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Relationship Between Infrastructure and Facilities for Students Preparedness to Deal with The Tsunami Sujarwo Sujarwo; Noorhamdani Noorhamdani; Mukhamad Fathony
JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA (Journal of Governance and Political Social UMA) Vol 6, No 1 (2018): JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA (Journal of Governance a
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jppuma.v6i1.1516


ABSTRAKSarana prasarana merupakan aspek penting di dalam manajemen bencana, terutama wilayah yang memiliki potensi tsunami yang tinggi seperti kepulauan Mentawai. Salah satu kelompok yang rentan terhadap bencana tsunami adalah siswa sekolah. Kerentanan ini dikarenakan masih rendahnya kesiapsiagaan siswa SSB dalam pengurangan risiko bencana di sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan sarana prasarana terhadap kesiapsiagaan siswa SSB dalam pengurangan risiko bencana tsunami.  Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan desain observational analitik korelatif dan pendekatan cross sectional dengan sampel sebanyak 109 siswa yang di ambil dari kelas 5 dan 6 di 3 SDN yaitu SDN 13, SDN 16 dan SDN 17 di Kecamatan Sipora Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sarana prasarana dengan kesiapsiagaan siswa SSB dalam pengurangan risiko bencana tsunami, dengan nilai (p=0.000) dan nilai r =0.98.  Sarana prasarana memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kesiapsiagaan siswa SSB sehingga dapat menghambat kesiapsiagaan siswa dalam pengurangan risiko bencana tsunami di Kecamatan Sipora Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai.Kata Kunci: Sarana Prasarana, Kesiapsiagaan, Pengurangan Risiko Bencana  ABSTRACTInfrastructure and facilities is an important aspect of disaster management especially in areas with high Tsunami potential such as Mentawai Islands. One of the groups which are vulnerable to Tsunami is students. This vulnerability is due to the low preparedness of Sekolah Siaga Bencana (School-Based Disaster Preparedness, abbreviated as SBB) students in disaster risk reduction. This study aims to analyze the relationship of infrastructure and facilities to the preparedness of SSB students in disaster risk reduction especially tsunami. This study is a quantitative research conducted by using a correlative-analytic observational design and cross-sectional approach with a sample of 109 students taken from 5th and 6th grader in 3 Sekolah Dasar Negeri (Elementary School or SDN) namely SDN 13, SDN 16 and SDN 17 in Sipora District, Mentawai Islands. There is a significant relationship between infrastructure-facilities and the preparedness of SBB students towards the reduction of Tsunami risk with the value of (p = 0.000) and r = 0.98. Infrastructure and facilities have a significant relationship with the preparedness of SBB students so that it can inhibit the reduction of tsunami risk in Sipora District, Mentawai Islands.Keywords: Infrastructure and facilities, Preparedness, Disaster Risk Reduction 
MICROENCAPSULATION OF Cytrus hystrix OIL AND ITS ACTIVITY TEST AS AN ANTIMICROBIAL AGENT Warsito Warsito; Noorhamdani Noorhamdani; Sukardi Sukardi; Rissa Dwi Susanti
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Technology Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (729.465 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jeest.2017.004.02.9


Microencapsulation Kaffir lime oil (C. hystrix DC.) has advantages such as capable of controlling the evaporation process, oxidation by air or oxygen and release the active ingredient is stable, thus providing a constant concentration over long periods of therapy. In this research microencapsulation of kaffir lime oil from leaves (MJP-D) and rind (MJP-KB) using chitosan to crosslinking with glutaraldehyde (ratio 2:1). Characterization of kaffir lime oil use Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), characterization of microcapsule use FTIR and particle size analyzer, while analysis of essential oil content in the microcapsules with UV-Vis spectroscopy. Composition of MJP-D consist of citronellal (85,07%), lonalool (3,47%), citronelil acetate (2,77%) and sabinene (2,79%), while MJP-KB consist of citronellal (20,91%), terpinen-4-ol (11,93%), a-pinene (21,44%) and limonene (12,59%). Microcapsul MJP-D and MJP-KB has a distinctive absorption crosslinking results on 1558 cm-1 (-C=N) and particle size 340,43-404,90 nm. The effectiveness microcapsulation of MJP-D and MJP-KB 37,5% and 86,88% with each zone of inhibition against Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria is 12,8 mm and 17,1 mm. Keywords: microcapsul, kaffir lime oil, antimicrobial P. aeruginosa
AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN DAN ANTIMIKROBA MINYAK JERUK PURUT (Citrus hystrix DC.) DAN KOMPONEN UTAMANYA Warsito Warsito; Noorhamdani Noorhamdani; Sukardi Sukardi; Suratmo Suratmo
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Technology Vol 4, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (526.34 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jeest.2017.004.01.3


Kaffir lime oil (C. hystrix DC.) is consist of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons terpenoids and terpenoids which contain oxygen are distributed in every part of the plant. In this research tested the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, both against kaffir lime oil from twigs, leaves and rind including the main components citronellal. The antioxidant was evaluated by testing its ability to catch DPPH radical. Antimicrobial activity is measured by its ability to inhibit the growth of gram-negative bacteria, Escheria coli. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is used to analyze chemical composition of kaffir lime oil. Value of IC50 of kaffir lime oil obtained was 6,43 (mL/mL); 6,83 (mL/mL); 9,48 (mL/mL) and 10,1 (mL/mL), consecutive to kaffir lime oil from rind, leaves, twig-leaf mixture and citronellal. Compared to the other kaffir lime oil and major components citronellal, kaffir lime oil from rind show the most vigorous activity in inhibiting growth of Escheria coli bacteria, by MIC values of 12,5 (mL/mL). GC-MS analysis showed that citronellal and citronellol as major component on kaffir lime oil from leaves and twig-leaf mixture, while the major component of kaffir lime oil from rind is b-pinene, limonene, citronellal dan terpinen-4-ol. Keywords: kaffir lime oil, citronellal, citronellol, antioxidant, antimicrobial
Relationship Between Infrastructure and Facilities for Students Preparedness to Deal with The Tsunami Sujarwo Sujarwo; Noorhamdani Noorhamdani; Mukhamad Fathony
JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA (Journal of Governance and Political Social UMA) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA (Journal of Governance
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jppuma.v6i1.1516


