Zaenal Arifin
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Kritik Sanad Hadis (Studi Sunan Ibnu Majah, Kitab Az-Zuhud) Zaenal Arifin
Hikmah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 14, No 2 (2018): Kontekstualisasi Pemahaman Hadis
Publisher : STAI ALHIKMAH Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (645.317 KB) | DOI: 10.47466/hikmah.v14i2.118


There are three elements of the validity of the method in determining the authenticity of a Hadith: it’s connection by isnad, credibility of the narrator, syużūż and ‘illah. The focus of the study in this article is to examine the isnad hadith narrated by Ibn Majah through companions ‘Abd ar-Rahman (Abu Hurayrah) found in Sunan Ibn Majah, Kitab al-Zuhud, hadith number 4102. it’s done by takhreej of hadith and i’tibar, it recorded by researchers the quality of the narrators and its connectioned, and the possibility of checking by syużūż and ‘illah. Finally seen that entire hadith is created by śiqat and its isnaad muttaşil (connected) from the Prophet Muhammad to the last creature and Ibn Majah as mukharrij al-hadith, and not found the presence of syużūż or ‘illah, so that have the best quality that can enter the category of hadith is hasan li ghairih. Keywords: Isnad Criticism, Hadith, Kitab al-Zuhud There are three elements of the validity of the method in determining the authenticity of a Hadith: it’s connection by isnad, credibility of the narrator, syużūż and ‘illah. The focus of the study in this article is to examine the isnad hadith narrated by Ibn Majah through companions ‘Abd ar-Rahman (Abu Hurayrah) found in Sunan Ibn Majah, Kitab al-Zuhud, hadith number 4102. it’s done by takhreej of hadith and i’tibar, it recorded by researchers the quality of the narrators and its connectioned, and the possibility of checking by syużūż and ‘illah. Finally seen that entire hadith is created by śiqat and its isnaad muttaşil (connected) from the Prophet Muhammad to the last creature and Ibn Majah as mukharrij al-hadith, and not found the presence of syużūż or ‘illah, so that have the best quality that can enter the category of hadith is hasan li ghairih. Keywords: Isnad Criticism, Hadith, Kitab al-Zuhud
Hikmah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 16, No 1 (2020): Hikmah: Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : STAI ALHIKMAH Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47466/hikmah.v16i1.166


Abstract Finland has been acknowledged as having the best education system in the world. Many countries, such as Australia, Japan and Singapore, adopted Finland education system. Those countries have reformed and transformed their education system, and now, those countries are listed in the best management and quality education countries. The integration among curricula, market and philosophical values of nation founding fathers as world view has resulted transformation of education. Programme for Internasional Student Assessment (PISA) 2019 assessed the quality of education in term of reading, math and science and made Indonesia ranked on the 72nd out of 77 countries. In other word, Indonesia is the 6th ranking from below. At the same time, Singapura took the runner up position. Indonesia has left behind from other countries, including Malaysia and Brunei. It is imperative for Indonesia to learn more to those countries which succeeded in designing the system of education. By doing this, Indonesia will be equal to neighboring countries. Abstrak Finlandia diakui memiliki sistem pendidikan terbaik di dunia. Banyak negara di dunia belajar dari kesuksesan Finlandia, seperti Australia, jepang dan singapura. Ketiga negara ini, telah melakukan reformasi bahkan transformasi pendidikan untuk memperbaiki sistem pendidikannya sehingga sekarang mampu menempatkan diri dalam jajaran negara-negara terbaik dalam manajemen mutu pendidikan. Sinergi aspek kebijakan, kurikulum dan pasar serta nilai-nilai filosofis sebagai pandangan hidup yang telah dilahirkan para pendiri bangsa telah melahirkan transformisme pendidikan. Pada tahun 2019, Programme for Internasional Student Assessment (PISA) yang merupakan lembaga survei kualitas pendidikan di dunia dari aspek kemampuan membaca, matematika, dan sains telah menempatkan Indonesia pada urutan 72 dari 77 negara. Jadi, Indonesia berada pada peringkat keenam dari bawah sedangkan Singapura berada pada posisi kedua terbaik dan juga jauh tertinggal di belakang negara-negara tetangga lainnya, seperti seperti Malaysia dan Bruai Darusaalam. Indonesia harus banyak belajar dari negera-negara yang telah sukses mendesain sistem pendidikan yang baik sehingga kualitas, mutu pendidikan dapat disejajarkan dengan negara-nega lainnya.
Psikologi dan Kepribadian Manusia dalam Perspektif Al-Qur'an Zaenal Arifin
Hikmah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 12, No 2 (2016): Al-Qur'an dan Fakta-fakta Ilmiah
Publisher : STAI ALHIKMAH Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.405 KB) | DOI: 10.47466/hikmah.v12i2.120


Human is created by Allah SWT diff erent with other creatures such as angles, jinn, animals and plants. Th is diff erence gives chances to human to become a perfect or worst personal. Here smart Muslims must follow the revelation of Qur’an to see multidimensional of human being consisting of physical and spiritual and not depend on the theories of non-Islam which tend to defeat the spiritual element inside human self who is closely connected with God. Human with various dimensions is not enough seen as something empiric, yet it must be seen the whole dimensions both physical and spiritual. Th e human soul is a gathering place for other soul dimensions such as qalb, emotions, desires, etc, so it’s usually called “the soul of thinking”. Th e human person as a whole can also be viewed and analyzed through the deep research toward the signs of Qur’an in order able to formulate a perfect human being or human’s Qur’ani. Keywords: Psychology, Personality, al-Qur`an Manusia diciptakan oleh Allah SWT berbeda dengan makhluk lainnya, seperti malaikat, jin, dan hewan serta tumbuhan. Perbedaan inilah yang memberikan kesempatan kepada manusia untuk menjadi pribadi yang sempurna atau pribadi yang terburuk. Di sinilah sebagai cendekiawan muslim harus berpijak dari wahyu al-Qur’an untuk melihat multi dimensi manusia yang terdiri dari jasmani dan rohani (psikis) dan tidak terpaku pada teori-teori non-Islam yang cenderung mengalahkan unsur spiritual dalam diri manusia yang erat hubungannya dengan Tuhan. Manusia dengan berbagai dimensi yang ada tidak cukup dilihat sebagai suatu yang empiric, tetapi harus melihat seluruh dimensinya, baik jasmani maupun rohani. Jiwa manusia merupakan suatu tempat berkumpulnya dimensi-dimensi jiwa lain, seperti qalb, emosi, keinginan dan lain-lain, sehingga biasa disebut “jiwa yang berpikir”. Pribadi manusia secara utuh juga dapat dilihat dan ditelaah melalui deep research terhadap petunjuk-petunjuk al- Qur`an agar dapat dirumuskan manusia sempurna atau manusia qur`ani. Keyword: Psikologi, Kepribadian, al-Qur`an