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Analisis Tingkat Kematangan Sistem Informasi Akademik Menggunakan Framework COBIT 4.1 (Studi Kasus: STMIK Lombok) - STMIK Lombok, Wire Bagye
Speed - Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi Vol 8, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Speed Januari - 2016
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (68.596 KB) | DOI: 10.3112/speed.v8i1.1382


Abstrak - This research describes the IT governance maturity level analysis of the STMIK Lombok’s Academic Information System. Investment success maturity level is assessed basis on subjective assumptions, namely an increase in the level of student satisfaction as a customer. Analysis using a standard measuring tool framework needs to get the raw value of the maturity level  and get a recommendation to raise the governance maturity level. As a reference of action an effort to increase the value of the reference level of maturity and further research.IT governance maturity level analisys of Academic Information System is done by determining the Business Goals by objective IT implementation, draw up a questionnaire filled by observation and interview to informations and technology sentre departement, and STMIK Lombok’s Chairman. Results of the questionnaire were calculated using Microsoft Excel application to get current maturity level value. analysis compliance activity table COBIT 4.1, to raise the current of governance maturity level is arranged recommendation that activity that has not been implemented to each domain.IT governance maturity level Analysis of the STMIK Lombok’s academic information system is an implementation maturity level measurement procedure to find the current maturity level  value on business goals Improve customer orientation and service by using COBIT 4.1 framework. This research will find  the value of the IT governance maturity level current conditions of STMIK Lombok’s Academic Information System management. This maturity level value as a measure of the alignment of the implementation of the Academic Information System to Improve customer orientation and service and Services. Base on the maturity level calculation results of Implementation the STMIK Lombok’s  Academic Information System are at level 1.Keywords: Governance, Maturity Level, Academic Information Systems, Abstrak- Penelitian ini memaparkan  tentang analisis tingkat kematangan tata kelola TI pada Sistem Informasi Akademik STMIK Lombok. Keberhasilan investasi tingkat kematangan masih dinilai berdasarkan asumsi subjective yaitu peningkatan tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa sebagai pelanggan. Analisis menggunakan alat ukur standar kerangka kerja baku  perlu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan nilai tingkat kematangan dan mendapatkan rekomendasi  untuk menaikkan tingkat kematangan tata kelola. Sebagai bahan acuan tindakan upaya meningkatkan nilai tingkat kematangan dan referensi penelitian selanjutnya.Analisis tingkat kematangan tata kelola Sistem Informasi Akademik dilakukan dengan menentukan Bisnis Goals  berdasarkan tujuan implementasi TI, menyusun kuisioner yang diisi dengan melakukan observasi dan wawancara kepada bagian Pustik, Akademik, dan Ketua STMIK Lombok. Hasil kuisioner dihitung dengan menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Excel untuk mendapatkan nilai tingkat kematangan saat ini. dilakukan analisis kepatuhan pada tabel activity COBIT 4.1, untuk menaikkan satu tingkat kematangan tata kelola saat ini disusun rekomendasi activity yang belum dilaksanakan pada setiap domain. Analisis tingkat kematangan Tata kelola TI pada sistem informasi akademik STMIK Lombok  merupakan implementasi prosedur pengukuran tingkat kematangan  untuk mendapatkan nilai tingkat kematangan konsisi saat ini pada bisnis goal Meningkatkan orientasi pelanggan dan layanan berdsarkan framework COBIT 4.1. Penelitian  ini menghasilkan nilai tingkat kematangan pengelolaan tata kelola IT Sistem Informasi Akademik kondisi saat ini. Nilai tingkat kematangan ini sebagai alat ukur keselarasan implementasi Sistem Informasi Akademik terhadap upaya Meningkatkan Orientasi Pelanggan Dan Layanan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan tingkat kematangan Implemetasi Sistem Informasi Akademik STMIK Lombok   berada pada tingkat  1 (sangat tidak baik).Kata kunci: Tata kelola, Tingkat Kematangan,  Sistem Informasi Akademik, 
Prototype Sterilisasi Virus Barang Belanjaan Online Berbasis Arduino Ashari, Maulana; Zaen, Mohammad Taufan Asri; Putri, Juliyantika Ayudita; Imtihan, Khairul; Bagye, Wire
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v6i1.3437


