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Strategi Gamifikasi Sebagai Peningkatan Motivasi Kuliah Pemrograman Website Pada Masa Pandemi Covid19 Purwono Purwono; Endang Setyawati; Khoirun Nisa; Amanah Wulandari
JOINTECS (Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science) Vol 6, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/jointecs.v6i3.2459


Pandemi Covid-19 masih menjadi wabah yang membahayakan manusia sehingga menjadi tantangan khusus dan menuntut adanya perubahan pada berbagai bidang masyarakat. Pendidikan menjadi salah satu bidang yang terdampak oleh pandemi ini. Aktivitas belajar mengajar harus dilakukan secara daring yang mengakibatkan kualitas belajar mengajar menjadi tidak maksimal. Perkuliahan daring sudah dilakukan lebih dari satu tahun. Model kuliah ini ternyata telah menurunkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa karena dianggap menjenuhkan sehingga dibutuhkan inovasi pembelajaran dari para Dosen. Gamifikasi menjadi salah satu solusi yang sudah beberapa kali digunakan dan merupakan suatu teknik yang dapat membuat mahasiswa berperan aktif selama perkuliahan serta merasa menikmati setiap tugas perkuliahan yang diberikan. Kami melakukan perancangan dan implementasi gamifikasi untuk matakuliah pemrograman website dengan platform classcraft. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya kenaikan motivasi mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan. Hal ini dilihat dari beberapa indikator yaitu tepat waktu dalam masuk kuliah naik dengan persentase 16.67%, minat diskusi dengan dosen naik 40%, ketepatan pengumpulan tugas naik 39,39%, kemampuan menyelesaikan projek UTS naik 28,57% dan kemampuan menyelesaikan projek UAS naik sebesar 34,21%.
Sistem Informasi Laporan Kegiatan Harian Siswa Berbasis Android Di Sekolah Dasar Purba Adhi Suta Purbalingga Anugrah Nur Ari Wibowo; Endang Setyawati; Sukata Sukata
INCODING: Journal of Informatics and Computer Science Engineering Vol 1, No 2 (2021): INCODING OKTOBER
Publisher : Mahesa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34007/incoding.v2i1.135


Student daily activity records are kept as documentation tools to monitor the development of students' academic and non-academic abilities in capturing the learning process. The student's daily activity record is carried out by Purba Adhi Suta Elementary School. Purba Adhi Suta Elementary School is located in Purbalingga Regency which is located at Jalan Letnan Jenderal S.Parman Number 19 B Purbalingga. The obstacles faced by Purba Adhi Suta Elementary School in the form of the process of recording student activities are still done manually so that there is often a delay in managing the data of students' daily activity records and delays in the collection of student activity record recap books. The software development method used is a prototype. In this method the steps taken are the identification of user needs, making prototypes, adjusting prototypes, creating new systems, testing the system and using the system. From the results of the benefit test it can be concluded that functionally the system has produced the output as expected. Thus it can be concluded that the Android-Based Student Daily Activity Report Information System at Adhi Suta Elementary School purbalingga regency can help improve time efficiency in the creation of recap of student activity reports.
Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Dana BOS Berbasis Website Pada SMP Negeri 5 Purwokerto Antonius Ary Setyawan; Endang Setyawati; Fransiska Bertrik Kristiani
INCODING: Journal of Informatics and Computer Science Engineering Vol 1, No 1 (2021): INCODING APRIL
Publisher : Mahesa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34007/incoding.v1i1.17


The application of Information Technology has now spread almost in all areas including the use of School Operational Fund (BOS) may be all activities of the use of operational grants utilizing information technology. School Operational Aid is a government program that essentially is to provide funding for nonpersonal school operating costs for basic education units as implementers of the 9-year compulsory education program.. A problem that often occurs in the use of school grants is that the current system still has difficulties controlling the operational budget every quarter so that there is still a substantial budget out of the budget set previously in the School Budget Activities Plan (RKAS). With this research, the researcher designed an information system for maniging school-based operational funds using PHP programming language, MySQL database, prototype method. It is hoped that the BOS treasurer in providing information o the use of BOS funds will be more structured, better and faster in preparing quarterly reports, and able to produce accurate and accurate information and reporting. Considering the use of the web as well as direct monitoring of school principals and school commitees in the use of BOS funds so that budget misuse does not occur, so that with this system can provide information more quickly and accurately in managing BOS funds. Website-based BOS fund management information system in SMP Negeri 5 Purwokerto has approved its benefits with the usability variable 97,40%, learnability 98,90%, 100% efficiency, and 97,70% acceptable. Another test results from paired sample T-tests about before and after using the system for presenting financial statements. Variables before and after have a significant value (2 tailed) smaller than 0,05. From these results Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted.
Sistem Informasi Pencatatan dan Pembayaran SPP Metode Payment Gateway Midtrans Berbasis Website Pada SMK YPT 1 Purbalingga Dani Alfida Kusuma; Endang Setyawati; Mayasari Sasmito
INCODING: Journal of Informatics and Computer Science Engineering Vol 1, No 2 (2021): INCODING OKTOBER
Publisher : Mahesa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34007/incoding.v2i1.134


