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Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dan Pengelolaan Kepegawaian Terhadap Penanggulangan Stres Guru Pada Sekolah Menengah Atas Di Sub Rayon 11 Parung Kabupaten Bogor Muhammad Mudzakkir; EE. Junaedi Sastradiharja
Al Ashriyyah Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): Al Ashriyyah
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Nurul Iman Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53038/alashriyyah.v5i1.51


This research aims to know and test the empirical data related to the influence of the leadership of the principal and the management of personnel against the management of stress teachers separately as well as simultaneously. In this research, the authors use quantitative methods with the corelasional approach towards quantitative data obtained from research object i.e. High school teachers in sub 11 rayon parung bogor Regency. The sample of this research is as much as 104 respondents out of a total population of 140 private high school teacher in sub 11 rayon parung bogor Regency. Data collection is done using an engineering question form/questionnaire. This type of analysis is the analysis of correlation and regression are spelled out in the descriptive. The results of this research are: First, There is a positive and significant influence among the leadership of the principal against stress management teacher the correlation coefficient of 0.660 and coefficient of determination R2 of 0.436 which give influence on stress management teacher of 43.6%. and the remaining 56.4% determined by other factors. Koefesien regression obtained Ŷ = 55.886 + 0.531X1 means that every increase of one unit of score leadership principals affect improvement score of teacher stress management 0.531. Second, There are a positive and significant influence between the management of the staffing against stress management teacher with the correlation coefficient of 0, 694 and the coefficient of determination R2 of 0, 481 that gives the effect on stress management teacher of 48.1% and the rest that is 51.9% determined by other factors. Koefesien regression obtained Ŷ = 50.334 + 0.572X2 means that each increase of one unit of score management staffing affects improvement score of teacher stress management0.572. Third, There are a positive and significant influence among the leadership of the principal and management staffing together-the same against stress management teacher with koefisen correlation = 0.706 and koefesien determination of R2 of 0 , 499 that influence is simultaneously against stress management teacher of 49.9% and the rest i.e. 50.1% is determined by other factors. Koefesien regression obtained Ŷ = 47.229 + 0.205X1+ 0.394X2means every one unit increase in score independent leadership of the principal and the management of personnel in simultaneously affect the improvement of teacher's stress management score 0.205+ 0.394 = 0.599.
Hubungan Antara Budaya Organisasi Dan Disiplin Dengan Produktivitas Mengajar Guru Sekolah Dasar Di Kecamatan Matraman Jakarta Timur EE. Junaedi Sastradiharja; Nyai Fatimah
Al Ashriyyah Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): Al Ashriyyah
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Nurul Iman Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53038/alashriyyah.v5i1.52


This study aims to find out and test empirical data related to the relationship between organizational culture, discipline and teacher teaching productivity simultaneously or separately. In this study, the authors used a survey method with a correlational and regression approach to quantitative data obtained from the object of research, namely Private Primary School teachers in Matraman sub-district. The sample of this study was 93 respondents out of a total of 120 private elementary school teacher populations in Matraman District in the odd semester of the 2018/2019 academic year. Data collection is done by using questionnaire / questionnaire, observation, and documentation techniques. The type of analysis used is correlation analysis and descriptive described regression. The results of this study are: First, there is a positive, strong and significant relationship between organizational culture and teacher teaching productivity with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.751 and a coefficient of determination (R2) of 56.4%. The direction of influence is indicated by the regression equation Ŷ = 31,073 + 0.749 X1, it can be read that each increase in one unit score of organizational culture (X1) affects the increase in teacher teaching productivity score (Y) of 0.749 points. Second, there is a positive, strong and significant relationship between discipline and teacher teaching productivity with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.736 and a coefficient of determination (R2) of 54.2%. The direction of influence is indicated by the regression equation Ŷ = 31,073 + 0,749 X2, it can be read that each increase in one unit of discipline score (X2) affects the increase in the teacher's teaching productivity score (Y) by 0.749 points. Third, there is a positive, strong and significant relationship between organizational culture and simultaneous discipline with teacher teaching productivity. The correlation coefficient (r) is 0.815 and the coefficient of determination (R2) is 66.4%. The direction of influence is indicated by the regression equation Ŷ = 12,191 + 0,467 X1 + 0,427 X2. From this equation it can be read that each increase in one independent unit score of organizational culture and discipline jointly affects the increase in teaching productivity scores 0.894.
Madani Institute : Jurnal Politik, Hukum, Ekonomi, Pendidikan dan Sosial-Budaya Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Madani Institutte | Jurnal Politik, Hukum, Ekonomi, Pendidikan, sosial dan Bud
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Studi kebijakan MADANI Instutute

