Diemroh Ihsan
Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang

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Linguistically Intercultural Problems in Learning English as a Global Lingua Franca (EGLF) Diemroh Ihsan
Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 19, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : LINGUA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra

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Abstract: In learning English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) of the globe, Indonesian learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) need great effort and seriousness to cope with certain linguistic and incultural problems. If beginning EFL learners make errors in making sentences using certain words, it is not surprising but it is when they are made by quite advanced learn- ers. However, errors should be respected and accepted as signs of learning as no learners create errors on purpose. Teachers should realize that errors are committed due to some factors that are beyond learners’ awareness linguistically as well as culturally. This paper is intended to describe some linguistic and incultural errors made by advanced EFL learners and discuss some possible causes and offer ways to help them improve their competence and performance in the English language. The data used in this study are in forms of (a) sentences made by 30 Mag- ister program students using certain words given, and (b) answers they provide based on Yes/ No questions and Tag-questions asked. The study reveals that to make correct sentences using certain words and correct answers to certain questions in English EFL learners are required to build some linguistic, pragmatic, and intercultural comptence both in Indonesian and English.Keywords: linguistic, pragmatic, and intercultural errors and competence,Abstrak: Dalam belajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa perantara antar bangsa di dunia para siswa Indonesia yang belajar bahasa Inggris sbagai bahasa asng memerlukan usaha yang sung- guh-sungguh untuk memahami dan menguasai unsur-unsur kebahasaan dan kebudayaan tert- entu. Jika pembelajar pemula bahasa Inggris Indonesia membuat kesalahan dalam membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan kata-kata tertentu, itu mungkin dianggap wajar tetapi hal tersebut dianggap kurang wajar bila kesalahan seperti itu dibuat oleh pembelajar yang sudah dikategori- kan kelas advanced. Namun demikian, kesalahan apapun yang dibuat pembelajar hendaknya dihargai dan diterima sebagai tanda bahwa mereka sedang belajar karena tidak ada pembelajar yang sengaja membuat kesalahan apabila mereka sudah mengetahui mana yang benar. Para guru harus menyadari bahwa kesalahan terjadi karena beberapa faktor di luar pemahaman pem- belajar baik secara kebahasaan maupun budaya. Tulisan ini mencoba mendeskripsikan beber- apa unsur kebahasaan dan budaya yang dibuat oleh pembelajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing, membahas beberapa penyebabnya, dan menawarkan beberapa usaha untuk membantu mereka memperbaiki pengetahuan dan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mereka. Data penelitian ini berupa (a) sejumlah kalimat yang dibuat oleh 30 orang pembelajar S2 bahasa Inggris, dan(b) kalimat jawaban yang mereka buat berdasarkan pertanyaan Yes/No Question dan Tag-Ques- tion. Hasil studi ini menyatakan bahwa untuk dapat membuat kalimat yang benar dan jawaban dari pertanyaan Yes/No Question dan Tag-Question para pembelajar bahasa Inggris Indonesia dituntut untuk memiliki latarbelakang pengetahuan tentang ilmu bahasa, pragmatik, dan bu- daya sendiri maupun budaya bangsa yang berbahasa Inggris.Kata-kata Kunci: kesalahan dan kemampuan linguistik, pragmatik, interkultural 
Error Analysis in Argumentative Essays Written by the Fifth Semester Students Lussy Albayinnah; Diemroh Ihsan; Margaretha Dinar Sitinjak
Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 20, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : LINGUA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra

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Abstract: The objectives of this study were to find out: (1) The argumentative essay achievement of the fifth semester students of English Education Study Program of Sriwijaya Uuniversity, (2) kinds of errors in argumentative essays made by the same students, (3) possible causes of errors in argumentative essays made by them, (4) kinds of errors mostly found in argumentative essays made by the students, and (5) possible ways to eliminate errors made by them..The sample of this study were 20 fifth semester students selected by employing stratified sampling from two different class campuses--Indralaya and Palembang.  Argumentative essay writing tests were used to collect the data which were then analyzed by using two error taxonomies, namely Surface Strategy Taxonomy and Linguistic Strategy Taxonomy. The result showed that the students’ argumentative achievements reached the Meeting Standard score with 8.5 as the highest score and 6 as the lowest score. Errors in Grammar, Lexicon, Semantics, Syntax, and Mechanics as well as in Omission, Addition, Misformation, and Misorder were found, which were caused by one or two of the following factors: overgeneralization, first language interference, and/or carelessness. Among those errors,  errors on grammar and omission were mostly found. Some suggested ways to eliminate errors include doing remedial teaching focussing on teaching material covering the use of punctuation, conjunction, subordinate conjunction, and a brief theory about translation. Keywords: argumentative essay, error analysis, linguistic category taxonomy, surface strategy taxonomy Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) pencapaian kemampuan mahasiswa semester 5 Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sriwijaya dalam menulis esei argumenatative, (2) jenis kesalahan yang dibuat oleh mereka, (3) kemungkinan penyebab terjadinya kesalahan tersebut, (4) jenis kesalahan yang paling banyak terjadi, dan (5) beberapa cara yang mungkin dapat diterapkan untuk mengurangi terjadinya kesalahan-kesalhan tersebut. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 20 orang mahasiswa pada program studi yang sama yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel secara bertingkat dari dua lokasi kampus—Inderalaya  dan  Palembang.  Tes  dalam  menulis  esei  argumentattive  digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yang diperlukan yang kemudian di analisis menggunakan dua cara untuk mengetahui jenis kesalahan (two error taxonomies), yakni Surface Strategy Taxonomy dan  Linguistic  Strategy Taxonomy.  Hasil  penelitian  ini  menunjukkan  bahwa  kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menulis esei argumentative mencapai nilai standar cukup bagus, 8.5 untuk nilai tertinggi dan 6 untuk nilai terendah. Jenis kesalahan yang ditemukan berkaitan dengan tatabahasa, kosakata, makna, sintaks, mekanik, penghapusan, penambahan, salahpembentukan, dan salah susun. Kesalahan-keasalahan tersebut disebbkan oleh salah satu atau dua dari faktor overgeneralization, first language interference, and/or carelessness.Di antara beberapa jenis kesalahan di atas, keasalahan yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah kesalahan dalam tatabahasa dan penghapusan (omission). Beberapa cara yang mungkin dapat diterapkan oleh dosen untuk mengurangi atau membatasi terjadinya kesalahan oleh para mahasiswa adalah  mengadakan perbaikan proses pengajaran,  misalnya yang mencakup  materi ajar seperti cara penggunaan tatabaca, kata penghubung, termasuk teori singkat tentang penerjemahan. Kata-kata kunci: argumentative essay, error analysis, linguistic category taxonomy, surface strategy taxonomy
The Journal of English Literacy Education: The Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign Language Vol 1, No 1 (2014): The Journal of English Literacy Education
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/jele.v1i1.2066


Abstract: The study was conducted to find out whether or not there was any significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between the eighth graders of SMP Negeri 53 Palembang who were taught through REAP strategy and those who were not. The population of the study was the eighth graders of SMP Negeri 53 Palembang in the academic year 2013/2014. The total number of the students was 228 students. The sample was 76 students that were taken by using purposive sampling technique. Thirty eight students were in the experimental group and thirty eight students were in the control group. In doing this research, the writer did the experimental research by using quasi experimental design. The instrument for collecting the data was areading test that was given as a pre-test and a post-test. The result of the test that was analyzed by using the independent sample t-test analysis showed that the t-obtained value was 3.704 at the significance level p< 0.05 with df 74 and the critical value of t-table was1.993. Since the t-obtained value was higher than t-table value, that is, 3.704>1.993, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the research hypothesis (H1) was accepted. It means thatthere was a significant difference in the reading comprehension achievement between the students who were taught through REAP strategy and those who were not. Key words: REAP Strategy, Reading comprehension
The Journal of English Literacy Education: The Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign Language Vol 1, No 2 (2014): The Journal of English Literacy Education
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/jele.v1i2.2076


Abstract:The objectives of this study were to find out whether or not there was (1) a significant correlation between linguistic competence (LC) and speaking performance (SP), and (2) a contribution of linguistic competence to speaking performance. The method of the study was a correlational study. The population was the fourth, sixth, and the eighth semester students of English Education Study Program, Sriwijaya University in academic year of 2013/2014. The total number of the sample was 100 students. In this study, the students were given two kinds of tests, that is, linguistic competence test and speaking test used to measure the two main variables (LC and SP). The data obtained from the tests were analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment Coefficient on SPSS program for windows. The findings showed that there was a significant correlation between students’ linguistic competence and their speaking performance. The correlation coefficien between linguistic competence and speaking performance was 0.315 and the correlation was low or weak. Furthermore, it was found that the influence of linguistic competence on speaking performance was 9.9 %. It is concluded that linguistic competence gave contribution to students’ speaking performance. Key words:linguistic competence, correlation, speaking performance
The Journal of English Literacy Education: The Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign Language Vol 1, No 2 (2014): The Journal of English Literacy Education
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/jele.v1i2.2068


Abstract: The aims of this study were to find out whether or not there were significant correlations among each aspect of parents’ economic status, students’ reading motivation, and reading achievement. In addition, the contributions of parents’ economic status and reading motivation to reading achievement were also investigated. One hundred twenty students were selected as the sample by using a purposive sampling technique. The data were collected by using a parents’ socioeconomic questionnaire, a reading motivation questionnaire, and a reading test. Pearson product moment correlation and multiple regression analyses were applied to analyze the data. The correlation analysis showed that the aspects of parents’ economic status: parental income (r=.546), property (r=.294), and facilities at home (r=.535) were significantly correlated with reading achievement. However, only parental income (29.8%) and facilities at home (4.8%) gave significant contribution to reading achievement. Significant correlations also existed between parental income (r=.394); property (r=.250); facilities at home (r=.343), and reading motivation, but only parental income gave significant contribution (15.5%). All the aspects of students’ reading motivation were also significantly correlated with reading achievement, but only self-efficacy (18.15%) and competition (7.1%) that contributed significantly. The results of this study confirm the important role of parents’ economic status in their children’s reading motivation and reading achievement. Key words:parents’ economic status, students’ reading motivation, students’ reading achievement