In the digital era, innovation continues to emerge, as can be seen from the number of startups, especially in the financial technology sector, which are considered to be able to accelerate human work. SMK YPT 1 Purbalingga is a Vocational High School located in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java. SPP transaction activities are carried out manually from payments, recordings, financial transaction reports, and often information is not conveyed to the guardians of students. SMK YPT 1 Purbalingga also has a vision and mission, one of which is to implement good school governance so that it requires a system that can assist SPP administration until transaction reports become efficient and effective. The method for designing the system is the prototype method. The system was created using the PHP programming language and MySQL database, which were analyzed using White Box, Black Box, Hypothesis Testing, Normalization Testing, Validity Testing, Reliability Testing and Benefit Testing. The result of the system created is the Website-based Mindtrans Payment Gateway Payment and Registration Information System. Based on the results of the benefit test, it shows the average value of Efficiency 92.43%, Reliability 86.36%, Correctness 92.04%, Usability 90.90%, Maintenance 84.09%, Integrity 97.73%, Portability 87.05 %. The results of hypothesis testing with two variables before and after using the system with Paired Sample T-Test resulted in Sig. (2-tailed) with an average time before 8.9 minutes and after 2.1 minutes so it can be concluded that this system is more helpful for the financial admin in the SPP administration process to be more efficient and effective
Implementasi Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Berbasis Website Pada Kantor Advokat Jou H Waimahing & Associates Rhosita Ina Khadija; Carolina Ety Widjayanti; Endang Setyawati
INCODING: Journal of Informatics and Computer Science Engineering Vol 1, No 1 (2021): INCODING APRIL
Publisher : Mahesa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34007/incoding.v1i1.18


Therefore, an a-based information system is needed website that is useful for connecting and matching potential clients with the right legal consultants with easier access without having to come directly to the office. The purpose of this system is to improve legal services to facilitate access to legal consulting services for the community, besides that, it can establish sustainable good relationships between legal consulting services offices and clients, another term can be called Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The benefit of implementing this CRM is that the company can know what the clients expect and need so that it can create a relationship and there is good two-way communication between the legal consultant and the client. In this case, the system development method uses the method prototype model. Based on the results of the -***benefits test, the average value of usability is 96.67%, learnability is 98%, efficiency is 98%, and acceptability is 96.63%. These results have been above the average value of at least 75%, so it can be concluded that the system built can be applied and used to facilitate access to legal consulting services for the community and all functions in the system function properly.
Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pencatatan Riwayat Dan Notifikasi Penjadwalan Donor Darah Berbasis Website Menggunakan Framework Codeigniter Rosalina Yani Widiastuti; Endang Setyawati; Angela Marici Uba Langobelen
INCODING: Journal of Informatics and Computer Science Engineering Vol 1, No 2 (2021): INCODING OKTOBER
Publisher : Mahesa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34007/incoding.v2i1.133


The Indonesian Red Cross is a national association organization in Indonesia that is engaged in the social and humanitarian field. One of PMI's main activities is blood donation. Currently, in handling the need for blood donors, UDD PMI Banyumas Regency has a system that helps in the donor process, namely SIMDONAR. SIMDONAR is an information system from the central IT provided to UDD PMI Banyumas Regency in the operation of blood donors, but in some aspects of blood donation, such as donor recording and notification of donor scheduling to donors, there is still no available so that it can run efficiently. Data collection in the blood donor history recording system still cannot be recorded properly, causing donors to also not be able to know the history of the last donor, when and how many times the donor has donated, there is also no notification of blood donor scheduling for donors, this makes the information conveyed to donors is incomplete so that donors are confused in taking action when to donate again. Therefore, to support the smooth running of the blood donor system, it is necessary to rebuild an appropriate information system that can provide a solution for the process of recording blood donation history at UDD PMI Banyumas Regency. The purpose of this system is to provide accurate and efficient information related to blood donation history records, and scheduling notifications to officers and donors. The benefit of this system is that it helps provide information related to donor history records for UDD PMI Banyumas Regency so that they can find out donor history records from donors, also helps donors to find out donor history or how many times the donor has donated blood. In this case, the system development method uses the prototype model method. Based on the results of the benefit test, the average value of the Efficiency value is 98.33%, the Usability value is 94.33%, the Correctness value is 95.56%, the Integrity value is 96.67%, and the Testability value is 96.67%. From the results of the benefit test, it can be concluded that the development of this system can be applied and used to facilitate the process of recording blood donor history and notification of blood donor scheduling at UDD PMI Banyumas Regency.
Geographic Information System of College at Banyumas Regency Based on Android Suyudi Suyudi; Ella Laela Sari; Endang Setyawati
INCODING: Journal of Informatics and Computer Science Engineering Vol 1, No 1 (2021): INCODING APRIL
Publisher : Mahesa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34007/incoding.v1i1.19


