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Publisher : FEB UNTAG Semarang

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One means of trading in the town are the market, both traditional markets, semi modern markets and the modern markets. In the midst of the development of modern markets, and business franchises in major cities including Semarang as the capital city Central Java, where traditional markets are expected to be still exist. Therefore Semarang City Government adopted a policy to perform traditional market arrangement, being pushed by the modern market. Recently Sampangan Market has been relocated which is only approximately 1 km away from the site of the old market, it is expected to bring better impact than the Old Sampangan Market. From the above case, researchers were interested in examining the impact of the relocation of the market, the Case Study in Sampangan Market Semarang. Purposes of this study were: 1) To investigate the impact to the traders individually, 2) the impact to the traders (traders association), 3) the impact to the buyers, 4) the impact to the community around the market, 5) the impact to the market managers. The use of the study: 1) To examine the impact of the relocation of the market, 2) As the materials of information for the study of social science, 3) For the inputs to Dinas Pasar Kota Semarang in implementing government policies especially those related to the impact of the relocation of the market. The type of research is descriptive qualitative description one. Methods of data collection, observation, in-depth interviews with 10 informants consisting of merchants, traders associations, purchasers, and the public about markets. As a key person Researcher  interviewed also Kepala Dinas Pasar and Kepala Pasar (market manager). The interpretation of the results of interviews with informants were used as an analysis of the data. The results of research and fact findings are: 1) The impact of individual modern semi market traders with zoning seemed to be clean, comfortable, safe, and yet not followed by significant increase in revenue due to customer’s reduce 2) From the grocery merchants that occupy the outskirts of building complained when it rains water wet (tampias,Jvneese) 3) On the other hand, profit are taken by the trader surrounding the market 4) Buyers are convenient in shopping, but the elder people can not meet the needs sold upstairs 5) With the zoning, market manager has broad responsibilities, but there are only 3 personnels consists of two collectiors and one security staff, so that less than the maximum in management, the control’s function in particular. In addition to the above, New Sampangan Market is not equipped with signposts showing the merchandise criteria so that buyers sometimes have to ask for the type of items sought. keywords: market, market relocation, market traders, impacts
Serat Acitya Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya bagi Kehidupan
Publisher : FEB UNTAG Semarang

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ABSTRACT Mangkang Zoological Garden in Semarang is one of the pleasure park for the citizen which lies strategically on the Semarang-Kendal highway at Km post 17. Achievable ticket price is Rp.5000,-. Riding on elephant, to ride on water tricycle, horse riding, flying fox are Rp.3000,-. Over this condition, it is hoped that visitor would rise from year to year.   In this website, the organizer offers the most completed recreation for kids, cheap, clean and tidy. In fact, the number and kind of animal are limited, dirty, rubbish everywhere, settees are not well maintained, the garden at each pavilion are not tidy. The visitor decreases from year to year, in 2011 number of visitors are 267.346, while in 2012 become 243.883. Based on the above conditions, writers were interested in conducting a research on evaluation of the performance in managing Mangkang Zoological Garden Semarang as a tourism’s object. The aims of this research are: 1)to indicate the human resources who managing this tourism’s object, 2)to indicate why this tourism’s object is not interested by the people yet. The usefullness: 1)to increase the conception and dan try to help in problem solving in relation with human resources particularly, 2)giving input and consideration to the concerned official agency. The type of research is descriptive qualitative description one. Methods of data collection, observation, in-depth interviews with 10 informants consisting of Head of UPTD, vet, cleaning service coordinator, ticketing coordinator, security person, animal tamer, animal keeper, garden coordinator, medical veterinarinist, paramedical veterinarinist. Writers also hold an interview with Head of Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan Dan Pariwisata Kota Semarang as a key-person. The interpretation of the results of interviews with informants were used as an analysis of the data.   The results of research and fact findings are: 1)performance of human resources in managing animal, it is found that number of person in compared with width of animal’s area is not adequate, since area of 10 Ha should be covered by 47 persons (25 official servant and 22 honorary employee=HorDis); 2)grade of education point of view, 8,51% college degree, dan 91,49% honorary employee are upper secondary school grade; 3)lack of security effort over all animal area, garden hall and whole garden area in general; 4) no clear organization chart to support good management effort, since all people are liable to head of UPTD directly. keyword: performance, human resources, zoological garden
Analisis Kinerja Petugas Farmasi Pelayanan Obat Pasien Rawat Jalan Di RSUD dr.R.Soedjati Soemodiardjo Purwodadi - Grobogan Christine Diah Wahyuningsih; Susilo Endrawanti
Serat Acitya Vol 6, No 1 (2017): Sumber Daya Manusia adalah modal utama untuk pembangunan
Publisher : FEB UNTAG Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (216.971 KB)


With the rising status of the community's economy, ease of communication and increasing knowledge about health causes people demand better quality health care, both in terms of attitude and behavior of officers. In accordance with Undang-Undang No. 77 |Tahun 2015 Tentang Pedoman Organisasi Rumah Sakit (Guidelines for the Organization's Hospital), the hospital must perform some functions which aims to realize a hospital organization that is effective, efficient, and accountable in order to achieve the vision and mission of the hospital in accordance with the Good Corporate Governance and Good Clinical Governance. In connection with the above description, researchers interested in conducting research titled "Influence of Pharmaceutical Officer Performance Against Drugs Service Satisfaction Level on Hospital Outpatient dr.R.Soedjati Soemodiardjo Purwodadi". The formulation of the problem in this research is "Is There a clerk Performance Influence Satisfaction Against Pharmaceutical Drug Outpatient Services in dr. R. Soedjati Soemodiardjo Purwodadi? ". The type of research used in this study is explanatory type one. The main instrument in this study were respondents consisting of all visitors Outpatient Pharmacy dr. R. Soedjati Soemodiardjo Purwodadi visiting at the time of study cunducted (50 respondents). Locus of the study is dr.Soedjati Soemodiardjo Hospital Purwodadi Grobogan. This study focused on the effect of worker performance and satisfaction levels outpatient drug services. Data collection techniques by observation, questionnaires, interviews, and literature. Data processing techniques include: editing, coding, and tabulating, To complement the quantitative analysis used qualitative analysis with percentage analysis measurement scale formula. Value = (Score achieved) / (Score expected) × 100%, with the result of the value for the variable X = 70.8% included in the interval 50% - 74.99%, so as to be in the medium category. While the variable Y with the results of value = 71.1% is in the interval 50% - 74.99%, resulting in medium category. As well as testing the hypothesis by using Product Moment Correlation to the relationship variables X and Y obtained price r xy = 0.62, N = 50 Γtable with the significant level of 5% value was 0.273. Thus it can be argued that the value Γobtained is greater than the Γtable (0.62>0.273), so that the statement "There is Influence Officer Performance Against Pharmaceutical Drug Services Patient Satisfaction in Outpatient Hospital Pharmacy dr.R.Soedjati Soemodiarjo Purwodadi" is ACCEPTED. Suggestions can be submitted by researchers are the addition of patient waiting chairs, waiting room cooling equipment, their training for pharmacist, and doctor's clock settings