Ronald Saija
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura

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ADHAPER: Jurnal Hukum Acara Perdata Vol 3, No 2 (2017): Juli - Desember 2017
Publisher : Departemen Hukum Perdata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1023.07 KB) | DOI: 10.36913/jhaper.v3i2.58


Manufer beberapa karyawan (buruh/tenaga/pekerja) Perusahaan Great River ke Pengadilan Niaga merupakan salah satu usaha kesekian para karyawan setelah produksi pabrik perusahaan berhenti. Selain menunggak upah karyawan, juga terdapat utang perusahaan kepada kreditor perusahaan meliputi Bank Mandiri, dan Bank Mega. Dalam hal ini, Perusahaan Great River bukan merupakan perusahaan pertama yang dimohonkan pailit oleh karyawannya, tetapi sebelumnya ada permohonan pailit yang diajukan oleh karyawan PT. Roxindo Mangun Apparel Industry dengan Putusan Nomor 49/PAILIT/2004/PN.NIAGA.JKT.PST). Pada sejumlah kasus dimana mayoritas karyawannya sering maju ke Pengadilan Niaga sebagai kesatuan menuntut hak mereka setelah perusahaan dinyatakan pailit, namun berbeda dengan kasus Great River Dalam hal ini, tidak semua karyawan menyetujui langkah yang diambil oleh beberapa karyawan saja sedangkan sebagian karyawan yang mengatasnamakan diri Solidaritas Karyawan perusahaan Great River justru mengecam langkah pailit yang diajukan oleh beberapa karyawan. Ketidaktahuan semua karyawan Perusahaan Great River bahwa salah satu aset Perusahaan Great River telah dilelangkan oleh salah satu Kreditor Perusahaan yakni Bank Mega Aset Perusahaan Great River sudah lelang dan pemenangnya adalah PT. Samudera Biru tertanggal 31 Mei 2017 yang lalu. Pasal 95 ayat (4) Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan memberikan angin segar bagi upah karyawan yang akan didahulukan pembayarannya apabila perusahaan mengalami pailit. Kompetensi Pengadilan Niaga dan kompetensi Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial berpotensi akan menimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum dan melanggar hak rasa adil bagi para karyawan yang membingungkan.
ADHAPER: Jurnal Hukum Acara Perdata Vol 3, No 2 (2017): Juli - Desember 2017
Publisher : Departemen Hukum Perdata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36913/jhaper.v3i2.58


Manufer beberapa karyawan (buruh/tenaga/pekerja) Perusahaan Great River ke Pengadilan Niaga merupakan salah satu usaha kesekian para karyawan setelah produksi pabrik perusahaan berhenti. Selain menunggak upah karyawan, juga terdapat utang perusahaan kepada kreditor perusahaan meliputi Bank Mandiri, dan Bank Mega. Dalam hal ini, Perusahaan Great River bukan merupakan perusahaan pertama yang dimohonkan pailit oleh karyawannya, tetapi sebelumnya ada permohonan pailit yang diajukan oleh karyawan PT. Roxindo Mangun Apparel Industry dengan Putusan Nomor 49/PAILIT/2004/PN.NIAGA.JKT.PST). Pada sejumlah kasus dimana mayoritas karyawannya sering maju ke Pengadilan Niaga sebagai kesatuan menuntut hak mereka setelah perusahaan dinyatakan pailit, namun berbeda dengan kasus Great River Dalam hal ini, tidak semua karyawan menyetujui langkah yang diambil oleh beberapa karyawan saja sedangkan sebagian karyawan yang mengatasnamakan diri Solidaritas Karyawan perusahaan Great River justru mengecam langkah pailit yang diajukan oleh beberapa karyawan. Ketidaktahuan semua karyawan Perusahaan Great River bahwa salah satu aset Perusahaan Great River telah dilelangkan oleh salah satu Kreditor Perusahaan yakni Bank Mega Aset Perusahaan Great River sudah lelang dan pemenangnya adalah PT. Samudera Biru tertanggal 31 Mei 2017 yang lalu. Pasal 95 ayat (4) Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan memberikan angin segar bagi upah karyawan yang akan didahulukan pembayarannya apabila perusahaan mengalami pailit. Kompetensi Pengadilan Niaga dan kompetensi Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial berpotensi akan menimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum dan melanggar hak rasa adil bagi para karyawan yang membingungkan.
Status Kepemilikan Hak Atas Tanah Adat Marga dalam Kebijakan Penataan Aset Reforma Agraria Di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Ronald Saija; Fransiscus X. V. R Letsoin; Rory Jeff Akyuwen; Pieter Radjawane
SASI Vol 26, No 1 (2020): Volume 26 Nomor 1, Januari - Maret 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47268/sasi.v26i1.246


