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JURNAL LITIGASI (e-Journal) Vol 22 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pasundan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23969/litigasi.v22i2.3841


The outbreak of the Covid-19 virus has caused disruptions across the globe. The table has turned drastically and unexpected. All aspects of life are impacted by this corona virus. The world, ready or not are forced to adapt with the situation. Legal schools have to conduct online learning. The concern should be paid to how social justice education can be done online when trying to sensitize the students towards social justice. The approach used in this research was juridical normative examining norms related to social justice learning. Conceptual approach was used to show views and analysis of problem solving on social justice learning through online method at undergraduate level to produce lawyers with legal professional skills. Therefore, traditional law school curricula provide chances for students to develop their skills. The impact is that online learning that can produce future litigators with the same or even better quality with the conservative method is still in doubt. The research concluded that some elements are missing from the online learning when teaching social justice to students such as professional skills and social emphathy. Keywords: Outbreak of Covid-19 Virus, Online Learning, Social Justice.
JURNAL LITIGASI (e-Journal) Vol 20 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pasundan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.164 KB) | DOI: 10.23969/litigasi.v20i2.2091


The increasingly swift flow of information enables the public to take and absorb all kinds of news through printed media, social media, television, radio, and all other forms of equipment. This is the culture in which people live today. Not infrequently some members or community groups in Indonesia today are often involved in fraud and defamation cases, both as perpetrators and victims. Rapidly developing technology gives people the power to spread information so rapidly and massively. However, it must be realized, the power implies responsibility, and all forms of information delivery should be done with full responsibility. The large number of people who become victims of crime is caused by the lack of a critical attitude in absorbing, digesting and analyzing the information received. This article is the result of research that seeks to question how scientific attitude ethics can be developed by legal education and how to shape legal education with scientific ethics that are able to prevent victims of crime. Philosophical approaches, conceptual approaches are used here, with technical analysis techniques namely qualitative analysis in the form of deconstruction (philosophical) analysis, system-normative analysis, heuristic analysis (including description of the context of justification of science, criticism of the science paradigm, discovery of new paths, development towards creativity and socio legal analysis, multi-disciplinary analysis. Keywords: legal education, scientific ethics, culture.
Jurnal Yudisial Vol 11, No 2 (2018): IN CAUSA POSITUM
Publisher : Komisi Yudisial RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29123/jy.v11i2.290


ABSTRAKTulisan ini merupakan sebuah analisis terhadap Putusan Nomor 9/PID.SUS-ANAK/2016/PT.BDG, yang mengkaji sudah tepat atau tidak putusan yang dijatuhkan oleh hakim pengadilan tingkat banding tersebut dengan konsep restorative justice. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitis yang menggambarkan sekaligus menganalisis pertimbangan-pertimbangan yang diambil oleh hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan. Pertimbangan yang diambil oleh hakim pengadilan tingkat banding yang menguatkan putusan hakim pada pengadilan tingkat pertama merupakan pertimbangan yang tepat di mana hakim memutus perkara dengan mempertimbangkan prinsip-prinsip restorative justice. Hakim tidak hanya mempertimbangkan upaya pemberian efek jera tetapi juga mempertimbangkan kepentingan terbaik bagi anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum dengan memastikan pemenuhan hak atas pendidikan dan menghindarkan anak dari risiko pengaruh buruk yang dapat berujung pada berulangnya tindak pidana, karena dalam isu anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum, pendidikan bagi semua anak tanpa memandang asal, ras, gender, kecacatan atau kemampuan dan layanan kesehatan serta advokasi harus diperhatikan. Sejumlah anak tidak sempat mengenyam pendidikan yang lengkap karena situasi penjara yang tidak memungkinkan untuk memberikan pendidikan bagi warga binaannya.Kata kunci: pidana anak, pembinaan, restorative justice. ABSTRACT This is an analysis of Court Decision Number 9/PID. SUS-ANAK/2016/PT.BDG, which examines whether the decision imposed by the appellate court judge using the restorative justice concept is appropriate. Research in the analysis use normative juridical method with analytical descriptive approach, which describes and analyzes considerations taken by judges in making decision. The consideration taken by the appellate court judge reinforcing the decision of the first-level court judges is the right consideration since the judge decides the case by taking heed to the principles of restorative justice. The judge does not only weigh on the effort to provide a deterrent effect, but also the best interests of children in conflict with the law by ensuring the fulfillment of the children’s educational rights and prevent them from the risk of bad influences that may lead to the recurrence of crime. Because in the issue of children in conflict with the law, education for all children regardless of origin, race, gender, disability or ability and health services and advocacy should be taken into account. The children are not able to get an adequate education because of the incapacity of prison conditions to provide education to their inmates. Keywords: juvenile crime, educational treatment, restorative justice.
DIGITALISASI PENDIDIKAN HUKUM Anthon F. Susanto; Hesti Septianita; Rosa Tedjabuana; Mohammad Alvi Pratama
JURNAL LITIGASI (e-Journal) Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Pasundan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23969/litigasi.v23i2.6216


The world has changed into a reality engineered through logic digital known as artificial intelligence. When the intelligence develops in rapid fashion into conscience like human, the potential game, website and other network and digital facility will drastically be increasing. Methods used is a participative-mixed method model of research with four approaches which are philosophical, conceptual, socio-legal and textual-critique approaches with literature study data collecting technique. In this era of artificial intelligence, legal education should be reborn with new face, education with commitment to respond digital development without ignoring the value of wisdom. Legal education will lead to the development of practical skill and is based on values of wisdom. Legal education should establish cultural-based curriculum as legal education is an education of behavior. Legal education should be adapted with global values but paying attention to local aspects or on the other hand maintaining rational education and constructing sense of logic and retaining good practical skill and the concern to marginalized community. That is what future legal education should be. Keywords: Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence, Legal Education.
Legal and governance issues of donations based crowdfunding: an appraisal Mohd Zakhiri Md Nor; Alias Azhar; Irma Rachmawati; T. Subarsyah Sumadikara; Firman Turmantar; Deden Sumantry; Leni Wini Mulyadi; Tisni Santika; Hesti Septianita; Irum Saba
International Journal of Latin Notary Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Internasional Journal of Latin Notary, September 2023
Publisher : Magister Kenotariatan Universitas Pasundan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55904/journal.v4i1.54


Donation-based crowdfunding is now common in many countries in the world. It has been increasingly important, particularly during Covid-19, and is viewed as one of the strategies for addressing financial challenges in some segments of society. Government and non-governmental organizations. However, the scammer activities via crowdfunding are increasing and Malaysian laws are only regulated the Equity Crowdfunding (ECF) and Peer to Peer Financing (P2P) This paper will focus the discussion of Malaysia's legal framework for crowdfunding. The paper investigates the issues surrounding donation-based crowdfunding in Malaysia. This paper employs qualitative methodology and phenomenology as a case design. Data will be gathered from statues, journals, and other written materials. Thematic and content analysis will be used to analyse the data. This paper discovered that there are issues with donation-based crowdfunding conducted by individuals or non-governmental organizations. This paper concludes thatthere is a pressing need to regulate donation-based crowdfunding in Malaysia in order for it to achieve the donor goals and Maqasid Syariah.