ABSTRAKSarana prasarana merupakan aspek penting di dalam manajemen bencana, terutama wilayah yang memiliki potensi tsunami yang tinggi seperti kepulauan Mentawai. Salah satu kelompok yang rentan terhadap bencana tsunami adalah siswa sekolah. Kerentanan ini dikarenakan masih rendahnya kesiapsiagaan siswa SSB dalam pengurangan risiko bencana di sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan sarana prasarana terhadap kesiapsiagaan siswa SSB dalam pengurangan risiko bencana tsunami.  Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan desain observational analitik korelatif dan pendekatan cross sectional dengan sampel sebanyak 109 siswa yang di ambil dari kelas 5 dan 6 di 3 SDN yaitu SDN 13, SDN 16 dan SDN 17 di Kecamatan Sipora Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sarana prasarana dengan kesiapsiagaan siswa SSB dalam pengurangan risiko bencana tsunami, dengan nilai (p=0.000) dan nilai r =0.98.  Sarana prasarana memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kesiapsiagaan siswa SSB sehingga dapat menghambat kesiapsiagaan siswa dalam pengurangan risiko bencana tsunami di Kecamatan Sipora Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai.Kata Kunci: Sarana Prasarana, Kesiapsiagaan, Pengurangan Risiko Bencana  ABSTRACTInfrastructure and facilities is an important aspect of disaster management especially in areas with high Tsunami potential such as Mentawai Islands. One of the groups which are vulnerable to Tsunami is students. This vulnerability is due to the low preparedness of Sekolah Siaga Bencana (School-Based Disaster Preparedness, abbreviated as SBB) students in disaster risk reduction. This study aims to analyze the relationship of infrastructure and facilities to the preparedness of SSB students in disaster risk reduction especially tsunami. This study is a quantitative research conducted by using a correlative-analytic observational design and cross-sectional approach with a sample of 109 students taken from 5th and 6th grader in 3 Sekolah Dasar Negeri (Elementary School or SDN) namely SDN 13, SDN 16 and SDN 17 in Sipora District, Mentawai Islands. There is a significant relationship between infrastructure-facilities and the preparedness of SBB students towards the reduction of Tsunami risk with the value of (p = 0.000) and r = 0.98. Infrastructure and facilities have a significant relationship with the preparedness of SBB students so that it can inhibit the reduction of tsunami risk in Sipora District, Mentawai Islands.Keywords: Infrastructure and facilities, Preparedness, Disaster Risk Reduction 
Pengaruh Pemberian Protein Pili Streptococcus agalactiae pada Ketebalan Epitel Endometrium Rattus Norvegicus Hening Ryan Aryani; Istifadatul Ilmiya; Nur Rohmah Prihantanti; Dwi Yuni Nur Hidayati; Noorhamdani Noorhamdani
Publisher : Akademi Kebidanan Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Infeksi Endometrium merupakan peradangan pada lapisan dalam rahim yang disebabkan karena adanya infeksi yang salah satunya disebabkan oleh Streptococcus agalactiae. Streptococcus agalactiae merupakan bakteri Gram positif yang dapat ditemukan pada saluran genetalia dan gastrointestinal sekitar 30% pada wanita. Akan tetapi bakteri ini mampu beradaptasi sesuai dengan lingkungannya sehingga dapat berubah dari bakteri komensal menjadi pathogen. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental murni yang terdiri dari 25 ekor Rattus norvegicus berjenis kelamin perempuan dan  dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok dimana setiap tikus diberikan perlakuan pada hari ke 0, 7 dan 14. Pengambilan data dilakukan menggunakan software image raster 3 dan pengumpulan data kemudian di analisis menggunakan One Way Anova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata ketebalan epitel endometrium pada kelompok kontrol positif memiliki rerata terendah yaitu 17,89μm, sedangkan rerata ketebalan epitel endometrium tertinggi terdapat pada kelompok perlakuan ketiga yaitu 32,86 μm. Sedangkan hasil tes One Way Anova menunjukkan p=0,000 (p-value<0,05), yang membuktikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan peningkatan yang bermakna terhadap ketebalan epitel endometrium antara Rattus norvegicus pada masing-masing kelompok perlakuan. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian protein pili Streptococcus agalactiae terbukti meningkatkan ketebalan epitel endometrium Rattus norvegicus
Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol 8 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi
Publisher : LPPM Universitas dr. Soebandi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36858/jkds.v8i1.160


Bacterial Vaginosis is expressed as a polymicrobial infection caused by a decrease in the number of Lactobacillus and is followed by an increase in excessive anaerobic bacteria. Some studies report a cure for bacterial vaginosis of 71-89% or more in women within 1 month after therapy with antibiotics. But with the resistance to antibiotics, some researchers use prebiotics as a treatment for bacterial vaginosis. Glucomannan Hydrolysates (GMH) extracted (as polysaccharides) from Konjac plants that are widely used in Asia as a food source, these prebiotic materials have been tested both in vitro and in vivo and have been shown to be successful with increased growth of lactobacilli or bifidobacteria and reduced pathogens. Besides GMH Active Balance is also used as a regulator of pH.