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Penerapan Algoritma Dynamic Programing pada Pergerakan Lawan dalam Permainan Police and Thief Fawwaz, Insidini; Winarta, Agus
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (804.744 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/jite.v2i2.2169


Games have the basic meaning of games, games in this case refer to the notion of intellectual agility. In its application, a Game certainly requires an AI (Artificial Intelligence), and the AI used in the construction of this police and thief game is the dynamic programming algorithm. This algorithm is a search algorithm to find the shortest route with the minimum cost, algorithm dynamic programming searches for the shortest route by adding the actual distance to the approximate distance so that it makes it optimum and complete. Police and thief is a game about a character who will try to run from police. The genre of this game is arcade, built with microsoft visual studio 2008, the AI used is the Dynamic Programming algorithm which is used to search the path to attack players. The results of this test are police in this game managed to find the closest path determined by the Dynamic Programming algorithm to attack players
Design of Parking Control Using Ultrasonic Sensor Based On Fuzzy Logic Fawwaz, Insidini; Azmi, Fadhillah; Muhathir, Muhathir; Dharshinni, N P
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (496.812 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/jite.v3i1.2675


The number of vehicles in Indonesia is currently increasing, which is not matched by the availability of parking lots, especially cars. Like in public places, namely, offices, shops, and other public places. However, in Indonesia the use of parking lots is still less organized, such as too close the position of one car to another, the position of the vehicle that is not in line with the slot, this can cause inconvenience in the use of parking lots or both parties. Supervision carried out by the manager of the parking lot is still lacking because it can be caused by the vast parking area and the number of supervised vehicles, so that a parking control system is needed that can help overcome this problem. The control system to be designed uses a proximity sensor to detect the proximity of the vehicle to one another, where the position of the vehicle has been determined, not only to detect proximity, but the number of vehicles that have entered the parking area, so parking users know whether the slot provided is still available or not. To detect distance, fuzzy logic method is applied. Fuzzy methods are applied to read the conditions received by the proximity sensor, and calculate the number of vehicles using infra red and photodiode sensors. If information from the proximity sensor that is processed in the microcontroller by fuzzy logic is detected, the output is in the form of an LED indicator and alarm warning.
Design of Water Level Detection Using Ultrasonic Sensor Based On Fuzzy Logic Azmi, Fadhillah; Fawwaz, Insidini; Muhathir, Muhathir; Dharshinni, N P
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (621.541 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/jite.v3i1.2668


Water is one of the natural resources that are needed by creatures on earth. And the need for clean water is increasing, so the price of water, both bottled water and the price of water from the PDAM. Therefore, it is necessary to have a design that can control water needs, such as the water level for filling the required containers, controlling the water level in the reservoir, etc. according to human needs so that no waste of water occurs. This research was conducted to design water level detection by combining hardware and software, namely ultrasonic sensors as detection, Arduino Uno microcontroller as a process, and fuzzy logic as an analysis of data delivered by ultrasonic sensors. So, this design can be utilized in various fields both industrial and home. This water level detection is designed using ultrasonic sensors as distance monitoring, servo motor, LED warning, and buzzer. Fuzzy logic is applied to the ability of a tool designed by determining the desired set point of water. Test results that have been carried out with Fuzzy Logic with 5 levels, are level 1 (0 ? 6 cm), level 2 (6.1 ? 12 cm), level 3 (12.1 cm ? 18 cm), level 4 (18.1 cm ? 24 cm), and level 5 (24.1 ? 30 cm).
Design of Water Level Detection Using Ultrasonic Sensor Based On Fuzzy Logic Fadhillah Azmi; Insidini Fawwaz; Muhathir Muhathir; N P Dharshinni
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jite.v3i1.2668


Water is one of the natural resources that are needed by creatures on earth. And the need for clean water is increasing, so the price of water, both bottled water and the price of water from the PDAM. Therefore, it is necessary to have a design that can control water needs, such as the water level for filling the required containers, controlling the water level in the reservoir, etc. according to human needs so that no waste of water occurs. This research was conducted to design water level detection by combining hardware and software, namely ultrasonic sensors as detection, Arduino Uno microcontroller as a process, and fuzzy logic as an analysis of data delivered by ultrasonic sensors. So, this design can be utilized in various fields both industrial and home. This water level detection is designed using ultrasonic sensors as distance monitoring, servo motor, LED warning, and buzzer. Fuzzy logic is applied to the ability of a tool designed by determining the desired set point of water. Test results that have been carried out with Fuzzy Logic with 5 levels, are level 1 (0 – 6 cm), level 2 (6.1 – 12 cm), level 3 (12.1 cm – 18 cm), level 4 (18.1 cm – 24 cm), and level 5 (24.1 – 30 cm).
Design of Parking Control Using Ultrasonic Sensor Based On Fuzzy Logic Insidini Fawwaz; Fadhillah Azmi; Muhathir Muhathir; N P Dharshinni
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jite.v3i1.2675


The number of vehicles in Indonesia is currently increasing, which is not matched by the availability of parking lots, especially cars. Like in public places, namely, offices, shops, and other public places. However, in Indonesia the use of parking lots is still less organized, such as too close the position of one car to another, the position of the vehicle that is not in line with the slot, this can cause inconvenience in the use of parking lots or both parties. Supervision carried out by the manager of the parking lot is still lacking because it can be caused by the vast parking area and the number of supervised vehicles, so that a parking control system is needed that can help overcome this problem. The control system to be designed uses a proximity sensor to detect the proximity of the vehicle to one another, where the position of the vehicle has been determined, not only to detect proximity, but the number of vehicles that have entered the parking area, so parking users know whether the slot provided is still available or not. To detect distance, fuzzy logic method is applied. Fuzzy methods are applied to read the conditions received by the proximity sensor, and calculate the number of vehicles using infra red and photodiode sensors. If information from the proximity sensor that is processed in the microcontroller by fuzzy logic is detected, the output is in the form of an LED indicator and alarm warning.
Penerapan Algoritma Dynamic Programing pada Pergerakan Lawan dalam Permainan Police and Thief Insidini Fawwaz; Agus Winarta
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jite.v2i2.2169


