ruang khusus(bilik asmara) untuk menyalurkan hasrat pemenuhan nafkah batin (seksual). Berdasarkan paparan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemenuhan nafkah batin yang selama ini dilakukan oleh para narapidana yang berada di Lapas kelas 1 Makassar yaitu pemenuhan nafkah batin selain berhubunan biologis. melainkan secara psikologis, yang mereka anggap bahwa dengan pemenuhan nafkah batin secara psikologis juga sangat berpengaruh terhadap keharmonisan rumah tangga.Kata Kunci: hak suami dan istri, lapas Kelas 1 MakassarAbstractIn the concept of marriage that is in accordance with the syar'i guidance, the husband should wholeheartedly give love and affection to his wife, in the form of good service and gentle speech and also fulfill both physical and mental livelihoods. However, not all of these sacred bonds go as expected because there are factors that prevent the husband from being able to provide physical and mental support. As for these factors, namely the husband of a prisoner and incarcerated in prison so that the fulfillment of his inner livelihood is constrained and not fulfilled. The research question in this thesis is how to fulfill the inner livelihood of a wife if the husband is a prisoner who is undergoing a prison term and what is the implication for family harmony. By using field research methods, the writer also uses descriptive analysis method, which is a method that examines a group of people, an object or a system of thought to make descriptions, descriptions systematically factual and accurate. The results of the study found that the fulfillment of the inner income carried out by prisoners in Class 1 Makassar in the form of psychological fulfillment, namely calling the family, meeting face to face when the wife visits and giving news to each other via SMS, because there is no special room facilities (love room) to channel the desire. fulfillment of inner (sexual) livelihood. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the fulfillment of the inner livelihood that has been carried out by the prisoners who are in Class 1 Makassar prison is the fulfillment of the inner livelihood apart from being biologically related. but psychologically, they think that psychologically fulfilling one's inner livelihood is also very influential on household harmony.Keywords: husband and wife rights, Class 1 Makassar prison 
Kewajiban Nafkah Suami Narapidana; Studi Kompratif Imam al-Syafi’i dan Imam Abu Hanifah Firdaus Firdaus; Saleh Ridwan
Shautuna: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Perbandingan Mazhab dan Hukum SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/shautuna.v2i3.21333


The subject of this research is the obligation to provide for the husband of the convicted husband. Nafkah is an obligation that must be carried out by a husband to his wife in a material form, because the word nafkah itself has a material connotation. Meanwhile, obligations in non-material forms, such as satisfying a wife's sexual desires, are not included in the definition of a living, even though they are carried out by the husband to his wife. This research aims to find out how the obligation to support the husband who is convicted. The stipulation on the amount of income of the convicted husband, takes into account the rich and poor conditions of the husband. Each husband of the convicted person provided a living based on his ability. If the husband who is convicted is a capable person, the income he has to give to his wife is in accordance with his abilities, namely as much as possible to provide the best living for his wife, but still within the level of his ability. And for prisoners who are unable or have a difficult economic life, the minimum income limit for their wives is as much as a person's body cannot stand upright if he is fed less than that.Keywords: Obligations; Living; Husband; Convict
HISABUNA: Jurnal Ilmu Falak Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/hisabuna.v3i2.22912


This study examines the role of the government in this case the Ministry of Religion of Barru Regency in overcoming problems related to religious affairs, one of which is the difference in the direction of Qibla in the community. Qibla direction is very important to know because it greatly affects the quality of worship (acceptance of prayer or not) that is done. In determining the Qibla direction, various methods are used, including using a istiwaini, compass, Qibla arc, and Qibla tracker. This research is classified as field research, with a normative (syar'i) and juridical theological research approach where the data that is considered relevant in the object of this research is studied in depth and then poured into a discussion in accordance with the existing problems, including those related to its existence in determining the Qibla direction and the implementation process in measuring the Qibla direction. Keywords: Ministry of Religion, Qibla Direction and Method