In this study, efforts were made to break the chain of spread of COVID-19 with the main technique of heating to dry the liquid on the surface of the groceries. Built a heating box with a length of width and height of 65cm using the main material of fiber glass with a thickness of 3mm. By using Arduino Uno as a control tool, the MLX temperature sensor is used to measure the temperature in the box and the Proximity sensor is used as a sensor to detect goods. The method used to design the tool is the Research and Development (R&D) method. The test results using an initial temperature of 47º and the desired temperature of 56ºC takes 07 minutes 21 seconds the temperature displayed by the LCD has reached 56ºC, when the surface temperature of the goods is measured using a thermogun, the results are 43.1ºC. Complete trial using an initial temperature of 29ºC and the desired temperature of 56ºC takes 2 minutes 18 seconds, the temperature displayed on the LCD has reached 56ºC. When the surface temperature of the goods is measured using a thermogun, the results are 55.5ºC. The results of the last test show that the temperature is close to 56ºC.
Pemilihan Model Scrum Dalam Pengembangan Sistem Monitoring Dengan Menggunakan Metode Agile Untuk Evaluasi Clinical Pathway Khairul Imtihan; Lalu Mutawalli; Wire Bagye
Bianglala Informatika Vol 8, No 1 (2020): Bianglala Informatika 2020
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (67.973 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/bi.v8i1.7636


Hospitals as health care institutions are always required to provide quality, effective and acute services. PERSI forms a guideline for developing service standards so that it supports more accountable and efficient hospital health services called clinical pathways. Clinical pathways are used to systematically record each intervention given to patients. In its implementation, the clinical pathway does not always work perfectly, this is caused by various things such as the lack of resources (equipment and other health facilities), also caused by the negligence of technical implementers such as doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and pharmaceuticals. The clinical pathway monitoring system is important to know the obstacles that arise. The monitoring system can support the evaluation process to be faster. In this study, the system was developed using the agile method with the scrum model. The study was conducted at Harapan Harapan General Hospital in Tegal City involving those who played a direct role in using the system, Patient Care Management (MPP). The functional test results are divided into three, the first system quality results as much as 76% according to its function. Second, the assessment of the quality of information, the value of the quality of information produced as much as 68% according to its function. The three assessments of service quality obtained results as much as 63% according to its function.
Implementasi Network Attached Storage (NAS) Menggunakan Freenas Pada STMIK Lombok Lalu Supriadi Kalaena; Wire Bagye
Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): MISI Januari 2018
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Lombok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36595/misi.v1i1.11


STMIK Lombok is an institution engaged in education that process data, about students, student practical data, lecturer data, and correspondence. Media file storage applied STMIK Lombok still on a separate computer, both academic data and practical data, so to access the file must be done on the computer where the storage. Based on the capability of Network Attached Storage in local network, by looking at the need of data storage media on the network at STMIK Lombok and the observation result then designed a network architecture by utilizing Network Attached Storage device with focus on fast storage and data transfer process. Stages of research include Data collection, design, and methods of testing To be able to help solve the problem of separate data access then implemented Network Attached Storage (NAS) which is a network to perform distribution of storage assets owned by the server of a network system that has the advantage of faster access to data stored through Local Area Network, minimal cost and cheap and easy maintenance, from setup to configuration, and available Open Source Software. After doing the testing phase it can be concluded that FreeNas as an operating system used for the processing of network storage media is very capable of handling the task well and the facilities that exist in it is very supportive in storage and accessing files. FreeNas web is very helpful and allows users to configure it other than it can be used without having to spend a large cost, and with the facilities in the FreeNas.
Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): MISI Juni 2019
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Lombok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36595/misi.v2i2.99


Desa Monggas masuk wilayah Kecamatan Kopang dengan jumah penduduk 7125 jiwa dan 3272 jiwa masyarakat miskin. Jumlah masyarakat miskin di Desa Monggas relative tinggi dengan sebran pada setiap dusun. Pemerintah Desa Monggas memili data masyarakat miskin dengan pendataan secara berkala. Data masyarakat miskin tersebut disimpan dalam file microsoft office excel. Dalam file tersebut berisi biodata masyarakat dan alamat lengkap nmun tidak dapat menampilkan data berupa peta, rute maupun gambar. Jika akan melakukan kunjungan maka pencarian lokas tempat tinggal dilakukan secara konvensional yaitu penelusuran alamat mulai dari dusun, RT dan endapatkn informasi dari masyarakat. Hal ini enjad kendala bagi stekholder terkait unruk melakukan tracer alamat masyarakat miskin untuk berbagai keperluan pendampingan dan pendataan ulang. Dibangun sistem informasi geografis Persebaran masyarakat miskin desa Monggas berbasis web. Metode yang digunakan dalam merancang sistem informasi geografis Persebaran masyarakat miskin ini adalah System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Ada empat tahap dalam pnelitian ini yaitu tahap analisis sistem, tahap perancangan sistem, tahap uji coba, dan tahap pengujian sistem. Sistem informasi Geografis ini dapat memberikan informasi kepada dinas terkait yang membutuhkan data persebaran masyarakat kurang mampu yang ada di desa Monggas Kecamatan kopang kabupaten lombok tengah Sistem Informasi Geografis ini memberikan informasi berupa data penduduk pada setiap dusun. System juga menampilkan alamat koordinat rumah sehingga dapat ditelussuri lebih cepat.
Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): MISI Juni 2019
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Lombok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36595/misi.v2i2.100


