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Fisheries development aim to increase earnings and prosperity socialize fishermen with remain to take care of sustainable of fish resources. One of pre-eminent commodity in territorial water of Pamekasan is anchovy. Anchovy catching in this region is done to use payang. Information about certainty of expense of investment and sum up advantage obtained in exploiting of anchovy resources with do not disregard its sustainability not yet been made available, so that needed by study of bio-technique Moch Prihatna Sobari; Karyadi .; Diniah .
Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 6 No. 3 (2006): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan
Publisher : Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Fisheries development aim to increase earnings and prosperity socialize fishermen with remain to take care of sustainable of fish resources. One of pre-eminent commodity in territorial water of Pamekasan is anchovy. Anchovy catching in this region is done to use payang. Information about certainty of expense of investment and sum up advantage obtained in exploiting of anchovy resources with do not disregard its sustainability not yet been made available, so that needed by study of bio-technique and financial. Actual effort and catch in 2004 each equal to 199,410 trips and 3,603,000 kilograms. Effort and catch at MSY condition each equal to 239.003 trips per year and 3,787,384.94 kilograms per year. Exploiting level in 2004 pursuant to MSY condition has reached number 95.13%. Mean investment of payang fishing unit equal to Rp30,570,000.00. Mean total cost released by Rp43,700,691.67, mean total revenue equal to Rp65,120,000.00, so that the fisherman mean profit equal to Rp21 ,419,308.33. RIC value is 1.49, payback period 1.43 year. NPV of during age of business activity of equal to Rp83,281 ,066.94, net B/C is 3.72, and IRR is 81.75%. With increase of price of solar diesel fuel, hence result of analysis sensitivity obtained by NPV of equal to Rp60,584,350.07, B/C of equal to 2.48 and IRR of equal to 65.29%. Pursuant to conducted analysis, hence the effort of fishing unit payang can be continued, but need of existence control from Department of Fishery and Marine Affair in clear licensing and arrangement hit effort conducted by fishery perpetrator (fishermen).
AGROMEDIA: Berkala Ilmiah Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian Volume 31, Nomor 2 September 2013
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Farming Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47728/ag.v31i2.62


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari model regresi yang sesuai dari hasil tangkapan udang setiap tahunnya di lingkungan wilayah perairan Kabupaten Batang. Penelitian ini menggunakan data hasil tangkapan di tiga TPI, yaitu TPI Roban Barat, TPI Roban Timur dan TPI Celong. Data diambil berdasarkan pencatatan di masing-masing TPI, mulai bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember mulai tahun 2010-2012. Metode pengumpulan data adalah mencatat semua data kuantitatif yang telah terkumpul selama 3 (tiga) tahun, kemudian dicari hubungan antara hasil tangkapan setiap tahunnya dengan jumlah penerimaan nelayan di masing-masing TPI, dengan metode analisis regresi linier berganda, sebagai variabel bebasnya adalah hasil tangkapan di sekitar lokasi TPI Roban Barat (X1), TPI Roban Timur (X2), dan TPI Celong (X3) terhadap variabel terikatnya hasil tangkapan nelayan (Y). Uji asumsi klasik yang dicapai adalah: ujinormalitas, ujiautokorelasi, ujimultikolinieritas, ujiheteroskedastisitas dan ujilinieritas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa F-hit = 205,054 dengan taraf signifikan 0,000 berarti ada pengaruh secara bersama-sama / simultan antara TPI Roban Barat (X1), TPI Roban Timur (X2), dan TPI Celong (X3) terhadap hasil tangkapan nelayan (Y), tetapi dalam uji-t secara parsial (t-hit) TPI Celong (X3) tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap hasil tangkapan Y. Model regresi yang diperoleh telah memenuhi persyaratan uji asumsi klasik, yaitu uji normalitas, ujiautokorelasi, ujimultikolinieritas, ujiheteroskedastisitas dan ujilinieritas, adalah model regresi linier berganda yang sesuai adalah: Y = -12,112 + 58,109 X1 + 22,177 X2 + 15,324 X3 Kata kunci: TPI, uji asumsi klasik, model regresi