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Pengembangan Kurikulum Bahasa Arab di Sekolah Islam Terpadu SMP Luqmanul Hakim Aceh Aisyam Mardliyyah; Tulus Musthofa
al Mahāra: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 6 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/almahara.2020.061.04


Sekolah Islam Terpadu (SIT) or Integrated Islamic Schools are essentially schools that implement concepts. Islamic education is based on the Qur'an and Sunnah and is based on the National Education System Law. This article aims to describe and find out the curriculum components and curriculum organization in the Integrated Islamic School, especially in Arabic subjects at Luqmanul Hakim Aceh Integrated Islamic Middle School. The research method used was literature study (library research) with documentation and interview collection techniques and for its analysis using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the curriculum components in SIT are Objectives, Content, Process and Evaluation of Curricula that have TERPADU characteristics (Telaah/Study, Eksplorasi/Explore, Rumuskan/Formulate, Presentasikan/Present, Aplikasikan/Apply, Duniawi/Worldly, Ukhrowi/Divinity). Overall curriculum organization under the auspices of the JSIT institute of Arabic subjects at all levels and general subjects at elementary through junior high level can be classified in the curriculum organization of broad field curriculum, while general subjects at the level of senior high school belong to the curriculum organization of separated-subject. In its implication the SIT curriculum can be categorized into Integrated Curriculum. Keywords: Curriculum Development, Arabic Curriculum, Integrated Islamic School.
Psycholinguistics in Arabic Learning: History and Urgency Tulus Musthofa; Zulfa Amalia Wahidah
Jurnal Alsinatuna Vol 6 No 1 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Arabic Education Program IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/alsinatuna.v6i1.2946


This study is expected to minimize the stigma attached to the students’ minds about the complexity in the structure and grammar of Arabic, as well as the difficulty of finding the Arabic equivalent in Indonesian. These difficulties can be resolved through psycholinguistic understanding. This study tried to describe solutions to problems in learning Arabic as a second language based on a psycholinguistic perspective. This article offers three principles that guide successful language learning. They are principles of education, psychology, and linguistics. This study used a qualitative method with a library research. The main references included books, journals, articles, proceedings, and researches related to the role of psycholinguistics in Arabic learning. The results of psycholinguistic studies are widely used to understand students’ second-language learning in formal education. The scope of psycholinguistics has proven to be very beneficial for language learning.
An Natiq Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/an-natiq.v2i2.15106


Negative characters have been displayed by the Indonesian people under the pretext of being right to do including Muslim women who began to show their expertise in swaying to the audience through the Tik Tok application, this is certainly far from the Muslimah character contained in the Qur'an, especially QS. AL-Ahzab verses 32, 33, and 59. So as to invite the creation of interaction of the opposite sex that should not be. This research is a literature study or library research conducted through review and analysis of data relevant to books, e-books, journals, and other literature as data sources. The results of the study are that the use of Tik Tok applications without purpose and just follow the trend so that it always looks current has a less good and detrimental impact. The impact of the dance causes Muslimah aurat to be seen easily, especially curves, encrusted, to invite slander that can harm themselves. While men must always keep their views in order to analyze the emergence of interactions that should not be done between the opposite sex. To stay away from these things as Muslims need to understand the values contained in the teachings of Islam.
Psycholinguistics in Arabic Learning: History and Urgency Tulus Musthofa; Zulfa Amalia Wahidah
Jurnal Alsinatuna Vol 6 No 1 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Arabic Education Program IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/alsinatuna.v6i1.2946


This study is expected to minimize the stigma attached to the students’ minds about the complexity in the structure and grammar of Arabic, as well as the difficulty of finding the Arabic equivalent in Indonesian. These difficulties can be resolved through psycholinguistic understanding. This study tried to describe solutions to problems in learning Arabic as a second language based on a psycholinguistic perspective. This article offers three principles that guide successful language learning. They are principles of education, psychology, and linguistics. This study used a qualitative method with a library research. The main references included books, journals, articles, proceedings, and researches related to the role of psycholinguistics in Arabic learning. The results of psycholinguistic studies are widely used to understand students’ second-language learning in formal education. The scope of psycholinguistics has proven to be very beneficial for language learning.
Differences in Arabic-Indonesian Vocabulary Absorption in Religious Terms: Phonological Studies Eliana Pangestika; Tulus Musthofa; Nasiruddin Nasiruddin
Al-Irfan : Journal of Arabic Literature and Islamic Studies Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Arabic Literature Department STIBA DUBA PAMEKASAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58223/alirfan.v6i1.6797


