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Hanpen Fish Cake, Rough Flathead (Grammoplites scaber) Diversification Product Lubis, Novita Sari; Diana, Ayu; Yusfiani, Marnida
Jurnal Pertanian Tropik Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020): JURNAL ONLINE PERTANIAN TROPIK
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (989.747 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/jopt.v7i1.3840


ABSTRACT Rough flathead (Grammoplites scaber) is a non-economical and white-fleshed fish. It's suitable for fish-based processing products. Hanpen is one of the Japanese fish cake. Diversification of surimi-based Rough flathead becomes Hanpen. This research studied the consumer acceptance and chemical composition of Hanpen Rough flathead. The experimental methods are used in this research with 3 treatments and Deuteronomy, the addition of surimi Rough flathead A1 = 100 g, A2 = 150 g, and A3 = 200 g. The randomized block data, ANOVA, was performed to analyze the data. The results showed that Hanpen Rough flathead product that can be accepted by panelists is A2 treatment, which scores 7,28 at like level specification. The addition of surimi Rough flathead had a significant effect (p<0,05) on organoleptic test parameters (appearance, aroma, taste, and texture) and proximate tests (crude protein, crude fat, water content, ash content, and carbohydrate) to Hanpen. The highest value of proximate test for three treatments were crude protein = A1 (5,36); carbohydrate = A1 (11,36); crude fat = A2 (0,39); water content = A3 (83,67); dan ash content = A2 (2,84).   References Agustin, T. I. (2012). Mutu fisk dan Mikrostruktur Kamaboko Ikan Kurisi ( Nemipterus nematophorus ) dengan  Physical and Microstructure Quality of Kamaboko Kurisi Fish. JPHPI, Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 15(1), 18–26. Bozova, B., & Centinkaya, S. (2019). Surimi and surimi products. 2nd International Symposium on Limnology and Freshwater Fiheries. BPS. (2019). Produksi Perikanan menurut Asal Tangkapan di Kota Tanjungbalai 2010 - 2017. Retrieved March 23, 2020, from Damanik, M. R. S., Sriadhi, Habibi, M. R., & Harefa, M. S. (2018). Diversifikasi Pengolahan Ikan sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat Nelayan Desa Bagan Serdang Kecamatan Pantai Labu Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 23(4), 455–459. Diana, A., & Lubis, A. F. 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Hedonic Attributes of Mussels Sauce as Seasoning : Kajian Uji Kesukaan Saus Kerang sebagai Seasoning Yusfiani, Marnida; Diana, Ayu; Ridhayani, Ahyani; Harahap, Muchsin; Syakura, Abd.
Jurnal Pertanian Tropik Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020): JURNAL ONLINE PERTANIAN TROPIK
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (209.077 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/jopt.v7i2.4309


ABSTRACT North Sumatera east coastal, had abundance the type of mussels. The mussels processed limitless as daily dish. Diversification is required the mussels process to become mussels sauce. The aim of the research is to know the panellists acceptance of the mussels sauce. The experimental methods are used in this research with 3 treatments and 3 repetition. The different of mussels were A1, Anadara granosa; A2, Perna viridis; and A3, Anadara cunearca. Hedonic formulation, the research parameter. SNI 01.2346-2006 the hedonic formulation and ANOVA, was performed to analyse the data. The result showed that the mussels sauce product that can be accepted by panellists A21 treatment, which score 4,79 at like level specification. In after taste parameter, A2 had significant effect (p > 0,05). Keywords: mussels, mussels sauce, hedonic, after taste, seasoning. ABSTRAK Pesisir pantai timur Sumatera Utara, memiliki kelimpahan berbagai jenis kerang-kerangan. Olahan kerang terbatas sebagai lauk untuk dikonsumsi sehari – hari. Perlu dilakukan diversifikasi olahan kerang menjadi saus kerang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penerimaan panelis terhadap saus kerang. Metode eksperimen yang digunakan dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 pengulangan. Jenis kerang yang berbeda yaitu A1, Kerang darah (Anadara granosa); A2, Kerang hijau (Perna viridis); dan A3, Kerang bulu (Anadara cunearca).  Parameter pengamatan yaitu uji hedonik. Analisis data menggunakan SNI 01.2346-2006 formulasi hedonik dan Analysis of Varians (ANOVA). Hasil penelitian diperoleh produk yang dapat diterima oleh panelis pada uji kesukaan adalah pada perlakuan A21, dengan nilai 4,79 spesifikasi suka. Pada uji setelah rasa, A2 memberikan pengaruh nyata (p > 0,05). Kata Kunci: Kerang, saus kerang, tingkat kesukaan, setelah rasa, seasoning.
Pembuatan Marinasi Udang Swallow (Penaeus merguiensis) Dengan Pengolahan Bumbu Yang Berbeda Ridhayani Lubis, Ahyani; Diana, Ayu; Hermanto; Muhajjir
Jurnal Pertanian Tropik Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL ONLINE PERTANIAN TROPIK
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (807.222 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/jopt.v9i1.8517


Shrimp is one of the most popular types of seafood. Processed in any way, such as fried, steamed, baked, or made into a salad, shrimp is still delicious to eat. Marinating is the process of soaking meat in a marinade, before it is further processed. This study aims to determine the level of consumer acceptance of the manufacture of swallow shrimp marinade with different spice processing based on the hedonic test and to determine the nutritional content of the best value from the hedonic test of shrimp marinade with different spice processing. The shrimp marinade research method was divided into three stages. The first stage is sample and material preparation, the second stage is making shrimp marinade and the third stage is hedonic and proximate testing of the marinade. The research treatment design used was a completely randomized design (CRD). The results of the study obtained the best value from the hedonic test of shrimp marinade with the criteria of appearance = 6.30, aroma = 6.46, texture = 6.46 and taste = 5.85. The results of the test of the nutritional content of the marinade were based on the best value of the hedonic test results, namely water content = 73.61%, ash content = 5.45%, fat content = 0.31, protein content 19.26% and carbohydrate content 1.38.Keywords: Swallowed shrimp, Marinated, Hedonic Test, Proximate Test