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Analisis Manajemen Resiko Dalam Penerapan Good Corporate Governance : Studi pada Perusahaan Perbankan di Indonesia Maya Sari; Seprida Hanum; Rahmayati Rahmayati
Owner : Riset dan Jurnal Akuntansi Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Artikel Volume 6 Nomor 2 April 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/owner.v6i2.804


This study aims to analyze risk management in the implementation of good corporate governance in banking companies in Indonesia. This research was conducted on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), especially for banking sector companies which are available on the official website This study uses a quantitative descriptive research approach. In this study, the authors collect research data and information using the documentation process by collecting instruments related to risk management and good governance. In this study, the data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis which is defined as a method of data analysis by describing, describing, and describing the subject or object under study based on the facts that are seen or what they are. The results show that the application of the concepts and principles of Good Corporate Governance in risk management involves banking internal organs. All internal banking elements such as shareholders, GMS forums, commissioners, directors, management of the audit committee, internal and external auditors as well as employees must be able to form a circle and work situation that supports each other and plays an active role in implementing the principles of Good Corporate Governance, especially in dealing with and manage various types of risks that specifically have their own uniqueness that only exists in banking.
Penggunaan Bahan Alami Dalam Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer Untuk Mengatasi Pencegahan Covid 19 Pada Masyarakat Kisaran Hafsah Hafsah; Zulia Hanum; Seprida Hanum; Tiansih Sasqia Zaidani
JURNAL PRODIKMAS Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (241.511 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/jp.v6i1.7685


Abstrak Adanya wabah virus covid-19 yang  melanda Indonesia membuat masyarakat resah dengan penularan virus tersebut dan membuat pertumbuhan ekonomi juga mengalami penurunan yang sangat signifikan, sehingga menyebabkan banyak masyarakat yang lebih berhati-hati agar tidak terkena virus dan harus dirawat di rumah sakit sehingga penjagaan kebersihan dan patuh melaksanakan protokol kesehatan agar terhindar dari covid-19 ini. Menjaga kebersihan tertutama tangan yang selalu kita gunakan untuk berbagai  kegiatan harus senantiasa diperhatikan kebersihannya, jika tidak terdapat air disaat kita sedang berada di luar hendaknya selalu menyediakan atau membawa pembersih tangan untuk mencegah penularan virus tersebut agar tangan selalu terjaga kebersihannya.Adapun kelurahan yang menjadi tempat pelatihan ini yaitu kelurahan Tebing kecamatan Kisaran Barat, Kabupaten Asahan.  Bentuk kagiatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan mengadakan pelatihan bagi ibu-ibu PKK setempat, untuk mempermudah proses pembuatan hand sanitizer dari bahan-bahan alami yang mudah didapat dan hasilnya dapat dijual guna meningkatkan pendapatan. Pada akhir pelatihan  kami berikan hasil dari pembuatan hand sanitizerkepada peserta untuk dibawa pulang dan digunakan oleh keluarga. 
Analysis of Inventory Turnover and Debt to Equity Ratio in Increasing Profitability in PT. Nusantara IV Plantations, Medan Seprida Hanum
Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Project
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32535/jicp.v4i2.1285


The exploration led by the creator means to break down stock can expand benefit as estimated by Return On Resources (ROA) and to examine obligation to value proportion can build productivity as estimated by Return On Resources (ROA) At PT. Nusantara IV Medan Manor. This sort of exploration is distinct, with the object of examination is the monetary side of PT. Nusantara IV Medan Estate. Where in research in dissecting stock turnover and obligation to value proportion can expand productivity. The outcomes show that the declining stock turnover doesn't muchly affect the organization's benefit, which implies that the organization can deal with its resources well, in order to augment the benefits it procures. The obligation to value proportion which has expanded additionally doesn't muchly affect the degree of organization benefit, which implies that the organization can deal with the organization's obligations in expanding the organization's deals, so it can amplify the benefits it gets. Catchphrases: Stock Turnover, Obligation to value proportion (DER), Return on Resources (ROA)