SMKN 2 Kuripan Lombok barat NTB merupakan Sekolah menengah kejuruan dengan bidang keahlian teknologi. Jumlah pendaftar psereta didik baru tergolong banyak dengan jumlah pendaftar 300 (Tiga Ratus) pendaftar. Proses penerimaan siswa baru masih menggunakan konvensional yaitu menggunakan catatan pada buku besar dan pengelolaan data menggunakan aplikasi microsoft excel. Hal tersebut berdampak pada pemrosesan data dan pengumuman hasil seleksi yang lama. Untuk itu diperlukan sistem informasi yang dapat membantu dalam proses penerimaan siswa baru di SMK Negeri 2 Kuripan. Pada penelitian ini dibangun aplikasi pendafataran peserta didik baru berbasis web. Alur dan data mengacu pada sistem konvensional yangsedang diterapkan. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan observasi, wawancara, analisis, perancangan sistem dan pengujian. Perancangan menggunakan UML untuk menggambarkan alur penggunaan aplikasi, interface, dan struktur menu. Impelementasi aplikasi menerapkan code igniter sedangkan untuk menjalankan aplikasi menggunakan lokal hosting xampp. Hasil pengujian menggunakan blak box menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi dapat berjalan sesuai kebutuhan yaitu dapat melakukan pendaftaran dengan form biodata dan pilihan jurusan, data peserta didik tersimpan di database, pengelolaan seleksi serta menampilkan pengumuman hasil seleksi. Aplikasi dapat menghasilkan dokumen cetak beberapa form untuk kebutuhan arsip dokumen.
Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): MISI Juni 2019
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Lombok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36595/misi.v2i2.101


Proses penyampaian informasi kepada wali murid pada SMA Negeri 1 praya tengah menggunakan surat. Permasalahan yang terjadi ialah siswa sering tidak mengikuti kegiatan jika dijadwalkan pada sore hari. Wali murid juga tidak dapat memantau atau mengetahui kinerja dan aktifitas anaknya selama berada di sekolah. Untuk menunjang kegiatan penyampaian informasi pada SMAN 1 praya tengah ke wali murid dikembangkan sebuah aplikasi sistem informasi kesiswaan menggunakan metode Extreme programming (XP). Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi SMS Gateway. System ini berfungsi menyebarkan informasi kepada wali murid jika siswa tidak mengikuti pelajaran. Hasil dari pengujian sistem didapatkan bahwa aplikasi sistem informasi kesiswaan di SMAN 1 praya tengah dapat berjalan dengan baik sesuai yang diharapkan. Sehingga saat admin melakukan pengiriman informasi kepada wali murid dapat dilakukan lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan cara mengirim surat.
Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): MISI Januari 2020
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Lombok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36595/misi.v3i1.133


