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Rabbani: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Maret
Publisher : IAIN Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/rjpai.v3i1.5688


Abstract This research activity procedurally uses the Classroom Action Research (CAR) design. The results of the study, the use of the Contextual Theacing Learning (CTL) learning model can improve learning skills about ablution in grade 1 students of SDN Kalianget Barat III Sumenep Regency. This can be seen in the increase in the average value of learning skills in cycle I and cycle II, namely cycle-1 70.1 and cycle-2 89.96, it is seen that almost all students are skilled in performing ablution movements. This means that learning with the Contextual Theacing Learning (CTL) method can improve learning skills.
Penggunaan Metode Tanya Jawab untuk Meningkatkan Keberanian Mengemukakan Pendapat pada Anak Di TKS PGRI Kalianget Barat Sumenep Tri Sutrisno
Kiddo: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/kiddo.v1i2.3407


The purpose of the research is a benchmark of all research conducted. The objectives in this study are: (1) Want to know the development of children's courage in improving abilities by using the question and answer method. (2) Want to know the impact of using the question and answer method on children's courage in improving their ability to express their opinions. Based on the results of improved learning about communicating / speaking simply in developing the courage of children to express their opinions in Kalianget Barat TKS. Sumenep. In the first cycle, the highest value achieved by children was 80 as many as 10 children, the lowest value was 20 as many as 4 children and the average grade of 6.46 (67%). While the observation collection of question and answer methods West Kalianget TKS Kab. Sumenep in the first cycle as contained in the observation sheet is known that the teacher uses examples and teaching aids (good), the language used by the teacher is clear and simple (good), the teacher checks the child's understanding by asking questions / giving assignments (good), the teacher gives an opportunity ask questions (enough), children answer questions asked by teachers (enough), logical children's answers (enough), children answer other children's questions (enough), respond by teachers (good), and children discuss (good). In the observations of the first cycle has not shown the active attractiveness of children towards the learning given by the teacher. While in the second cycle the results of improved learning about communicating / speaking simply in developing the courage of children to express their opinions Kalianget Barat TKS Kab. Sumenep. In cycle II, it was found that the highest value achieved by children was 160 by 20 children, and the average grade was 7.9 (75%). While the observation collection of question and answer methods West Kalianget TKS Kab. Sumenep in cycle II as contained in the observation sheet is known that the teacher uses examples and teaching aids (good), the language used by the teacher is clear and simple (good), the teacher checks the child's understanding by asking questions / giving assignments (good), the teacher gives an opportunity ask questions (good), children answer questions asked by teachers (good), logical children's answers (enough), children answer other children's questions (good), responded by teachers (good), and children discuss (good). In observation of the second cycle of learning is smooth and produces a level of completeness that exceeds the target.
Pelatihan Public Speaking Basic Kepada Siswa Kelas VI MI dan SD Di Desa Gedungan Kabupaten Sumenep Melalui Metode Demonstrasi Tri Sutrisno; Leli Lestari; Nanda Septiana; Ahmad Nursobah
Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/ja.v5i2.15552


The ability to speak in public is a skill that must be nurtured, trained and developed from an early age. Especially with the development of the era which is increasingly rapidly demanding the ability to speak with the art of communication that is not rigid, it also determines success in the current era of competition. Even in all life settings speaking becomes a consumption of the surrounding community, while all will give an assessment of the speaker of the voice. Especially for those who are currently studying, speaking and communicating both individually and in groups is currently a trend in learning models. Students who lack opinion, comment, and have not been able to present their work are not the outcame of graduates in the current curriculum. So it becomes important, public speaking skills to be taught, trained and given to children since elementary school. The Service Team from the PGMI Study Program, Tarbiyah Faculty, IAIN Madura, tries to do community service as a form of realization of one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The field of study and training focuses on basic public speaking training for two days in Gedungan Village, Sumenep District. Based on the analysis of the training carried out, the following were found; 1) found a difference between the pre-test and post-test abilities of the participants, when the pre-test participants answered incorrectly as much as 24%, while the post-test experienced an increase in correct answers to 91%, 2) it was also found that the value of speaking practice skills performed by the participants on the second day namely 45% of their performances are good while 13% are still lacking, but this achievement with all the limitations is quite satisfying, 3) the final findings of the event regarding their response to this training, it turns out that 80% of the participants think the training is important, satisfying and activities to be carried out.
Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Melalui Strategi Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Mata Pelajaran IPS Siswa Kelas III SDN Kalianget Barat II Kab. Sumenep Tri Sutrisno
ENTITA: Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial dan Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/ejpis.v2i2.3408


