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Sentiment Analysis between VADER and EDA for the US Presidential Election 2020 on Twitter Datasets Ria Devina Endsuy
Journal of Applied Data Sciences Vol 2, No 1: JANUARY 2021
Publisher : Bright Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47738/jads.v2i1.17


The 2020 US Election took place on November 3, 2020, the result of the election was that Joe Biden received 51.4% of the votes, Donald Trump 46.9%, and the rest were other candidates. The period before the election was a time when people conveyed who would vote and conveyed the reasons directly or through social media, especially Twitter through keywords or tags such as #JoeBiden & #DonaldTrump. In this paper, we will compare sentiment analysis and explanatory data analysis against US election data on Twitter. The overall objective of the two case studies is to evaluate the similarity between the sentiment of location-based tweets and on-ground public opinion reflected in election results. In this paper, we find that there are more "neutral" sentiments than "negative" and "positive" sentiments.