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Journal : Jurnal Rekayasa

Analisis Konstruksi Jembatan Busur Rangka Baja Tipe A-half Through Arch Bayzoni Bayzoni; Eddy Purwanto; Yumna Cici Olyvia
Rekayasa : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Vol 19, No 2 (2015): Edisi Agustus 2015

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Indonesia is an archipelago and has an important role connecting bridges between islands . The need for long -span bridges and lightweight materials and consist artistic value , then the arc steel truss bridge is an alternative of the problem. In this research will focus on the type a half through arc.The bridge is design to 120 m,span and 12 m,height with a transverse dimension of the vehi- cle floor complete with sidewalk is 11 m to 2 lanes 2 -way with pavement width of 1 m . Loading calculations used in the planning of the bridge is based on the regulation BMS 1992 and RSNI T - 02-2005 and calculation of the power structure refers to RSNI T - 03-2005 and SNI 03-1729-2002. The results of the study are obtained composite vehicle floor plates , with a reinforced concrete slab thickness of 250 mm . Transverse girder and longitudinal girder using iwf.900.300.28.16 iwf.400.200.13.8 with BJ 55. The connection between the ransverse girder and longitudinal girder using bolts with A325 quality with a diameter of 25 mm with 10 mm thick plate BJ 34. The main structure of the arc in the form iwf.400.400 .21.13 . The main structure connection using bolts with A325 quality with a diameter of 35 mm with 25 mm thick plate BJ 50 .
PENGGUNAAN ACCELERATOR PADA BETON ABU KETEL SEBAGAI UPAYA MEMPERCEPAT LAJU PENGERASAN1 (The use of accelerator in Kettle-ash concrete as the effort of hardening accelerate) Laksmi Irianti; Eddy Purwanto
Rekayasa : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Vol 13, No 1 (2009): Edisi April Tahun 2009

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek variasi dosis accelerator sebanyak 0%, 5%,10%, 15% dan 20% dari berat air yang ditambahkan pada campuran beton mutu tinggi yangmenggunakan abu ketel sebanyak 10% dari berat semen terhadap laju peningkatan kuat tekan dankuat tarik beton. Penelitian ini menggunakan 120 buah sampel benda uji silinder berukurandiameter 10 cm dan tinggi 20 cm dengan umur pengujian 3,7,14 dan 28 hari. Perancangancampuran (mix design) menggunakan metode ACI , Pembuatan, perawatan danpengujian benda uji dilakukan berdasarkan standar ASTM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, seiringmeningkatnya persentase accelerator yang ditambahkan kedalam adukan beton :(1) Nilai slumpsemakin besar. (2) Waktu pengikatan awal dan akhir beton semakin cepat. (3) Walaupun tidaksignifikan, nilai kuat tekan, dan kuat tarik beton yang diperoleh menjadi lebih besar dan yangmaksimum didapat dari persentase penambahan accelerator sebesar 20 %.
Rekayasa : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Vol 15, No 2 (2011): Edisi Agustus Tahun 2011

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the behaviour of reinforced concrete beam with web opening. The variable of research is the location of web opening on a beam. There were no strengthening around the opening to represent situation of making an opening on existing beam. There were three reinforced concrete beams (150mmx270mmx3000mm) as spesimens, namely a beam without web opening (Code: BU), a beam with web opening which is located on the middle of span of beam (Code: BLLTP), and the other one is a beam with web opening which is located near the support (Code: BLGTP). Compressive strength of concrete was 20 MPa. The beamswere simply supported on 2700mm clear span, and subjected to at two points load were located 900mm from the support. The results were curve of load-deflection, curve of moment-curvature, and crack pattern. The maximum load of BU, BLLTP, and BLGTP were 3717kg, 3581kg, dan 3649kg respectively. The curve of load-deflection and moment-curvature showed that after first crack was happened, the curve of BLLTP and BLGTP were more ramps than curve of BU. The cracks were concentrated on around of openings start at lower load. The results showed that making the web opening without strengthening on existing beam has a little effect on the load capacity of beams (below 5%), but decrease the stiffness of beam significantly.