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Journal : RACIC : Rab Construction Research

Racic : Rab Construction Research Vol 2 No 01 (2017): Terbitan Ketiga Bulan Juni 2017
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Abdurrab

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Semakin bertambahnya jumlah kendaraan bermotor di Kota Pekanbaru dan tingginya arus lalu lintas khususnya pada jalan Ahmad Yani, maka dilakukan analisis kemacetan sehingga dapat diketahui seberapa besar kemacetan dan prediksi kemacetan di Jalan Ahmad Yani Kota Pekanbaru hingga 5 tahun ke depan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh hasil bahwa kemacetan yang tertinggi berada pada titik C yaitu didepan rumah sakit Santa Maria karena Derajat Kejenuhan (DS)>0,75 yaitu sebesar 3,91. Hal ini menandakan bahwa kondisi lalu lintas pada titik C ini tergolong padat. Untuk tingkat pelayanan jalan di lokasi Rumah Sakit Santa Maria yaitu V/C=0,33 smp/jam. Tingkat pelayanan jalan tersebut dapat dikatagorikan pada tingkat pelayanan C. Sedangkan tingkat kemacetan untuk lima tahun yang akan datang yaitu pada tahun 2021 angka derajat kejenuhan mencapai 5,44. Hal ini sudah jauh melampaui syarat yang ditetapkan yaitu lebih dari 0,75 dan kenaikan tiap tahunnya sebesar 0,306. Oleh karena itu, untuk menyeimbangi pesatnya pertumbuhan lalu lintas dan perkembangan wilayah di Kota Pekanbaru khususnya jalan Ahmad Yani maka harus dilakukan peningkatan terhadap pelayanan, pengaturan lalu lintas dan fasilitas kendaraan umum sehingga pengguna jalan lainnya tertarik untuk menggunakan angkutan umum. Dengan begitu volume lalu lintas dan kemacetan pada jam-jam puncak bisa dikurangi.
Racic : Rab Construction Research Vol 3 No 01 (2018): Terbitan Kelima Bulan Juni 2018
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Abdurrab

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ABSTRACT Rokan Hulu regency is a regency from region expansion of Kampar regency with Pasir Pangaraian as a capital of regency, Riau Province. Development of transportation in this area should be able to support the efforts of equity and the spread of regional development. This is because the fulfillment of the available needs are located elsewhere so as to affect the magnitude of trip generation and trip attraction. The analysis of the model of trip generation and trip attraction by using a model of zone-based correlation analysis with step wise 2 method to determine the number of trip generation and trip attraction that occurs at this time to predict the movement that occurred in the future. Based on the results of the model analysis of trip generation and trip attraction to predict the trip generation and trip attraction in Rokan Hulu regency that is the trip Generation (Y1) = 8081,628 + 40,025X5 +148,196X6 + 2258,231X7-1714,622X8 + 5236,070X9 + 283,860X10- 19684,192 X11 + 512,363X12-743,228X13 +180,360X15 with coefficient of determination value R2 = 0,923. While trip attraction (Y2) = 12596,939+ 67,752X3-133,661X6 + 1632,938X7-852,571X8 + 12121,156X9 + 231,056X10-17170,524X11+ 597,632X12-22103,205X13 + 193,0097X15 with the coefficient of determination R2 = 0.915. Key words: model, trip generation, trip attraction
Kadar Optimum Aspal Pen 60/70 dan Bahan Modifikasi Asbuton Murni T5/20 Dengan Filler Asbuton T5/20 terhadap Kinerja Campuran fitra ramdhani
Racic : Rab Construction Research Vol 3 No 02 (2018): Terbitan Keenam Bulan Desember 2018
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Abdurrab

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In line with the increase in road length, the asphalt demand in Indonesia is increasing as well. Asbuton can be used as a binder on pavement to replace oil asphalt. The levels of asphalt contained in asbuton is variated between 10% -40%. To increase the utilization of asbuton in Indonesia, the research on modification of asbuton in the mixture was carried out. This study aims to determine the optimum levels of bitumen pen 60/70 and material modification of pure asbuton T5 / 20 with filler asbuton T5 / 20 against on mixture performance. This research was carried out by adding optimum asbuton filler level of 2.01% on the variation of pure T5 / 20 asbuton by 0%, 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, 18%, 20% and 30% with a compaction temperature of 155 0C in mixture. Based on the results of the Marshall test, the performance of the modified material mixture that meets the general specification requirements on Bina Marga 2010 revision 3 which is the optimum level of extraction of asphalt T5 / 20 by 10% with filler asbuton T5 / 20 of 2.01%. This is evidenced by the Stability value of 2616 kg, the melting value of 2.85 mm, MQ value of 918 kg / mm, VIM value of 4.94%, VMA value of 15% and VFA value of 66.11% that meets the specification requirements.
Racic : Rab Construction Research Vol 4 No 1 (2019): Juni
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Abdurrab

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Utilization of natural rubber in oil asphalt mixes scientifically possible to improve asphalt technology by evaluating the rheological properties of the asphalt. Crumb rubber is natural rubber obtained from processing rubber materials which comes from the sap of the Hevea brasiliensis tree trunk mechanically with or without chemicals and the quality is determined by technical specifications SIR (Standar Indonesia Rubber). The purpose of this study was to determine the basic rheological properties of the modified SIR 20 crumb rubber asphalt mixture. This research method was carried out in two stages, the first is to make a mixture of 60/70 pen asphalt and crumb rubber SIR 20 in the variation of crumb rubber content of 0%, 4%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 10% , and 20% while the second is to perform asphalt basic testing, which penetration testing, softening point, ductility, elastic recovery and asphalt viscosity. From the test results obtained penetration values ​​increased up to 180,4 dmm, decreased softening point up to 36,450C, increased ductility values ​​consistently up to 195 cm, consistently increase ductility values up to 195 cm, improvement of elastic recovery each additional level of Crumb Rubber SIR 20 to 21.34%, and viscosity (Brookfield) at mixing temperature test were obtained at 1460C and the lower the solidification temperature reached 1370C.