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ANALISIS KEBERAGAMAAN PEMUDA HIJRAH KOMUNITAS SHIFT PERSPEKTIF EMIK-ETIK Rika Dilawati; Dadang Darmawan; Wawan Hernawan; Raden Roro Sri Rejeki Waluyojati; Wahyudin Darmalaksana
Jurnal Perspektif Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Perspektif: Volume 4 Nomor 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jp.v4i1.61


This study aims to analyze the diversity of Pemuda Hijrah in the Shift community in the Masjid Agung Trans Studio Bandung. This research is a qualitative type through field studies using the emic-ethical approach. The results and discussion of this study include the conceptualization of religiosity, the existence of Pemuda Hijrah the Shift community, and the analysis of the religiosity of Pemuda Hijrah the Shift community at the Masjid Agung Trans Studio Bandung. This study concludes that the religiosity of the Shift community Pemuda Hijrah represents five dimensions of diversity, namely knowledge, beliefs, rituals, experience, and religious commitment. This study recommends further research with a holistic perspective.
Comparison of Islamic and Adventist Christian Eschatology Rika Dilawati
FOCUS Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Focus
Publisher : Parahyangan Catholic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (155.806 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/focus.v3i1.5813


This study aims to discuss the comparison of life after death (exchatology) in Islam and Adventist Christianity. The research method used in this research is qualitative with the process of collecting data through literature review. The results showed that the comparison of eschatology in Islam and Christianity has a very significant difference, this can be seen in the two holy books, namely the Koran and the Bible. Eschatology in Islam is also known as the end of time or the day of judgment. Therefore eschatology is a day that is feared by every Muslim, because eschatology is a day of vengeance, where all deeds in the world will be counted on that day. While eschatology in Adventist Christianity is a day full of hope that Christians always look forward to. They waited for Christ to come a second time to take His people to the place He had prepared. However, eschatology in Islam is also shrouded in hope for salvation where Muslim belief always boils down to how big the scales of good deeds are while in this world. Therefore, this article provides great wisdom for both religions, where as religious people hope for a good place after death must always be fostered by good deeds and invite rewards as provisions later in the Hereafter.
Tren Baru Islam melalui Gerakan Hijrah: Studi Kasus Shift Pemuda Hijrah Paelani Setia; Rika Dilawati
Khazanah Theologia Vol 3, No 3 (2021): Khazanah Theologia
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/kt.v3i3.12708


This article aims to discuss the strategy of the hijrah movement in utilizing the hijrah trend in urban areas. This study takes a case study on the religious youth movement, the Youth Hijrah Movement (Shift) in Bandung City, in actualizing Islamic values that are packaged in a contemporary way according to the millennial generation. The research method used is qualitative by exploring understanding and responses through interviews with administrators, members, and congregations regarding Shift's contribution in spreading Islam conventionally and through social media platforms. The results of this study state that Shift takes advantage of the trend of migration due to the phenomenon of urban youth spirituality drought through interesting and useful religious programs for the wider community. The Shift is a manifestation of the existence of a Cyber Islamic Environment or an Islamic cyber environment in cyberspace that is used to convey Islamic messages. The activities of the Shift movement that are packaged on social media platforms and their interactions with the congregation are the new face of Islam in cyberspace. In addition, to accommodate traditional religious traditions such as Islamic boarding schools, the Shift also makes symbolic efforts to use its learning methods like an Islamic boarding school.
Tren Baru Islam melalui Gerakan Hijrah: Studi Kasus Shift Pemuda Hijrah Paelani Setia; Rika Dilawati
Khazanah Theologia Vol 3, No 3 (2021): Khazanah Theologia
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/kt.v3i3.12708


