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Pengaruh Harga Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Tempe Tri Widyastuti
Jurnal Ecodemica : Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 1, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Ecodemica: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Bisnis
Publisher : LPPM Universitas BSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.094 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jeco.v1i2.2130


Customer satisfaction is the level of customer ratings of products or services. Manufacturers and traders need to consider the level of customer satisfaction by improving product quality, service quality, price and customer emotional level, as well as production costs. Customer satisfaction measurement provides information for producers, traders and consumers of the products or services produced. This study uses descriptive quantitative method, distributing randomly questionaire to the “Tempe” customers at Pasar Lembang, Kota Tangerang. The evidence from the results obtained from the calculation showed that there is a significant influence partially and simultaneously of price and product quality to customer satisfaction of tempe at Lembang Traditional Market, Kota Tangerang. It can be concluded that the traders and producers should maintain and improve the quality of their products and give the compatible price of the products ‘Tempe” in accordance with their qualities in order to increase the purchasing power and consumer loyalty in consuming the product. Keywords: Pricing, Product Quality, Customer Satisfaction.
Widya Cipta - Jurnal Sekretari dan Manajemen Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Maret 2017
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (151.883 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/widyacipta.v1i1.1392


AbstrakIn all organizations some problems arises due to differences in purposes, interest, experiences, levels of education, personalities, perceptions, and motivation among individuals or groups in the organization. Those problems can cause conflicts, internal and external, that lead to negative implications for their organizations. Therefore, leaders have to apply conflict management to overcome the conflicts and find the best solution to undermine the spirit of organization. Through assertive communication, leaders can build sincere communication between individuals and look for win-win solution for all parties. Leaders are also expected to apply conflict management in accordance with the circumstances in the organization.  This study uses descriptive qualitative method.  The research proves that there is an influence between assertive communications towards conflict management in PT. Indonesia Power – Unit Bisnis Pemeliharaan in Jakarta. The calculation of determination coefficient is 0.745 74.5%meaning that the changing variation of conflict management influenced by assertive communication skill as much as 74.5% and the rest 25.5% influenced by other factors. The evident from the results obtained from the calculation showed that there is a significant influence partially and simultaneously of assertive communications towards conflict management. It concluded that the organization should have the skill of assertive communication, improve and implement it to attain the best way in dealing with management conflict. Towards assertive communication, leaders get highest opportunity to manage and solve conflicts in their organizations.  Keywords: Conflict, Conflict Management, Assertiveness, Assertive Communication Skill. Abstrak            Di setiap organisasi masalah dapat terjadi karena adanya perbedaan tujuan, perbedaan kepentingan, perbedaan pengalaman, tingkat pendidikan, persepsi, dan motivasi diantara individu atau kelompok di organisasi tersebut. Masalah tersebut dapat menimbulkan konflik, naik internal maupun eksternal, yang akan mengarah pada implikasi negatif untuk organisasi. Oleh sebab itu, setiap pemimpin perlu menerapkan manajemen konflik untuk meredam persaingan dan menemukan pemecahan masalah untuk memperbaiki spirit sinergisme organisasi. Melalui kemampuan komunikasi asertif, diharapkan pemimpin dapat membangun sebuah komunikasi yang jujur diantara individu-individu dan mencari solusi yang memenangkan kedua belah pihak. Pemimpin juga diharapkan menerapkan pengelolaan konflik yang sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi di dalam organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa ada pengaruh antara kemampuan komunikasi asertif terhadap pengelolaan konflik di PT. Indonesia Power – Unit Bisnis Pemeliharaan di Jakarta. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,745 yang artinya variasi perubahan dari pengelolaan konflik dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan komunikasi asertif sebesar 74,5% dan sisanya 25,5% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dari hasil perhitungan yang menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan komunikasi asertif berpengaruh secara parsial dan simultan terhadap pengelolaan konflik. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan dan penerapan kemampuan komunikasi asertif sangat diperlukan dalam meningkatkan pengelolaan konflik yang baik oleh para pemimpin di PT. Indonesia Power – Unit Bisnis Pemeliharaan, Jakarta. Dengan kemampuan komunikasi asertif, pemimpin memiliki kesempatan yang lebih baik dalam menangani dan memecahkan konflik yang terjadi di dalam organisasinya. Kata Kunci: Konflik, Pengelolaan Konflik, Asertif, Kemampuan Komunikasi Asertif 
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (548.245 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jc.v16i2.1290


Conflict, both internal and external conflicts, can cause problems in organizationbecause of differences in purpose, interests, personalities, experiences, perceptions,and motivations among individuals or groups in the organization. Every leader needsto apply conflict management to curb the excessive nature of competition andundermine the spirit of synergism organization. Through servant leadership style andorganizational culture, leaders are expected to be able to apply conflict managementin accordance with the circumstances in the organization. The research proves thatthere is an influence between servant leadership and organizational culture toconflict management in PT. Indonesia Power - UBH at Jakarta. The evident from theresults obtained from the calculation showed that there is a significant influencepartially and simultaneously of servant leadership and culture organization towardsconflict management. It can be concluded that the improvement, socialization andimplementation of servant leadership and organizational culture are important toimprove the leaders’ conflict management skills in PT. Indonesia Power - UBH,Jakarta.