Banyumas Regency is a student city in Central Java which has 21 tertiary institutions, consisting of state and private tertiary institutions, spread throughout the Banyumas region. With so many PTs available, it is often difficult for prospective students from out of town to get locations, so by building an Android-based Geographic Information System for Banyumas Higher Education Institutions that is built to help and facilitate the community or prospective students. With the prototype method with steps (communication, planning, modeling, prototype formation, and evaluation). The scope of the system includes the GPS assistance facilities. The main menu contained in the application of PTN and PTS about the brief description of information about tertiary institutions, facility menus from the ATM, gas station and hospital sub menus, emergency call menus containing important telephone numbers such as the police and fire department , and help menu how to use the application. Conclusions The study states that HI was accepted, namely "There is a significant time difference in the process of finding the location of tertiary institutions before and after using the Geographic Information System for Higher Education in Banyumas Regency on Android". Then based on the results of product tests that have been done show that the product test value to determine the quality of the system being built is 96.85, the value is greater than the feasibility limit of 75. Thus, the system built is suitable for use by the wider community.
Evaluasi Usability Dan Perbaikan Desain Antarmuka Aplikasi Info Pdam Tirta Satria Menggunakan Metode Use Questionnare Hengky Wijaya; Endang Setyawati; Christy Mahendra
INCODING: Journal of Informatics and Computer Science Engineering Vol 1, No 2 (2021): INCODING OKTOBER
Publisher : Mahesa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34007/incoding.v2i1.132


PERUMDA Tirta Satria is a regional public company engaged in the distribution of water in Banyumas Regency. PERUMDA Tirta Satria has a mobile application called Info PDAM Banyumas. The number of complaints experienced by users while using Info PDAM Banyumas application is the main reason to test the usability of this application. The usability testing method used in this study uses the USE Questionnaire. The results of the usability level obtained from the test are 70.85% which fall into the Eligible or Good category. From the results obtained after the evaluation, it shows that there are usability problems found in the application, such as unclear text, a stiff and unattractive interface, disproportionately large icon sizes, uninformative help menus, and problems when the user make customer complaints because of the unclear flow. To answer the problems that exist in this study, researcher made improvement recommendations for the interface by using Google Material Design as the basis.
Rancang Bangun Software Tutorial Pengenalan Seni Tari Tradisional Endang Setyawati
Media Aplikom Vol 10 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer YOS SUDARSO Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33488/


One of the cultural heritage of ancestors that need to be preserved is Traditional dance art. Traditional Dance is a Dance art that grows and develops in a certain area and is embraced by generations by the community, one way to preserve it is by building a learning media with the title of traditional recognition of Senorari Software to preserve the culture of West Java, where this software uses the concept of AI ( Artificial Intellegence) field of education. The results of the study were conducted for 3 months, to find out how big the comparison before using the traditional dance art recognition tutorial software and after using the traditional senorari introduction tutorial software easier its learning to preserve the cultural values of the Nation. The research is done by taking the data of value and time to work on the problems before and after using the traditional dance recognition tutorial Software. Data from 50 respondents who are students majoring in dance art then researched to see the spread of the data. Then the process is incorporated into the SPSS 12.0 For Windows statistical application to be analyzed using the statistical method of PairedSamples T Test. Conclusion The results of this research is Tutorial software to facilitate the introduction of traditional dance as learning media to preserve cultural values.
Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Sampah berbasis Android Endang Setyawati; Adhi Wibowo; Ekanti Wahyu Riyana
Media Aplikom Vol 11 No 2 (2019): Media Aplikom
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer YOS SUDARSO Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33488/


N’berkah waste management at Klahang Sokaraja is one of the garbage bank located in Purwokerto. The systemic in this garbage bank is the customer must deposit the waste and then the admin records it in each customer’s saving book. The waste bank service process itself still doesn’t use computer technology and still using reports for its information. That is why customers often lose their passbooks and these passbooks are sometimes broken, so the admin has to check and record back the numbers contained in the passbook. This condition causes data of the reports are not accurate. Which is why a Waste Management Information System is needed. The method used to build this information system is the prototype method. The steps of the prototype method are gathering requirements, designing, coding the system. Hopefully, with the waste management information system, customers can get better information about their contributions to waste management.