STMIK Lombok merupakan salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta di kabupaten Lombok Tengah dan merupakan salah satu perguruan tinggi ilmu komputer. Pengembangan strategi sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi (SI/TI) menjadi landasan utama dalam terlaksananya Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, namun permasalahan yang terjadi adalah dalam mengakses jaringan internet atau sistem informasi, civitas kampus merasakan akses lambat yang disebabkan infrastruktur jaringan komputer saat ini belum maksimal. Statistik menunjukan peningkatan jumlah mahasiswa dari setiap tahun ajaran membuat perlunya pembaharuan infrastruktur jaringan komputer yang ada. Tata letak akses point yang sesuai agar bisa mengcover sinyal wifi disemua lokasi kampus, dan dengan layout gedung kampus baru, maka jaringan komputer harus didesain ulang untuk meningkatkan skalabilitas civitas kampus yang setiap tahun makin meningkat. Pihak pengelola STMIK Lombok menginginkan adanya penyelarasan antara layout gedung kampus baru dengan perancangan blueprint infrastruktur jaringan komputer. Selain itu dalam penyusunan strategi teknologi informasi dari strategi bisnis untuk membangun infrastruktur jaringan komputer, diperlukan juga sebuah analisis strategi dalam penyusunannya, dan juga menginginkan pemilihan produk hardware jaringan komputer antara produk Cisco dengan Mikrotik sebagai landasan manajemen kampus dalam pengambilan keputusan pemilihan hardware jaringan yang digunakan. Penelitian ini membandingkan kemampuan skalabilitas hardware produk Cisco dan produk Mikrotik dalam perancangan blueprint infrastruktur jaringan komputer, serta memberi panduan untuk praktisi dan akademisi jaringan komputer dalam pemilihan hardware jaringan yang akan dipasang. Penelitian ini dapat mengetahui skalabilitas user produk cisco dan mikrotik pada core layer dan disribution layer, dan bisa digunakan oleh manajemen kampus sebagai acuan untuk kebijakan migration planning disesuaikan dengan Renstra.
Implementasi Jalur Komunikasi Global System Mobile (GSM) Untuk Kontrol Robot Jarak Jauh Berbasis Mikrikontroller Atmel89S52 Wire Bagye
Jurnal Informatika dan Rekayasa Elektronik Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): JIRE April 2018
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Lombok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36595/jire.v1i1.24


Some of the previous research builds controlled robots using devices with limited distance. The remote controlled robot controls the control distance along the rays of the sender's Infrared (IR) ray is not blocked by a 20 meters long Infrared (IR) receiver. The blue tooth controlled robot has a control distance of 40 meters. The controlled Robot Wireless Fidelity controls the maximum range of range specifications of the Access point range used. Maximum coverage ranges for outdoor access points as far as 15 Kilometers. The next research have to do with a longer distance control than previous research. In this research is Built a robot controlled by utilizes of the Global System Mobile (GSM) communication line. This project uses two Hand phones as a sender and the other one to become receiver. Hand phone sender function is sends control signal to receiver phone. Signals sent are DTMF signals (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency). There are 9 signals control with difference function. Those functions are (1) Turn left (2) Right turn (3) Left rewind (4) Right rewind (5) Rear left (6) Rear Right (7) Stop (8) Move forward (9) Move backward. On the mobile phone receiver signal DTMF in the form of analog signal is converted by Integrated Circuit (IC) MT8870p become Signal Digital. Digital signal from IC MT 8870p is used to be input of Atmel89s52 microcontroller. Atmel89s52 output has not been able to be used for DC motor drive signal so that used transistors amplifier to control the relays. Relay as an electronic switch to connect and disconnect the DC voltage to the motor so that the DC motor can be two-way. DC motors rotating clockwise and counterclockwise. This rotation is used as a robot movement. The research results shown that 9 DTMF key tones can be used to control the robot through the GSM line. Long of distance control as far as location that is accessible GSM signal from BTS (Base Transceiver Station). Further research needs to be done to transmit video signals so that it can be done long distance visual monitor on the movement of the robot.
Implementasi Greenfoot 3.0.4 Untuk Membangun Aplikasi Pengucapan Bahasa Inggris Pada Arrobbany Course Wire Bagye; Yuliana Yuliana
Jurnal Informatika dan Rekayasa Elektronik Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): JIRE April 2018
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Lombok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36595/jire.v1i1.28


Arrobbany English Courses is an institutions which have only a single manager and tutor in guiding 67 students consisting of students from primary and secondary school level. In teaching and learning tutor often have difficulty in establishing a nice environment for some students would rather play than on learning. This causes the limited learning topic that can be delivered to students tutor each meeting. Therefore, it needs the right solution and does not incur costs to add a tutor or a native speaker, using a medium of learning. One of the media to learn the most widely used today is the computer as a proven way to speed up the delivery of learning topic and increase student interest. In this study Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Ingris is built to help tutor show the right pronoun to the students. Sound of pronoun will sounded when the picture clicked. There are seven learning menus in this application. Application development using Greenfoot with object-oriented programming concepts. Method development using SDLC, UML design and testing method using the Black-box testing. English Language Learning application is compiled into .jar extensions which can be run on the Windows operating system which have been installed JDK. Based on testing to 23 students indicates that the Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Ingris is exciting, produce the proper sound, and can replace the native speaker. The result of the assessment shows that average percentage are more than 82%.