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This study aims to determine and examine data related to the pedagogical competence of tahfidz teachers and the madrasa environment on the achievement of memorizing the Qur'an simultaneously. In this study the authors used a survey method through a questionnaire. The population in this study was 101, then the sample was taken as many as 81 students, using random sampling. The data analysis technique uses descriptive analysis, correlation coefficient, simple regression analysis and multiple regression which are described and described descriptively. The results of this study are: First, there is a positive and significant effect of the pedagogical competence of the tahfidz teacher on the achievement of memorizing the Qur'an based on the results of the partial t test in multiple linear regression analysis. The pedagogical competence of the tahfidz teacher has an effect on students' memorization achievement of 57.0% and the remaining 43.0% is determined by other factors. The simple linear regression equation (unstandardized coefficients B) shows Y = Y = 38.764 + 0.338 X1 which means that every one unit increase in the pedagogical competence score of the tahfidz teacher will have an effect on increasing the student's memorization achievement score of 39,102. Second, there is a positive and significant influence of the madrasa environment on students' memorization achievement based on the results of the partial t test in multiple linear regression analysis. the madrasa environment has an influence on student learning outcomes by 64.2% and the remaining 35.8% is determined by other factors. The simple linear regression equation (unstandardized coefficients B) shows Y = 34.848 + 0.373 X2, which means that each increase in one unit of madrasah environmental score will have an effect on increasing students' memorization achievement scores of 35.221. Third, there is a positive influence on the pedagogical competence of the tahfidz teacher and the madrasa environment simultaneously on the achievement of memorizing madrasas that will have an effect on increasing the score of memorization achievement. based on the results of the simultaneous F test (F test) in multiple linear regression analysis. The magnitude of the influence of the pedagogical competence of the tahfidz teacher and the madrasa environment simultaneously on the achievement of memorization is 73.3% and the remaining 26.7% is determined by other factors. The regression equation (unstandardized coefficients B) shows Y = 28.891 + 0.179 X1 + 0.250 X2, which means that every increase in the pedagogical competence score of the tahfidz teacher and Madrasah environment simultaneously, the student's memorization achievement increases, by 29.320
MANAJEMEN MUTU PEMBELAJARAN AL-QURAN DI SMA ISLAM AL-AZHAR BSD Irfan Qowwiyul Aziz Alhajj; EE. Junaedi Sastradiharja; Susanto
Jurnal Statement : Media Informasi Sosial dan Pendidikan Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): Statement | Jurnal Media Informasi Sosial dan Pendidikan
Publisher : PMPP Lembaga Penelitian dan Studi Kebijakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (68.747 KB) | DOI: 10.56745/js.v12i1.252


This research aims to identify and describe the meaning of quality management of Al-Quran learning in Al-Azhar Islamic High School Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) and identify how the steps for quality management of Al-Quran learning at Al-Azhar Islamic High School BSD are. The results of this research are that what is meant by quality management of al-Quran learning at Al-Azhar Islamic High School BSD is the management of al-Quran learning that is oriented towards quality, which means all of learning aspects starting from planning, implementing, evaluating and learning supervision is entirely carried out on a quality-based basis, including the quality of inputs, quality of processes, and quality of outputs. Al-Azhar Islamic High School BSD has taken four steps to manage the quality of learning: learning planning, learning implementation, learning evaluation, and learning supervision. In the management aspect of Al-Quran learning planning at Al-Azhar Islamic High School BSD, it has been going well although it is still not optimal, this is because the RPP that has been prepared by the teacher still does not meet the RPP standards in the 2013 curriculum. Meanwhile, in the management of implementation’s aspect has been going well and in accordance with the 2013 curriculum standards. Likewise in the aspect of learning evaluation which carries out an evaluation of 3 aspects of learning assessment: attitudes, knowledge and skills, and in the aspect of learning supervision’s management has also been going well and has clear and measurable supervision instruments and makes supervision as a way to improve the professionalism of Al-Quran teachers at Al-Azhar Islamic High School BSD
Madani Institute : Jurnal Politik, Hukum, Ekonomi, Pendidikan dan Sosial-Budaya Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Madani Institutte | Jurnal Politik, Hukum, Ekonomi, Pendidikan, sosial dan Bud
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Studi kebijakan MADANI Instutute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (68.782 KB) | DOI: 10.53976/jmi.v11i1.263