Games have the basic meaning of games, games in this case refer to the notion of intellectual agility. In its application, a Game certainly requires an AI (Artificial Intelligence), and the AI used in the construction of this police and thief game is the dynamic programming algorithm. This algorithm is a search algorithm to find the shortest route with the minimum cost, algorithm dynamic programming searches for the shortest route by adding the actual distance to the approximate distance so that it makes it optimum and complete. Police and thief is a game about a character who will try to run from police. The genre of this game is arcade, built with microsoft visual studio 2008, the AI used is the Dynamic Programming algorithm which is used to search the path to attack players. The results of this test are police in this game managed to find the closest path determined by the Dynamic Programming algorithm to attack players
Perbandingan Deteksi Tepi Citra Menggunakan Operator Robert, Canny, dan Frei Chen Pada Citra Bitmap dan JPEG Insidini Fawwaz; N P Dharshinni
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Jaringan (SISFOTEKJAR) Vol 2 No 2 (2021): September : 2021
Publisher : Pustaka Timur Publisher

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Deteksi tepi merupakan proses untuk menghasilkan garis batas (boundary) dari suatu objek yang terdapat pada citra. Deteksi tepi merupakan tahap awal dalam melakukan segmentasi citra. Deteksi tepi memiliki beberapa operator, diantaranya operator Robert, Canny, dan Frei Chen. Ketiga operator ini memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda, untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk membandingkan ketiga operator tersebut dalam mendeteksi tepi citra. Parameter yang digunakan adalah MSE, PSNR, dan Running Time. Jenis citra yang dideteksi adalah citra format bitmap dan jpeg. Berdasarkan percobaan pada lima citra *.bmp dan lima citra *.jpg, diketahui bahwa operator Canny memiliki nilai MSE terkecil yaitu 20699.12 dan memiliki nilai PSNR terbesar yaitu 5.209796. Operator Canny merupakan operator terbaik dibandingkan operator Robert dan Frei Chen.
Smart Door System using Face Recognition Based on Raspberry Pi Fadhillah Azmi; Insidini Fawwaz; Rina Anugrahwaty
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Desember, Data Mining, Image Processing, and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (865.796 KB)


A smart door system is a door with a smart digital lock system where someone can open the door or give permission to enter the house by authenticating the user. Basically, the technology used for smart door implementation uses a microcontroller as its controller and is combined with identification in the form of a password. The technology can be combined with other techniques, such as using facial recognition. This is done because data security using alphanumeric combination passwords is no longer used, so it is necessary to add security that is difficult to manipulate by certain people. The type of security offered is facial recognition biometric technology which has different characteristics. This study will design a smart door system that is built using Raspberry Pi-based facial recognition as a controller. The facial recognition algorithm will interact with the webcam and solenoid lock using the Raspberry Pi.Based on the results of the study, it was found that the smart door system with facial recognition can be done well and obtains an accuracy of 94%. The application of the smart door system proposed in this study is considered capable of increasing home security which can be controlled automatically using facial recognition. A smart door system is a door with a smart digital lock system where someone can open the door or give permission to enter the house by authenticating the user. Basically, the technology used for smart door implementation uses a microcontroller as its controller and is combined with identification in the form of a password. The technology can be combined with other techniques, such as using facial recognition. This is done because data security using alphanumeric combination passwords is no longer used, so it is necessary to add security that is difficult to manipulate by certain people. The type of security offered is facial recognition biometric technology which has different characteristics. This study will design a smart door system that is built using Raspberry Pi-based facial recognition as a controller. The facial recognition algorithm will interact with the webcam and solenoid lock using the Raspberry Pi.Based on the results of the study, it was found that the smart door system with facial recognition can be done well and obtains an accuracy of 94%. The application of the smart door system proposed in this study is considered capable of increasing home security which can be controlled automatically using facial recognition.
Analysis of Sicantik Applications in License to Establish a Building Using Method V in DPMPTSP Kab. Karo N P Dharshinni; Andre Tarigan; Insidini Fawwaz
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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The online licensing website application at the Karo Regency Licensing Office functions as an online permit management information system for the community, but there are still many people who do not understand and do not understand how to carry out the online licensing process through the SICANTIK/DPMPPTST application. In addition, people who have opened online licensing applications experience problems because they do not know the flow, requirements, and ways to register for the online licensing process. This study uses the V model software development method in building licensing applications on the SICANTIK website. The results of the design of the online licensing management menu have added new features and menus to carry out the permit registration process for users so that the online permit management process becomes easier.
Implementation Of Data Security Using Hill Cipher Algorithm Insidini Fawwaz; N P Dharshinni
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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Cryptography is the science and art of keeping messages safe from being known by unauthorized persons. Most cryptography uses mathematical calculations both in calculating the secret key and in calculating the secret code that will be used. Thus, the information in the message will be kept safe and confidential. One of the classic cryptographic algorithms that can be used to ensure data security and security is the Hill Cipher method. Hill cipher is symmetric cryptography, also known as hill code, which is the application of modulo arithmetic to cryptography. This cryptographic technique uses a rectangular matrix as the key used for encryption and decryption. The system created can be used as data encoding in the form of characters in the form of letters by dividing block each encrypted character.