Promulgation of Law Number 5 of 1960, brought its own consequences in terms of regulation of agrarian resources, including earth, water, space and natural resources contained therein. The ideals of the law in the realization of the objectives of the national agrarian law are realized in the form of the Agrarian Reform policy which is one of the ideals in the administration of President Joko Widodo. This policy was stated in the Decree of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia Number IX / MPR / 2001 concerning Agrarian Reform and Natural Resource Management and followed up with the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 86 of 2018 concerning Agrarian Reform. The Presidential Regulation regulates the determination of assets in the legalization of agrarian reform land object certificates. However, the problem is that it is feared that disputes and agrarian conflicts will arise in the right of recognition of the existence of communal rights for indigenous and tribal peoples explicitly mentioned in Ministerial Regulation ATR / Ka.BPN Number 10 of 2016, which seems to be no longer recognized by indigenous peoples in Indonesia. This paper is a legal research that uses the method of the statutory approach and conceptual approach that examines the recognition and use of customary land by using the norms contained in legislation. The results of this paper are directed to be able to provide clarity of legalization of customary community land as well as communal rights of indigenous and tribal peoples related to the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 86 of 2018 which does not expressly state the position of indigenous peoples as the subject of policy arrangement on Agrarian Reform assets, so that the rights owned by marga indigenous and tribal peoples can be fought for.
Perlindungan Kreditur Atas Pailit Yang Diajukan Debitur Dalam Proses Peninjauan Kembali Di Pengadilan Niaga Ronald Saija
SASI Vol 24, No 2 (2018): Volume 24 Nomor 2, Juli - Desember 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47268/sasi.v24i2.126


Legislation Number 34 of 2007 concerning Bankruptcy and Postponement of Obligations of Debt Payments is not fully complete in order to protect the rights of creditors, in connection with the dispute of PT. Golden Adishoes has no clarity about repayment in full if it turns out that the debtor's assets are insolvent is not enough to pay all of his debts, indirectly the creditor is required to accept the fact that all of his debts will not be repaid in full by bankrupt debtors without any actions and what solutions can be made by the creditor before the bankruptcy application is filed by the bankrupt debtor to the Commercial Court.
Penyalahgunaan Keadaan Dalam Prosedur Permohonan Pailit Di Pengadilan Niaga Ronald Saija
SASI Vol 24, No 1 (2018): Volume 24 Nomor 1, Januari - Juni 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47268/sasi.v24i1.114


In line with the rapidly growing trade trajectory, increasing and on an increasingly widespread and global scale, where corporate debt problem is getting complicated and requires effective legal regulation. The development of the global economy today requires the rule of bankruptcy law that is able to meet the legal needs of business people in the settlement of their accounts receivable. The monetary turmoil that occurred in mid-July 1997, resulted in a very wide impact on business development in Indonesia. In the face of this kind of thing, it is of course deemed necessary to take remedial measures, especially legal certainty in order to balance the interests of the company or the interest between creditors and debtors who go bankrupt. One of the legal means underlying the settlement of accounts payable is the regulations concerning the procedure of bankruptcy petition in the Commercial Court, as stipulated in Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 1 of 1998 on Amendment to the Law on Bankruptcy (Faillissement Verordening), which subsequently stipulated as Law No. 4 of 1998 on Bankruptcy, then underwent changes and improvements to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 37 Year 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and Suspension of Payment Obligation (PKPU). However, this law is felt to be less effective and less tested, due to the abuse of circumstances of interest, the factor of rights and power status factors in the current Bankruptcy application in the Commercial Court.