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Profesionalisme Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Menanamkan Akhlak Mulia Peserta Didik Idhar Idhar
TAJDID: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman dan Kemanusiaan Vol 2 No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : LP2M IAI Muhammadiyah Bima

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52266/tadjid.v2i1.104


Guru profesional merupakan guru yang memiliki kompetensi dan tanggung jawab dari segi keilmuannya maupun metodologinya. Kemampuan tersebut sangat membantu para guru dalam mencapai hasil yang memuaskan dalam proses pembelajarannya. Seorang guru profesional memiliki persyaratan tertentu, seperti bekerja penuh, memiliki ilmu pengetahuan, ilmunya dapat diaplikasikan, ilmu didapat dari lembaga pendidikan, berprilaku baik, memiliki standar kode etik profesi. Disatu sisi pendidikan dewasa ini juga membutuhkan guru profesional dalam membangun generasi yang berilmu dan bermartabat dengan harapan tujuan pendidikan dapat tercapai dengan baik dan terarah. Jika pendidik mengedepankan diri sebagai pengajar yang berkualitas, maka dipastikan setiap pelaksanaan pembelajaran akan berlangung secara optimal dan akan berpengaruh pada hasil yang dikendaki. Dengan demikian, tanggung jawab guru termasuk guru pendidikan agama Islam sangat diharapkan keprofesionalannya dalam mendindik, membimbing dan mengajar peserta didiknya kearah manusia yang berilmu dan lebih khusus berakhlak mulia.
TAJDID: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman dan Kemanusiaan Vol 3 No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : LP2M IAI Muhammadiyah Bima

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52266/tadjid.v3i1.241


Pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidik, tidak hanya mendidik para santri ilmu agama, melainkan juga membekalinya dengan akhlak yang menjadi karakter khas dari seorang santri. Tidak berlebihan ketika pesantren dikatakan sebagai sumber pendidikan karakter untuk menjawab persoalan bangsa. Kasus yang banyak terjadi pada siswa ialah karena kurangnya pendidikan karakter pada diri siswa. Ciri khas pesantren dan sangat sulit ditiru oleh lembaga pendidikan lainnya adalah kuatnya penanaman akhlak-akhlak terpuji. Sehingga label ‘santri’ pun secara dzahir telah identik dengan keshalehan, baik itu secara individu maupun sosial. Hal ini wajar, karena pembiasaan aplikasi akhlak terpuji telah mendarah daging dalam dunia pendidikan pondok pesantren. Kyai sebagai sentral figur di dalamnya memberikan uswah dan qudwah hasanah dalam pendidikan akhlak. Karena penanaman akhlak lebih mengena dengan perbuatan daripada penjejalan materi di dalam kelas, maka pendidikan akhlak di pondok pesantren sangat mengena di benak para santrinya.
PEDAGOGOS : Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 1 No 1 (2019): PEDAGOGOS : JURNAL PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Bima

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33627/gg.v1i1.107


If judging specifically that the multi-dimensional kerisis that hit Indonesia sebernanya sourced from the decline of moral quality. When you see negative events involving students in Indonesia, such as brawls between students who never end, drugs, even cases of nasty video. This happens because the loss of moral values that faded due to lack of concern for school. Pesantren is an educator institution, not only educate the santri of religious knowledge, but also provide with the character that characteristic of a santri. It is not excessive when pesantren is said to be the source of character education to answer the nation's problems. Cases that many occur in students is due to lack of character education in students. The hallmark of pesantren and very difficult to imitate by other educational institutions is the strength of cultivation of morals. The label 'santri' was dzahir has been synonymous with piety, both individual and social. This is reasonable, because the habituation of morally appropriate applications have been ingrained in the education of boarding schools. Kyai as the central figure in it gives uswah and qudwah hasanah in moral education. Because the cultivation of morals more hit with deeds rather than juxtaposition of materials in the classroom, then moral education in boarding school very striking in the minds of the santrinya. It was precisely the one that inspired Kemendiknas to include elements of character education in schools, which were admittedly inspired by the moral education of pesantren. The purpose of education is to increase faith and piety and noble character in order to educate the nation's life, regulated by law (Article 31 paragraph 3) In this article explained that the purpose of education in Indonesia is aimed at increasing faith and piety and noble ahlak on students in reality as far away as fire from roast. The teaching system that schools give to their students is mostly oriented only to intellectual intelligence (intelligence), while the planting of character values on sisawa is very less. In this paper I discuss about the discussion about the pattern of education in pesantren, as well as the cultivation of values in studying
PEDAGOGOS : Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 1 No 1 (2019): PEDAGOGOS : JURNAL PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Bima

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.399 KB) | DOI: 10.33627/gg.v1i1.107


If judging specifically that the multi-dimensional kerisis that hit Indonesia sebernanya sourced from the decline of moral quality. When you see negative events involving students in Indonesia, such as brawls between students who never end, drugs, even cases of nasty video. This happens because the loss of moral values that faded due to lack of concern for school. Pesantren is an educator institution, not only educate the santri of religious knowledge, but also provide with the character that characteristic of a santri. It is not excessive when pesantren is said to be the source of character education to answer the nation's problems. Cases that many occur in students is due to lack of character education in students. The hallmark of pesantren and very difficult to imitate by other educational institutions is the strength of cultivation of morals. The label 'santri' was dzahir has been synonymous with piety, both individual and social. This is reasonable, because the habituation of morally appropriate applications have been ingrained in the education of boarding schools. Kyai as the central figure in it gives uswah and qudwah hasanah in moral education. Because the cultivation of morals more hit with deeds rather than juxtaposition of materials in the classroom, then moral education in boarding school very striking in the minds of the santrinya. It was precisely the one that inspired Kemendiknas to include elements of character education in schools, which were admittedly inspired by the moral education of pesantren. The purpose of education is to increase faith and piety and noble character in order to educate the nation's life, regulated by law (Article 31 paragraph 3) In this article explained that the purpose of education in Indonesia is aimed at increasing faith and piety and noble ahlak on students in reality as far away as fire from roast. The teaching system that schools give to their students is mostly oriented only to intellectual intelligence (intelligence), while the planting of character values on sisawa is very less. In this paper I discuss about the discussion about the pattern of education in pesantren, as well as the cultivation of values in studying