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Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 22 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33830/jp.v22i2.1099.2021


Academic stress is oftenly experienced by students because of academic demands that sometimes exceed the abilities of individual. Many factors can cause academic stress in students. This study aims to determine the factors that influence academic stress in students of cosmetology study at the Universitas Negeri Jakarta, a case study of 2017 students of Cosmetology Study, Universitas Negery Jakarta. This research is a descriptive quantitative survey research. This study uses primary data with 35 respondents. The data obtained were tested by factor analysis utilizing SPSS version 24.The results of this study indicate that there are two new factors formed, factor 1, the internal factor which has an eigen value of 4,676 consisting of mindset, character, physical factors, peer competition, changes in the atmosphere of life, and difficulties in managing life. Factor 2 is external factors, which have an eigen value of 1,455 consisting of the environment, excessive assignments, bad time management, and financial management problems. Stres akademik sering dialami mahasiswa karena banyaknya tuntutan akademik yang terkadang melebihi kemampuan pada diri individu tersebut. Banyak faktor yang dapat menyebabkan stres akademik pada mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi stres akademik pada mahasiswa pendidikan tata rias Universitas Negeri Jakarta angkatan 2017 Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif suvei yang bersifat deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dengan responden sebanyak 35 orang. Data yang diperoleh diuji dengan menggunakan analisis faktor dengan bantuan SPSS versi 24. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua faktor baru yang terbentuk, faktor 1 yaitu faktor internal memiliki nilai eigen value sebesar 4,676 terdiri dari pola pikir, karakter, faktor fisik, persaingan teman sebaya, perubahan suasana kehidupan, dan kesulitan mengelola kehidupan. Faktor 2 yaitu faktor eksternal memiliki nilai eigen value sebesar 1,455 terdiri dari lingkungan, penugasan berlebih, manajemen waktu yang buruk, dan masalah manajemen keuangan.
Persepsi Mahasiswa Tentang Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Program Studi (MKPS) Nurina Ayuningtya; Nidya Inten Daniswara; Farrah Salsabila; Maula Salamah Saepudin
Risenologi Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Risenologi
Publisher : Kelompok Peneliti Muda Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47028/j.risenologi.2021.62.185


This research aims to determine how students’ perceptions of learning management course study programs in the learning planning system, learning implementation system, and learning evaluation system in the 3-year diploma of cosmetology study program at Jakarta State University. This research uses the descriptive method in the form of a survey and uses frequency distribution data analysis techniques. The target of this research is 130 students of semester 112 and 113 cosmetology students who have taken the courses study program, which is: (1) hair coloring, (2) hairdo styling, (3) hair cutting, (4) hair care, hair pre-styling and hairstyling, (5) modern and modification hairstyling, (6) Indonesian traditional hairstyling and (7) advanced haircutting. The results showed that students' perceptions about the management of learning for study program subjects (MKPS) in the aspect of learning planning were categorized as very good, in the amount of 88%, students' perceptions about the implementation of learning by lecturers were categorized as very good, in the amount of 87% and students' perceptions about learning evaluation were categorized as very good, in the amount of 86%. The result is the overall learning management of study program courses (MKPS) is categorized as very good.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 (2021): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT - SNPPM2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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Abstract The SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong curriculum makes a local content subject program, Student Day, to channel talents and interests. The student day program has 20 fields, one of which is cosmetology which occupies the top 4. Theproblem faced is that students have not been given the knowledge and skills about the character of the cut wound make-up which is one of the competencies that must be fulfilled in the stunt day cosmetology curriculum. besides that, it does not yet have a learning video as a source of student learning. The purpose of community service activities (PkM) is to improve student day student skills through cut character make-up training. This activity was carried out offline using a survey method, presentations through learning videos, practice of the effects of cuts and material evaluation, which was attended by 12 people online and 20 people offline. The results of the evaluation of the participants' abilities showed that 62% mastered the character of the cut wound. While the results of the satisfaction evaluation showed that 50% were satisfied, 69% stated that they added knowledge and skills, 44% stated that the team's services met the needs of participants, 53% of people stated that every problem was followed up and 60% stated that PkM activities should be resumed. The results of the PkM activity were able to increase the knowledge and skills of student day students about making cut characters. Abstrak Kurikulum SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong membuat sebuah program mata pelajaran muatan lokal Student Day untuk menyalurkan bakat dan minat. Program student day memiliki 20 bidang salah satunya bidang tata rias yang menduduki 4 teratas. Permasalahan yang dihadapi, siswa belum diberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang tata rias karakter luka sayat yang menjadi salah satu kompetensi yang harus dipenuhi dalam kurikulum stundent day tata rias. selain itu belum memiliki video pembelajaran sebagai sumber belajar siswa.Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) untuk peningkatan keterampilan siswa student day melalui pelatihan tata rias karakter luka sayat. Kegiatan ini dilakukan secara luring dengan metode survei,presentasi melalui video pembelajaran, praktek efek luka sayat dan evaluasi materi yang diikuti 12 orang secara daring dan 20 orang secara luring. Hasil evaluasi kemampuan peserta menunjukan 62% menguasai materi karakter luka sayat. Sedangakan hasil evaluasi kepuasan menunjukan bahwa 50% merasa puas, 69% menyatakan menambah pengetahuan dan keterampilan, 44% menyatakan pelayanan tim memenuhi kebutuhan peserta, 53% orang menyatakan ditindaklanjuti setiap permasalahan dan 60% menyatakan bahwa kegiatan PkM untuk dilanjutkan kembali. Hasil kegiatan PkM mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa student day tentang pembuatan karakter luka sayat.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2023): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT - SNPPM2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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Abstract Partner problems: 1) Limited knowledge about corrective facial makeup to support activities, 2) Limited media regarding corrective facial makeup as an alternative learning source. We facilitate solutions to problems by 1) Providing education about corrective facial makeup to support appearance, 2) Developing a pocketbook about corrective facial makeup as an alternative learning resource. The objectives of this activity: 1) Increase knowledge of the basic concepts of corrective facial make-up, 2) Stimulate creativity in applying corrective facial make-up according to facial conditions. The method of carrying out activities is lectures accompanied by case studies, discussions, demonstrations and guided practice at the Gayatri Beauty Academy, Singapore which will be held on August 27, 2023. The implementing team is lecturers from the Cosmetology Education Study Program, Jakarta State University, with a target of 20 migrant workers. Activities are carried out in stages with several achievement targets tailored to the needs, characteristics of the participants and the learning objectives to be achieved. Data collection instruments are: 1) Objective tests to measure knowledge, and 2) non-tests, in the form of performance sheets to measure skills and questionnaires to measure participants' attitudes/satisfaction. This activity showed positive results seen from: 1) the knowledge aspect of 20 participants got an average score of 85, which means they were able to absorb the material presented well, 2) the skills aspect of 17 participants (85%) got a score of 90, which means they were able to apply the rules. corrective facial makeup according to facial condition, 3) attitude aspect, as many as 90% of participants hope that similar activities can continue. It can be concluded that education about corrective facial makeup can improve participants' skills because it provides benefits and opportunities to open a business. Abstrak Permasalahan mitra:1) Terbatasnya pengetahuan tentang tata rias wajah korektif untuk menunjang aktivitas,2) Keterbatasan media tentang tata rias wajah korektif sebagai sumber belajar alternatif. Solusi permasalahan kami memfasilitasi dengan:1) Memberikan edukasi tentang tata rias wajah korektif guna menunjang penampilan,2) Mengembangkan buku saku tentang tata rias wajah korektif sebagai sumber belajar alternatif. Tujuan kegiatan ini:1) Meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai konsep dasar tata rias wajah korektif, 2) Merangsang kreativitas penerapan tata rias wajah korektif sesuai kondisi wajah. