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Rancang Bangun Alat Pengukur Suhu Real Time Laboratorium menggunakan Protokol MQTT Berbasis Internet of Things Indrawata Wardhana; Vandri Ahmad Isnaini; Rahmi Putri Wirman; Rita Syafitri; Akhmad nasuha
Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jtaf.v9i1.2690


The stable temperature in the laboratories is the major requirement for ensuring safety at work. The changes in the temperature which are oftentimes caused by precisely unrecognized factor may provide hazardous impacts on humans who are working in such place. Similar researches were conducted; however, they did not use NodeMCU as a microcontroller and MQTT protocol. This study tried to build a real-time temperature observation system using MQTT protocol based on the Internet of Things which has a fast delivery speed message. The temperature and humidity were captured by using DHT22 sensor that were then stored in database for one month. The result showed that the temperature change of the laboratory could be rapidly detected through the tests process on a certain heat-produced device. It could be analyzed periodically using the real-time application so that the impact of temperature rise could be detected quickly.
JOURNAL ONLINE OF PHYSICS Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): JOP (Journal Online of Physics) Vol 6 No 1
Publisher : Prodi Fisika FST UNJA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jop.v6i1.10601


Suhu tanah memiliki peran penting dalam perkembangan tanaman terutama pada proses fotosintesis, penyerapan air, respirasi dan transpirasi. Termometer tanah real time dibutuhkan pada riset ilmiah dan industri pertanian. Penelitian suhu tanah berbasis sensor telah dilakukan, tapi terbatas pada pengukuran dan penyimpanan data di SD Card. Pengamatan real time sangat diperlukan dimana data observasi dapat disimpan secara periodik di server basis data menggunakan koneksi internet. Data selanjutnya diproses secara exploratory data analysis dan ditampilkan secara visualisasi untuk mendapatkan analisa terbaik pada proses pengambilan keputusan. Penelitian ini, menggabungkan teknik Internet of Things dan Exploratory data analysis dengan menggunakan sensor thermocouple tipe K max6675 dalam pengambilan data suhu. Data dikirim melalui port 1883 mqtt kemudian disimpan didalam cloud server database mysql. Didapatkan suhu maksimum sebesar 31,75 oC dan minimum sebesar 25 oC selama 6 jam. Untuk mendapatkan kecepatan kirim terbaik, pengiriman data sensor menggunakan mqtt Quality of Service 0. Terdapat hubungan antara suhu tanah dan intensitas cahaya. Data yang telah melalui proses statistik dan data cleaning, kemudian divisualasi dalam boxplot dan countourplot menggunakan bahasa pemograman python.
Rancang Bangun Lux Meter Real Time Berbasis Internet of Things Indrawata Wardhana; Vandri Ahmad Isnaini; Rahmi Putri Wirman; Novitasari Novitasari; Ogie Indra Gunawan
Jurnal Fisika Flux: Jurnal Ilmiah Fisika FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Vol 19, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Fisika Flux: Jurnal Ilmiah Fisika FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (786.549 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/flux.v19i1.9428


Sunlight data intensity is highly required for Indonesia which is located in the line of the equator. This research builds a real-time sunlight intensity observation system based on the Internet of Things (IoT), in which the data can be easy to access everywhere. This tool is designed using microcontroller NodeMCU and LDR module which has been calibrated by Luxmeter Lx-103. Data is sending using Message Queuing Telemetry Transport protocol Quality of Service 1. The trial was carried out for 12 hours outside. Obtaining research results that linear regression LDR:  y = -2758.289*voltaseADC + 48.981 and = 0.9693, with sunlight intensity maximum that can be counted is 28 VADC, average range light intensity in middle daytime is 4 – 60 VADC. Production data by LDR was proceeded by NodeMCU then showed in LCD with a time delay one second. Data was sent to mqtt server with interval 60 seconds, last steps data stored in database SQLite.
JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi) Vol 8, No 2 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : STMIK Royal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33330/jurteksi.v8i2.1378


