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An Interactive Visual Auditory Multimedia Instructions for Toddlers Puteri Noraisya Primandari; Elvianto Dwi Hartono; Siswoyo; Putri Rahayu Ningtyas
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Desain Komunikasi Visual Vol 4 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Desain Komunikasi Visual (JIKDISKOMVIS)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Toddlers learn to use various ways to understand the meaning of words or sentences using symbols, spoken languages, pictures, sounds and various other five sensory functions. Nowadays, there have been many multimedia of children's learning developed in the community such as media for reading, writing, counting and others. All of the media which has been developed has not integrated all the components needed by children such as completely correcting the child's first reading or writing that need to be corrected. For this reason this research aim to develop interactive learning that combines all the elements that children needed by using a combination of pattern recognition, sound and images so that learning can be maximized and children's creativity is increased. Keywords— media, learn, toddlers
Prototipe Monitoring Daya Listrik dan Pengendalian Perangkat Elektronik Skala Industri Berbasis IoT di CV. Wellracom Nusantara Surabaya Samsul Huda; Trio Bekti Imansah; Elvianto Dwi Hartono
J I M P - Jurnal Informatika Merdeka Pasuruan Vol 6, No 3 (2021): DESEMBER
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Merdeka Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37438/jimp.v6i3.340


The electricity bill accounts for a considerable amount of the full operating costs of industries. CV. Wellracom Nusantara has a lot of electronic equipment and industrial machines for production. Here, the company does not really know the electricity usage each month. They only know the significant amount of bill payments and over-budget when the electricity bill comes. Therefore, it is crucial for companies to accurately estimate future electricity costs as a strategy to reduce over-budget and uncontrolled costs. To overcome the problems, we propose a prototype monitoring system to make it more comfortable to monitor the use of electrical power in the company. This solution allows the electricity consumption from all devices to be monitored and controlled. The prototype monitors the use of electrical energy from each device and controls the electronic devices. The proposed solution adopts IoT technology using industrial-scale devices. This can monitor electricity consumption data from each device in real-time, record historical data from daily to monthly, send notifications, and control on/off devices. This prototype has an accuracy of 98% of the reading measurement results compared to the digital AVOmeter. Through a simple experiment using electric power loads of two light bulbs and two laptop chargers for 24 hours, we confirmed that the implemented prototype runs correctly.Keywords— electricity usage management, electricity bill, IIoT, IoT
Pengujian Bandwidth Pada Sistem Setting Bonding Mikrotik Otomatis Menggunakan Library Paramiko Kaneo Dria Perkasa; Aris Sudaryanto; Elvianto Dwi Hartono
Informatics, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Infotron) Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Infotron Vol 1. No. 1
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (737.318 KB) | DOI: 10.33474/infotron.v1i1.11215


Teknik otomatisasi jaringan saat ini semakin berkembang, salah satunya adalah menggunakan Phyton yang terinspirasi dari Software Defined Network. Hanya saja Network Automation berada satu tingkat di bawah Software Defined Network. Metode Network Automation yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bertujuan mempermudah dan mempercepat waktu konfigurasi jaringan. Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan dengan membandingkan bandwidth sebelum dan sesudah bonding, bandwidth tertinggi sebelum bonding adalah 16.1 Gbps, sedangkan bandwidth tertinggi setelah bonding adalah 16.5 Gbps.
Enhanced Face Image Super-Resolution Using Generative Adversarial Network Bagus Hardiansyah; Elvianto Dwi Hartono
PIKSEL : Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Sistem Embedded and Logic Vol 10 No 1 (2022): March 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/piksel.v10i1.4158


We proposed an Enhanced Face Image Generative Adversarial Network (EFGAN). Single image super-resolution (SISR) using a convolutional is often a problem in enhancing more refined texture upscaling factors. Our approach focused on mean square error (MSE), validation peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), and Structural Similarity Index (SSIM). However, the peak-signal-to-noise ratio has a high value to detail. The generative Adversarial Network (GAN) loss function optimizes the super-resolution (SR) model. Thus, the generator network is developed with skip connection architecture to improve performance feature distribution.
Pengujian Bandwidth Pada Sistem Setting Bonding Mikrotik Otomatis Menggunakan Library Paramiko Kaneo Dria Perkasa; Aris Sudaryanto; Elvianto Dwi Hartono
Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Infotron
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/infotron.v1i1.11215


Teknik otomatisasi jaringan saat ini semakin berkembang, salah satunya adalah menggunakan Phyton yang terinspirasi dari Software Defined Network. Hanya saja Network Automation berada satu tingkat di bawah Software Defined Network. Metode Network Automation yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bertujuan mempermudah dan mempercepat waktu konfigurasi jaringan. Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan dengan membandingkan bandwidth sebelum dan sesudah bonding, bandwidth tertinggi sebelum bonding adalah 16.1 Gbps, sedangkan bandwidth tertinggi setelah bonding adalah 16.5 Gbps.
Jurnal Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Vol 5 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/bimasakti.v5i2.9013


Plants have the ability to create their own food through the use of chlorophyll in the process of photosynthesis. The benefits that we can take advantage of from a plant are as herbal medicine, food ingredients, and can also produce oxygen which is useful for the survival of mankind. The purpose of this study was to design a tool for providing nutrition to hydroponic plants using catfish manure, to design a tool to cut plants in an automatic way, and to design a tool to replace sunlight for plants that can photosynthesize. This designed tool is based on the Arduino microcontroller. For automatic cutting, the HC-SR04 sensor will be used to determine the height of the plant with the help of a dc motor for the cutter and a stepper motor to drive the sensor.
Abdimas Perancangan Sistem Rantai Pasok Stok Ikan di CV. Indonesia Nature Miracle: Sistem Informasi Stock barang Agung Kridoyono; Elvianto Dwi Hartono; Mochamad Sidqon; Anton Breva Yunanda; Danang Ario Wibowo
Journal of Science and Social Development Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Science and Social Development
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55732/jossd.v5i2.640


This article is a journal devotion for society that doing by educational institution especially us as a lecture to implement the threefold missions of higher education known as tridarma college. Implementation technology for society at a software form to control stock and the quality of fish during in distribution. Labelling product by the quality of fish through a date and a form of fish. In the resolution of problems on cv indonesia miracle of nature , we did devotion in the form of recording the date information system goes off fish of container and is also the name the person in charge of quality control , so that it can be used to support of the qualities of fish and to create a awake the availability of fish. At this system informants determined based on the study the implementation of which is the management cv indonesia miracle of nature .Risk analysis and mitigation supply chain had an impact on sales and an inventory of goods , by the presence of the program hopefully can help companies in the application of the determination quality of product Keywords: website, Supply chain, CV indonesia Nature Miracle