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan ceramah disertai studi kasus, diskusi, demostrasi dan praktik terbimbing bertempat di Gayatri Beauty Academy, Singapura yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 27 Agustus 2023. Tim pelaksana dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Tata Rias, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, dengan sasaran pekerja migran berjumlah 20. Kegiatan dilaksanakan secara bertahap dengan beberapa sasaran capaian yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan, karakteristik peserta dan tujuan pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa: 1) Tes objektif untuk mengukur pengetahuan, dan 2) Non tes, berupa lembar unjuk kerja guna mengukur keterampilan dan kuesioner untuk mengukur sikap/kepuasan peserta. Kegiatan ini menunjukan hasil positif dilihat dari: 1) aspek pengetahuan dari 20 peserta memperoleh nilai rata-rata 85 yang artinya mampu menyerap materi yang disampaikan dengan baik, 2) aspek keterampilan sebanyak 17 peserta (85%) memperoleh nilai 90 yang artinya mampu menerapkan tata rias wajah korektif sesuai kondisi wajah, 3) aspek sikap, sebanyak 90% peserta berharap kegiatan sejenis dapat berlanjut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa edukasi tentang tata rias wajah korektif dapat meningkatkan keterampilan peserta karena memberikan manfaat dan peluang untuk membuka usaha.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2023): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT - SNPPM2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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Abstract It is recorded that there are more than 150 thousand PMI in Singapore working in the domestic and homecare sectors. Some domestic workers attend cosmetology school at Gayatri Beauty Academy Singapore to fill their holiday time. The available curriculum does not yet include photo make up which should be taught to support the success of photography which is closely related to pre-wedding photos which have opportunities for the international make up artist job market. The aim of this community service is to improve the skills of domestic workers in doing photo make up independently. The training participants were 20 domestic workers who were students from Gayatri Beauty Academy Singapore. The implementation method is carried out through the process of training preparation, implementation and evaluation. Training evaluation is carried out using tests and questionnaires on participant satisfaction with activities. The results of the training evaluation showed that participants' understanding ability was very good at 90%, the practical results showed satisfactory results, while participant satisfaction in terms of material showed that 70% were very satisfied, in terms of instructors it showed that 55% of participants were satisfied and in terms of overall training activities it showed 50 % of participants were satisfied. It can be concluded that this community service activity is able to improve domestic workers' skills in doing photo make up independently. Abstrak Tercatat terdapat lebih dari 150 ribu PMI berada di Singapura bekerja pada sektor domestik dan homecare. Sebagian domestic worker mengikuti sekolah tata rias di Gayatri Beauty Academi Singapura untuk mengisi waktu libur. Kurikulum yang tersedia, belum memasukan make up foto yang seharusnya diajarkan sebagai penunjang keberhasilan fotografi yang erat kaitannya dengan foto prewedding yang memiliki peluang untuk bursa kerja make up artist internasional. Tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan keterampilan domestic worker dalam melakukan make up foto secara mandiri. Peserta pelatihan sebanyak 20 orang domestic worker yang merupakan peserta didik dari Gayatri Beauty Academi Singapura. Metode pelaksanaan dilakukan melalui proses persiapan, implementasi dan evaluasi pelatihan. Evaluasi pelatihan dilakukan dengan tes dan kuisioner kepuasan peserta terhadap kegiatan. Hasil evaluasi pelatihan menunjukan kemampuan pemahaman peserta sangat baik sebesar 90%, hasil praktik menunjukan hasil yang memuaskan, sedangkan kepuasan peserta dari segi materi menunjukan 70% merasa sangat puas, segi instruktur menunjukan 55% peserta merasa puas dan dilihat dari segi keseluruahn kegiatan pelatihan menunjukan 50% peserta merasa puas. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini mampu meningkatkan keterampilan domestic worker dalam melakukan make up foto secara mandiri.