This study aims to determine and examine data related to the pedagogical competence of tahfidz teachers and the madrasa environment on the achievement of memorizing the Qur'an simultaneously. In this study the authors used a survey method through a questionnaire. The population in this study was 101, then the sample was taken as many as 81 students, using random sampling. The data analysis technique uses descriptive analysis, correlation coefficient, simple regression analysis and multiple regression which are described and described descriptively. The results of this study are: First, there is a positive and significant effect of the pedagogical competence of the tahfidz teacher on the achievement of memorizing the Qur'an based on the results of the partial t test in multiple linear regression analysis. The pedagogical competence of the tahfidz teacher has an effect on students' memorization achievement of 57.0% and the remaining 43.0% is determined by other factors. The simple linear regression equation (unstandardized coefficients B) shows Y = Y = 38.764 + 0.338 X1 which means that every one unit increase in the pedagogical competence score of the tahfidz teacher will have an effect on increasing the student's memorization achievement score of 39,102. Second, there is a positive and significant influence of the madrasa environment on students' memorization achievement based on the results of the partial t test in multiple linear regression analysis. the madrasa environment has an influence on student learning outcomes by 64.2% and the remaining 35.8% is determined by other factors. The simple linear regression equation (unstandardized coefficients B) shows Y = 34.848 + 0.373 X2, which means that each increase in one unit of madrasah environmental score will have an effect on increasing students' memorization achievement scores of 35.221. Third, there is a positive influence on the pedagogical competence of the tahfidz teacher and the madrasa environment simultaneously on the achievement of memorizing madrasas that will have an effect on increasing the score of memorization achievement. based on the results of the simultaneous F test (F test) in multiple linear regression analysis. The magnitude of the influence of the pedagogical competence of the tahfidz teacher and the madrasa environment simultaneously on the achievement of memorization is 73.3% and the remaining 26.7% is determined by other factors. The regression equation (unstandardized coefficients B) shows Y = 28.891 + 0.179 X1 + 0.250 X2, which means that every increase in the pedagogical competence score of the tahfidz teacher and Madrasah environment simultaneously, the student's memorization achievement increases, by 29.320
Madani Institute : Jurnal Politik, Hukum, Ekonomi, Pendidikan dan Sosial-Budaya Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): Madani Institutte | Jurnal Politik, Hukum, Ekonomi, Pendidikan, sosial dan Bud
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Studi kebijakan MADANI Instutute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitian tentang Optimalisasi Manajemen Ma’had Al-qur’an dalam Peningkatan Daya Saing ini dilaksanakan di Institut PTIQ Jakarta. Penelitian lebih difokuskan pada pengoptimalisasian pelaksanaan manajemen ma’had Al-qur’an menggunakan strategi George R. Terry pada Program Sarjana Institut PTIQ Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yaitu suatu penelitian yang bermaksud memahami fenomena tentang apa yang dialami oleh subjek penelitian. Data diperoleh melalui observasi lapangan, wawancara dengan pemangku kepentingan, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, Optimalisasi manajemen Ma’had Al-qur’an di Institut PTIQ Jakarta sudah sesuai dengan konsep teori manajemen George R. Terry, seperti dalam perencanaan yang sudah diterapkan sesuai fungsinya. Namun, ada beberapa bagian yang belum menerapkan fungsi tersebut karena hambatan yang ada. Kedua, Pengorganisasian manajemen Ma’had Al-Qur’an diwujudkan dengan tiga fokus program yaitu pembinaan tahsin dan tahfizh, pembinaan bahasa, dan pembinaan akhlak dan karakter, yang ditunjang oleh instrumen-instrumen yang telah disediakan oleh Ma’had Al-Qur’an dan di dukung oleh LTTQ, LBB, serta pendampingan oleh pengurus selama 24 jam. Ketiga, Pelaksanaan program-program dan kurikulum di Ma’had Al-Qur’an sudah berdasarkan standar operasional pelaksanaan yang sudah dituangkan ke dalam buku panduan dan dikuatkan oleh surat keputusan Rektor. Meskipun sudah terlaksana dengan baik, beberapa program dan kegiatan memiliki hambatan seperti penyediaan sarana dan prasarana yang belum optimal. Keempat, Pengawasan yang dilakukan Ma’had Al-Qur’an dilakukan secara langsung oleh mudabbir, musyrif, serta pimpinan Ma’had Al-Qur’an yang dibantu oleh LTTQ dan LBB dengan menggunakan instrumen-instrumen berupa buku panduan serta penugasan secara langsung.
Madani Institute : Jurnal Politik, Hukum, Ekonomi, Pendidikan dan Sosial-Budaya Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): Madani Institutte | Jurnal Politik, Hukum, Ekonomi, Pendidikan, sosial dan Bud
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Studi kebijakan MADANI Instutute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitian tentang Optimalisasi Manajemen Ma’had Al-qur’an dalam Peningkatan Daya Saing ini dilaksanakan di Institut PTIQ Jakarta. Penelitian lebih difokuskan pada pengoptimalisasian pelaksanaan manajemen ma’had Al-qur’an menggunakan strategi George R. Terry pada Program Sarjana Institut PTIQ Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yaitu suatu penelitian yang bermaksud memahami fenomena tentang apa yang dialami oleh subjek penelitian. Data diperoleh melalui observasi lapangan, wawancara dengan pemangku kepentingan, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, Optimalisasi manajemen Ma’had Al-qur’an di Institut PTIQ Jakarta sudah sesuai dengan konsep teori manajemen George R. Terry, seperti dalam perencanaan yang sudah diterapkan sesuai fungsinya. Namun, ada beberapa bagian yang belum menerapkan fungsi tersebut karena hambatan yang ada. Kedua, Pengorganisasian manajemen Ma’had Al-Qur’an diwujudkan dengan tiga fokus program yaitu pembinaan tahsin dan tahfizh, pembinaan bahasa, dan pembinaan akhlak dan karakter, yang ditunjang oleh instrumen-instrumen yang telah disediakan oleh Ma’had Al-Qur’an dan di dukung oleh LTTQ, LBB, serta pendampingan oleh pengurus selama 24 jam. Ketiga, Pelaksanaan program-program dan kurikulum di Ma’had Al-Qur’an sudah berdasarkan standar operasional pelaksanaan yang sudah dituangkan ke dalam buku panduan dan dikuatkan oleh surat keputusan Rektor. Meskipun sudah terlaksana dengan baik, beberapa program dan kegiatan memiliki hambatan seperti penyediaan sarana dan prasarana yang belum optimal. Keempat, Pengawasan yang dilakukan Ma’had Al-Qur’an dilakukan secara langsung oleh mudabbir, musyrif, serta pimpinan Ma’had Al-Qur’an yang dibantu oleh LTTQ dan LBB dengan menggunakan instrumen-instrumen berupa buku panduan serta penugasan secara langsung.
Profesi : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Keguruan Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): Profesi | Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Publisher : MPP: Lembaga Penelitian Dan Studi Kebijakan