The purpose of this study was to find out the differences in the forms of the process of absorption of vocabulary in religious terms from Arabic into Indonesian and to find out the differences in the spelling of the absorption of the same vocabulary from Arabic into Indonesian. This study used a quantitative research method with a library study approach. Library Studies is an approach in research that involves an analysis of existing sources of information. This approach aims to gather knowledge through analysis of literature similar to current research. The results of this study indicate that some of the vocabulary in Indonesian is the absorption of foreign languages, one of which comes from Arabic. The arrival of the Arabs to Indonesia around the 7th century AD had the aim of trading, besides that they also spread Islam, which until now has become the majority religion in Indonesia. language absorption processes have many classifications, but in this study the researchers focused on four classifications of word absorption processes, namely Lenition, Multiple Consonants, Alpheresis, and Syncope. An example of the Arabic word "Al-Masjidu" after the absorption word changes to "Mosque", this is one example of the process of absorbing Arabic into Indonesia with the Alpheresis process. The impact of the absorption of Arabic spelling into Indonesian is to enrich the vocabulary of the Indonesian language. Of course, without changing the meaning of the content, only absorbing a little spelling.
An Natiq Vol 2 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : university Of islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/an-natiq.v2i2.15106


Negative characters have been displayed by the Indonesian people under the pretext of being right to do including Muslim women who began to show their expertise in swaying to the audience through the Tik Tok application, this is certainly far from the Muslimah character contained in the Qur'an, especially QS. AL-Ahzab verses 32, 33, and 59. So as to invite the creation of interaction of the opposite sex that should not be. This research is a literature study or library research conducted through review and analysis of data relevant to books, e-books, journals, and other literature as data sources. The results of the study are that the use of Tik Tok applications without purpose and just follow the trend so that it always looks current has a less good and detrimental impact. The impact of the dance causes Muslimah aurat to be seen easily, especially curves, encrusted, to invite slander that can harm themselves. While men must always keep their views in order to analyze the emergence of interactions that should not be done between the opposite sex. To stay away from these things as Muslims need to understand the values contained in the teachings of Islam.
Penguatan Pendidikan Keluarga terhadap Karakter Anak Milenial di Era Modernisasi dalam Perspektif Surah Luqman Ayat 12-19 dan Hadis Tentang Pemimpin Ghina Rahmah Maulida; Tulus Musthofa; Nur Saidah
Reslaj: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Vol. 6 No. 5 (2024): RESLAJ: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/reslaj.v6i5.1321


The era of modernization is an era of change from traditional to advanced (modern), such as current conditions which cover various aspects, including education. In the modernization period, education focuses on developing students' character. This approach aims to form a good personality that is able to adapt to current developments, which is greatly influenced by the role of the teacher. This research aims to identify and describe the contribution of teachers in shaping student character in the era of modernization. The literature study method is used to collect data from various sources, such as journals and articles. Data analysis techniques involve reading and discussion to formulate information comprehensively. Research findings show that Islamic character education based on local wisdom is strengthened by the role of parents in teaching manners. The four foundations of character education include religious values, culture, environment and individual potential, with religious values as the main foundation. The moral message from Luqman Al-Hakim in Q.S. Luqman verses 12-19 highlight the urgency of guiding children's faith with monotheism from an early age, teaching them to be grateful to Allah and filial piety to their parents, educating children to do good deeds, teaching them to act virtuously and avoiding evil, and preparing children with noble morals and good manners in interacting. This message reflects the central role of Islamic education in shaping an individual's personality and morals, with a focus on the principles of monotheism and ubudiyah behavior. Keywords: Family Education; Millennial Character; Modernization Era.
Sistem Pendidikan di Masa Rasulullah Persfektif Al-Qur’an dan Hadis dan Implementasinya Dengan Pendidikan Indonesia Idghom Mukholik; Tulus Musthofa; Nur Saidah
Reslaj: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Vol. 6 No. 6 (2024): RESLAJ: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/reslaj.v6i6.1682


This article aims to research the education system during the time of the Prophet and its implementation with education in Indonesia. The aim of this research is to find out the between the education systems implemented during the time of the Prophet prespective of the Qur’an and Hadith and provide implications for education in Indoesia. so that it can be used as a guide and see the development and progress from the time of the Prophet. This research method uses a library method or what is known as (Library Research) where the data or materials needed in research refer to books, journals, magazine documents and so on. The results of the research show that education in the time of the Prophet focused on the spread of Islam. This is divided into 2 parts, namely the Makkah and Medina phases. In the Makkah phase, focus on monotheism, prayer and morals. In the Medina phase, focus on forming leader. Modern era education has adequate capacity because it has technology as an educational tool. With different education system patterns, they have a big impression that they both aim to increase knowledge.