This research aims to; Want to know an increase in social studies learning achievement after the implementation of cooperative learning model Teams Assisted Individualization class III students of SDN Kalianget Barat II Kab. Sumenep "; Want to know the effect of motivation to study social studies after the implementation of cooperative learning model Teams Assisted Individualization class III students SDN Kalianget Barat II Kab. Sumenep ", provides an overview of appropriate learning methods in an effort to improve student achievement and make students become active in teaching and learning activities. In this study using a class action research design (CAR). The design of the classroom action research was chosen because (1) the study of classroom context research was carried out by the teacher to solve social studies learning problems, because the third grade students of SDN Kalianget Barat II Regency. Sumenep still experiencing difficulties in achievement especially social studies subjects, has not found the right learning strategy. Based on the results of the research that has been presented for three cycles, the results of the entire discussion and analysis that have been carried out can be concluded as follows; The TAI model of cooperative learning methods can improve the quality of social studies learning; The TAI model of cooperative learning method has a positive impact in increasing student achievement which is marked by an increase in student learning completeness in each cycle, namely cycle I (68.42%), cycle II (81.58%), cycle III (94.74% ).
WANIAMBEY: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Desember, Waniambey: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53837/waniambey.v3i2.335


Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya keresahan bahwa selama ini, Bahasa Indonesia di jenjang SD salah satu pembelajaran yang mudah akan tetapi, peserta didik masih sulit untuk memahaminya. dikarenakan guru hanya menggunakan metode ceramah saja, dan juga kurangnya keterampilan guru dalam penggunaan media pembelajaran, berupa media pembelajaran sehingga mengakibatkan kurangnya motivasi belajar peserta didik. Untuk mencari solusi permasalahan ini perlu adanya terobosan baru, salah satunya menggunakan media pembelajaran berupa media gambar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN Angsanah 1 Palengaan Pamekasan, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari dua siklus, setiap siklus memiliki 4 tahap yaitu: perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui observasi, tes dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data berupa kualitatif, alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa lembar observasi dan soal-soal tes. Hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan setelah diterapkan media pembelajaran yaitu Media Gambar. persentase ketuntasan siswa pada prasiklus adalah 16,67% sedangkan persentase ketuntasan siswa pada siklus I sebesar 61,1% meningkat lagi ketentusan siswa pada siklus II sebesar 88,89%. Peningkatan ketuntasan belajar siswa juga diikuti dengan peningkatan rata-rata siswa yaitu pada pra-siklus sebesar 48,33 meningkat 63,3 dan meningkat lagi pada siklus II sebesar 74,72. Dengan demikian penggunaan media gambar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dan telah memenuhi indikator kaberhasilan.
EBTIDA': Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Islam Vol 3 No 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Raden Rahmat Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract Mathematics material becomes a 'scourge' for some students. Monotonous learning adds to the boredom of children learning mathematics. Mathematics teachers are required to be a fun educator figure so that the material can be absorbed properly. Based on the results of initial observations at SDN Kalianget Barat 1, it was found that from the number of students as many as 16 students in grade 6, there were 10 students who did not complete theme 1, sub-theme 1, mathematics. The tendency is that they think negatively about mathematics. As if mathematics is a scary subject, difficult, complicated and full of counting numbers. Even though teaching mathematics is not only with numbers that make students bored and less attractive. Teaching mathematics in elementary school (SD) classes does require a special method to make it fun and challenging. The Think Pair Share method is tried to be a model to overcome such problems. This improvement uses classroom action research (CAR), with the hope that the Think Pair Share method can improve student learning outcomes. Based on the results of the study that the use of the Think Pair Share method with good implementation can improve learning outcomes, it is stated from the results of the presentation that in the first cycle the number of children who completed as many as 4 people or 25%, while in the second cycle, the number of students who completed as many as 12 people or 75%, meaning the increase is read as much as 50%. From these data it can be concluded that the implementation of the Think Pair Share learning method can improve learning outcomes.