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Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi lapangan. Sumber utama penelitian ini yakni observasi lapangan dan dokumentasi tertulis berupa modul pembelajaran tilawah full day. Selanjutnya untuk memperoleh sejumlah data yakni dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam tak terstruktur. penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa model pembelajaran tilawah berbasis talaqqi dan musyafahah mampu meningkatkan bakat seni baca Al-Qur’an pada santri sekolah tilawah Al-Qur’an. Model pembelajaran tilawah berbasis talaqqi dan musyafahah ini diterapkan pada program tilawah full day. Program pertama yang mengajarkan cara bertilawah dasar dalam waktu 4 bulan dan diajarkan oleh guru-guru yang professional dibidangnya. Pada program ini juga diajarkan teknik-teknik yang menunjang pembelajaran tilawah seperti teknik olah vokal, teknik pernafasan dan sebagainya. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa bakat adalah kemampuan yang akan terealisasi menjadi kecakapan nyata sesudah melalui proses belajar atau berlatih. Sejalan dengan teori bakat menurut Hilgard: “the capacity to learn” atau kemampuan untuk belajar
Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Dalam Pemenuhan Standardisasi Evaluasi Eksternal Di Riung Huffazh Indonesia Bekasi, Jawa Barat EE. Junaedi Sastradiharja; Farizal MS; Firdaus Farhana Sidqie
COMSERVA : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 11 (2024): COMSERVA : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59141/comserva.v3i11.1264


Kesadaran masyarakat dalam mempelajari Al-Qur`an begitu meningkat pesat, kesadaran tersebut belum dibarengi dengan sumber daya manusia yang mempuni dalam bidang pengajaran Al-Qur`an dan tartil dalam membaca Al-Qur`an, Riung Huffazh Indonesia hadir dalam memenuhi kebutuhan akan sumber daya manusia yang berkompeten dan mumpuni dalam bidang pengajaran Al-Qur`an dan tartil dalam membaca Al-Qur`an. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan pengelolaan pembelajaran Al-Qur`an, mendeskripsikan standar Evaluasi eksternal dan hasil belajar pembelajaran Al-Qur`an di Riung Huffazh Indonesia. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif sedangkan sumber penelitian terdiri dari observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti menemukan bahwa evaluator eksternal memiliki empat standar evaluasi yaitu standar guru, sarana prasarana, proses belajar dan hasil belajar, pengelolaan pembelajaran Al-Qur`an terdiri dari perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan Evaluasi sedangkan hasil belajar pembelajaran Al-Qur`an di Riung Huffazh Indonesia masih menekankan pada aspek kognitif saja dan belum mencangkup aspek lainnya seperti afektif dan psikomotorik. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa hasil belajar tahsin di Riung Huffazh sudah cukup baik, namun konsistensi peserta didik dalam mengikuti pembelajaran dan praktik di rumah masih menjadi faktor penentu kesuksesan hasil belajar.