Abstract: The technique of multiclass classification based on SVMs has been widely used. SVM optimization will be accomplished by examining the extraction features of Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Box-Cox Transformation, and Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE). The dataset contains 13,611 rows and 17 variables, generated from the UCI repository's multiclass dry bean data. Barbunya, Bombay, Cal, Dermas, Horoz, Seker, and Sira are just a few of the dry bean kinds available. The dataset was tested using SVM Linear kernel and SVM Radial Basis.According to the results, the combination of scale-center-BoxCox-SVM Radial extraction achieves the maximum accuracy of 93.16 percent and the shortest processing time of 6.10 minutes. 96.00 percent, 100 percent, 96.71 percent, 95.16 percent, 97.60 percent, 97.74 percent, and 91.95 percent, according to bean class.RFE-SVM Radial has a 91.18 percent accuracy and a processing time of 6.55 minutes. BoxCox outperforms conventional techniques in terms of prediction accuracy while requiring less training time.            Keywords: Bean, PCA, BoxCox, SVM, RFE  Abstrak: Klasifikasi Multikelas menggunakan SVM telah banyak digunakan. Pada penelitian ini akan diuji fitur ekstraksi Principal Component Analysis, Box Cox Transformation dan fitur eliminisi Recursive Feature Elimination untuk mendapatkan optimasi SVM. Dataset berasal dari data multikelas kacang kering UCI repository dengan jumlah 13.611 baris dan 17 variabel. Kelas kacang kering yakni :  Barbunya, Bombay, Cal, Dermas, Horoz, Seker dan Sira. Dataset diuji menggunakan kernel SVM Linier dan SVM Radial Basis. Didapatkan hasil, bahwa kombinasi fitur ekstraksi : scale-center-BoxCox-SVM Radial memiliki akurasi terbaik yakni 93,16% dan waktu proses 6,10 menit. Klasifikasi berdasarkan kelas kacang berturut-turut 96,00%,100%, 96,71%, 95,16%, 97,60%, 97,74% dan 91,95%. RFE- SVM Radial hanya memberikan akurasi sebesar 91,18 % dengan waktu proses sebesar 6.55 menit. Penggunaan BoxCox dibandingkan dengan lainnya, memberikan hasil prediksi lebih baik dan namun tidak mempercepat waktu pelatihan. Kata kunci: BoxCox; Kacang; PCA; RFE; SVM
Kajian Tingkat Akurasi Sensor pada Rancang Bangun Alat Ukur Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) dan Tingkat Kekeruhan Air Rahmi Putri Wirman; Indrawata Wardhana; Vandri Ahmad Isnaini
Jurnal Fisika Vol 9, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jf.v9i1.17056


Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and turbidity of water are parameters to determine the quality of water. In this research, instruments development and study of accuracy level for TDS meter and turbidimeter have been made. Instruments were made using TDS sensor and turbidity sensor that were inexpensive and available on the market. The samples used for instruments examination were water with dye (Rhodamine B) and powder of coffee as impurities. The results showed that the sensors worked properly and provided a better accuracy in measuring water samples with coffee impurities than dye impurities. The inaccuracy on the determination of water samples with dye impurities due to dye particles which have soluble properties on water and microscopic size than particles of coffee.
Kajian Sifat Mekanik Serat Alam Limbah Tumbuhan sebagai Bahan Baku Bio-Komposit Vandri Ahmad Isnaini; Rahmi Putri Wirman; Indrawata Wardhana; Try Susanti; Shabri Putra Wirman
Jurnal Ecolab Vol 16, No 2 (2022): ECOLAB
Publisher : Pusat Standardisasi Instrumen Kualitas Lingkungan Hidup Laboratorium Lingkungan (P3KLL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jklh.2022.16.2.117-127


Serat alam adalah bahan baku yang banyak terdapat di alam dan merupakan bahan yang ramah lingkungan. Pemanfaatan limbah perkebunan atau hutan sebagai sumber serat alam juga ikut berkontribusi sebagai solusi masalah lingkungan. Penelitian ini dirancang untuk melakukan eksplorasi dan pengukuran sifat mekanik beberapa jenis serat alam yang terdapat di wilayah Provinsi Jambi. Sifat mekanik dari sampel serat alam diuji dengan alat universal testing machine yaitu penentuan nilai kuat tarik bahan (tensile test). Pengujian kuat tarik dilakukan dengan metode serat tunggal dengan panjang pengukuran 3 cm. Sebelum diuji, diameter sampel diukur sebagai variabel penentu luas sampel dengan menggunakan analisis gambar digital dari mikroskop dengan aplikasi ImageJ. Sedangkan tensile test digunakan untuk mencari nilai kekuatan maksimum dari serat alam. Dari hasil eksperimen, ukuran dari serat alam berkisar dari 0.0131 cm dengan ukuran terkecil dan nilai 0.0896 cm ukuran yang terbesar. Serat alam yang memiliki kekuatan tertinggi adalah serat dari daun nipah (Nypa fruticans), yaitu sebesar 13.54 Kg/cm2. Pola pengukuran nilai kuat tarik terhadap perubahan waktu menunjukkan bahwa serat alam merupakan serat berjenis elastis.