This article aims to discuss the strategy of the hijrah movement in utilizing the hijrah trend in urban areas. This study takes a case study on the religious youth movement, the Youth Hijrah Movement (Shift) in Bandung City, in actualizing Islamic values that are packaged in a contemporary way according to the millennial generation. The research method used is qualitative by exploring understanding and responses through interviews with administrators, members, and congregations regarding Shift's contribution in spreading Islam conventionally and through social media platforms. The results of this study state that Shift takes advantage of the trend of migration due to the phenomenon of urban youth spirituality drought through interesting and useful religious programs for the wider community. The Shift is a manifestation of the existence of a Cyber Islamic Environment or an Islamic cyber environment in cyberspace that is used to convey Islamic messages. The activities of the Shift movement that are packaged on social media platforms and their interactions with the congregation are the new face of Islam in cyberspace. In addition, to accommodate traditional religious traditions such as Islamic boarding schools, the Shift also makes symbolic efforts to use its learning methods like an Islamic boarding school.
Implementasi Moderasi Beragama di Kalangan Perempuan dalam Perspektif Penyuluh Agama di Bandung Raya Yeni Huriani; Eni Zulaiha; Rika Dilawati
Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas Vol 2, No 4 (2022): Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jis.v2i4.21162


Moderasi agama mengacu pada landasan menengah dalam pendekatan seseorang terhadap doktrin-doktrin agama. Ungkapan Islam wasathiyah (moderasi) sering digunakan dalam Islam untuk menyebut pengertian ini. Juga melalui sudut pandang Islam wasathiyah, ideal-ideal moderasi dalam agama paling baik dipahami. Bertindak sesuai dengan moderasi beragama berarti menunjukkan sikap toleran, toleransi terhadap perbedaan pendapat, dan tidak menggunakan kekerasan untuk memaksakan kehendak pada orang lain. Dalam artikel ini menggunakan metode deskriptif-kualitatif, berdasarkan karakteristik kajian masalah penelitian sehingga dapat secara langsung diamati (diobservasi). Melalui metode ini, peristiwa yang diamati dan informasi dari sumber-sumber terpilih bisa dikaji dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang beragam, di antaranya adalah kajian literatur yang digunakan oleh sumber-sumber terpilih melalui cara Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Bentuk implementasi yang dirumuskan dalam buku saku moderasi beragama di kalangan penyuluh agama perempuan pada majelis taklim binaan itu diaplikasikan dengan cara-cara praktis. Di sini diperlukan beberapa faktor pendukung adanya interaksi antar pelaku dakwah dengan masyarakat yaitu melalui rasa ketertarikan peserta atas kegiatan yang dilaksanakan, cara penyampaian informasi yang baik, jalinan hubungan cooperation (kerja sama) dan kelengkapan sarana pendukung.
Vegetarianism as religious observance: Comparative Study of Maitreya Buddhists and Adventist Christians Tia Amalia Nurjanah; Ilim Abdul Halim; Rika Dilawati
Subhasita: Journal of Buddhist and Religious Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Lembaga Publikasi Ilmiah dan Penerbitan (LPIP) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Agama Buddha Smaratungga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.859 KB) | DOI: 10.53417/jsb.91


Religion is a human guide in living life. Religion regulates all aspects of life so that humans will always be good people to God and to fellow human beings. They are included in the selection of food consumed daily both in Buddhist Maitreya and Adventist Christianity. Each religion has regulations on how to choose food and become a vegetarian for each adherent. This study aims to discover the vegetarian tradition in Maitreya Buddhism and Adventist Christianity, along with the agreements and differences between the two religions. The research model used is qualitative research. While the method used is a comparative method. The comparative method is a method used to compare two data sources to find agreement and differences. The formulation of the thoughts in this study is the theory put forward by Joachim Wach regarding three religious expressions (theoretical, practical, and sociological). Based on research and discussion, it is known that the vegetarian tradition in Buddhist Maitreya and Adventist Christianity has agreements and differences. The similarity lies in how Maitreya Buddhism and Adventist Christianity both have theoretical doctrines about what they will get in the afterlife if they become vegetarians so that their adherence to religion can be seen from their lifestyle as vegetarians. While the difference lies in the selection of food, they consume daily. Maitreya Buddhists tend to avoid all forms of meat, while Adventist Christians still eat fish and tolerate meat when they are sick.