Koentjoro Koentjoro
Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): August
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (733.064 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jipt.v3i2.3532


Remaja merupakan salah satu tahap perkembangan yang memiliki ciri khas di dalam tahap perkembangannya, salah satunya yaitu berkaitan dengan relasi dengan lawan jenis. Dewasa ini bentuk relasi lawan jenis di kalangan remaja sudah semakin mengkhawatirkan, dimana mengarah pada perilaku seksual pranikah. Aspek kepribadian yang erat kaitannya dengan asertivitas memegang peranan penting dalam perkembangan perilaku seksual remaja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengurangi perilaku seksual pranikah pada wanita dengan pelatihan asertivitas normative sebagai upaya preventif. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode action research dengan subjek yaitu kelayan Panti “X” Yogyakarta.   Skala yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dengan skala asertivitas yang diberikan sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan. Analisis data dengan menggunakan paired sample t-test dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terjadi penurunan perilaku seksual pranikah dan peningkatan asertivitas pada subjek penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut disimpulkan bahwa wanita yang mengikuti pelatihan asertivitas normatif mengalami penurunan perilaku seksual pranikah dan peningkatan asertivitas.Kata kunci: Pelatihan asertivitas normatif, perilaku seksual pranikahTeen was one stage of development that has a characteristic in its development stages, one of which is related to relationships with the opposite sex. Today the relations of the opposite sex among teenagers were increasingly worrying, which leads to premarital sexual behavior. Aspect of personality that was closely related to assertiveness plays an important role in the development of adolescent sexual behavior. The purpose of this research is to reduce premarital sexual behavior in women with normative assertiveness training as preventive efforts. Research methods using action research with the subject were kelayan Panti "X" Yogyakarta. The scale used to collect data with assertiveness scale given before and after training. Analysis of the data by using a paired sample t-test and the results showed that a decline in premarital sexual behavior and increased assertiveness on the subject of research. Based on the result of study concluded that women who followed a normative assertiveness training decreased premarital sexual behavior and increased assertiveness. Keyword: Assertiveness normative training, pre-marriage sexual behavior
Tradisi Luru Duit di Indramayu Sulistyo Budiarto; Koentjoro Koentjoro
Jurnal Ilmu Perilaku Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Ilmu Perilaku
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1063.811 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jip.1.2.125-152.2017


Child prostitution in Indramayu has been done for generations and has been formed into a tradition. Prostitution in Indramayu known as the luru duit meaning work for money or livelihood. Referring to the meaning of luru duit, shows that prostitution has been accepted as a form of work, similar to another forms of work. This study aims to identify the factors that influence luru duit phenomenon. Research uses the Etno-phenomenological method. Collecting data through interviews, observation and documents. The result shows luru duit is a planned behavior, it can be seen from three factors interacting. Internal factors include a positive attitude on materialism, the motivation to follow the views of others, the perception of ease on doing luru duit. External factors include micro and macro level. At the micro level includes the ability to access opportunities, namely the lack of jobs and poor education. At the macro level includes social situations, for example, early marriage and divorce as well as the situation of a long history of forming Bong village as the sender area of women for prostitution. The phenomenon of luru duit facilitates by the presence of the figure of the channel. Chanel as a liaison has amode in two ways, namely using violence method, coercion and fraud. The second way is to utilize the victim and the victim's parents desire for a better life in a way to seduce with money.
The Quality of Lecturer-Student Interaction as Predictors of Academic Achievement and Percieved Learning with Emotional Engagement as Mediator Maya Fitria; Koentjoro Koentjoro; Wenty Marina Minza
Jurnal Psikologi Integratif Vol 10, No 1 (2022): Psikologi Integratif
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/jpsi.v10i1.2456


This study aimed to examine the fitness of a model that proposes the relationship between the quality of student-teacher interaction as predictors of academic achievement and perceived learning with emotional engagement as a mediator. Lecture-student interactions as the exogenous variable were measured with the Lecturer-student Interaction (LSI) questionnaire that contains four aspects: autonomy support, emotional support, academic support, and the framework used to measure the quality of lecturer-student interaction. The emotional involvements of students during lectures as the endogenous variable are the emotions (pleasure, boredom, despair, anger, hope, anxiety) that are often expressed in the lecture process. Emotional engagement is considered as the mediator variable. Perceived learning as the dependent variable is related to the ability of lecturers to arouse students' curiosity about the lecture material. The second dependent variable is academic achievement which is determined by the cumulative index report (GPA) from the previous semester. 270 students from many universities in Indonesia filled out the questionnaire. The conceptual model proposed in this study is incompatible with empirical data in the field. In the first model, lecturer-student interaction influences perceived learning mediated by emotional engagement because lecturer-student interaction will only significantly influence perceived learning through emotional engagement (full mediation). Directly and through mediation of emotional involvement, the influence of lecturer-student interaction variables is not significant on academic achievement. In the modified model, lecturer-student interaction influences perceived learning with emotional engagement and also significantly influences perceived learning without emotional involvement variables (partial mediation). The dynamics of the lecturer-student interaction relationship, emotional engagement, and academic achievement in this modified model remain the same as the first model. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kesesuaian model yang mengusulkan hubungan antara kualitas interaksi siswa-guru sebagai prediktor prestasi akademik dan pembelajaran yang dirasakan dengan keterlibatan emosional sebagai mediator. Interaksi dosen-mahasiswa sebagai variabel eksogen diukur dengan kuesioner Interaksi Dosen-Mahasiswa (LSI) yang memuat empat aspek: dukungan otonomi, dukungan emosional, dukungan akademik, dan kerangka yang digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas interaksi dosen-mahasiswa. Keterlibatan emosional mahasiswa selama perkuliahan sebagai variabel endogen adalah emosi (senang, bosan, putus asa, marah, harap, cemas) yang sering diungkapkan dalam proses perkuliahan. Keterlibatan emosional dianggap sebagai variabel mediator. Persepsi pembelajaran sebagai variabel terikat berkaitan dengan kemampuan dosen membangkitkan rasa ingin tahu mahasiswa terhadap materi perkuliahan. Variabel terikat kedua adalah prestasi akademik yang ditentukan oleh Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) semester sebelumnya. 270 mahasiswa dari berbagai universitas di Indonesia mengisi kuesioner. Model konseptual yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini tidak sesuai dengan data empiris di lapangan. Pada model pertama, interaksi dosen-mahasiswa mempengaruhi persepsi pembelajaran yang dimediasi oleh emotional engagement karena interaksi dosen-mahasiswa hanya akan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap persepsi pembelajaran melalui emotional engagement (full mediation). Secara langsung dan melalui mediasi keterlibatan emosional, pengaruh variabel interaksi dosen-mahasiswa tidak signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar. Pada model yang dimodifikasi, interaksi dosen-mahasiswa mempengaruhi pembelajaran yang dirasakan dengan keterlibatan emosional dan juga secara signifikan mempengaruhi variabel pembelajaran yang dirasakan tanpa keterlibatan emosional (mediasi parsial). Dinamika hubungan interaksi dosen-mahasiswa, emosional engagement, dan prestasi akademik pada model modifikasi ini tetap sama dengan model pertama.