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Strategi Jaringan Radio Komunitas Indonesia (JRKI) dalam Menyelamatkan Eksistensi Radio Komunitas EDDYONO, ARYO SUBARKAH
Komunikator Vol 4, No 01 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Community radio movement could be considered as media of resistance / counter hegemony. However, in fact, some community radios are far from expectations. Two community radio stations in Yogyakarta, which are Panaganti Radio in Terban and Angkringan Radio in Timbulhardjo, are not able to become media of resistance (Eddyono, 2011). Radio fails because government rules are too restrictive towards community radio. As a result, community radio cannot solve its own internal problems in order to survive for a long period. Moreover, this research could not get an answer about the role of Jaringan Radio Komunitas Indonesia (Indonesian Community Radio Network) in making a series of strategies to save the existence of community radio under its network, including Angkringan Radio and Panaganti Radio. This study used qualitative research and adopted Gramsci’s perspective on social movements and organic intellectual to understand the strategies which are used by JRKI to save the existence of community radio. As a result, JRKI strategies still have many weaknesses. JRKI is running out of energy in saving the existence of community radio. Keywords: Community Radio, Counter Hegemony, Democratization of Broadcasting, Battle for Positions, Organic Intellectual
RADIO KOMUNITAS DAN KEGAGALANNYA SEBAGAI MEDIA COUNTER HEGEMONY (Studi Kasus Pada Radio Panagati dan Angkringan di Yogyakarta) Eddyono, Aryo Subarkah
Journal Communication Spectrum : Capturing New Perspectives in Communication Vol 2, No 1 (2012): February - July 2012
Publisher : Department of Communication Science, Bakrie University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/jcs.v2i1.36


Community radio is able to offer an alternative that takes the listener impressions, not based on a handful of people or the market desires. It can be called as a medium of resistance counter the hegemony. This research aims to answer the causes of the death of two community radios in Yogyakarta, namely: Radio Panagati and Radio Angkringan. Radio Panagati located in Terban Village  Yogyakarta city, while Radio Angkringan in Timbulharjo Village, Bantul. Both radios are the two pairs of the legendary community radio, especially in Yogyakarta. Based on descriptive-exploratory case study research, the author found that the death of two community radio stations is caused by external factors, including: the rules issued by the state to limit the community radio. External factor has an impact on the community radio’s inability to resolve internal problems that have long existed. If government needs to support community radio, number of rules that burden community radio must be deleted. Keywords:  community radio, counter the hegemony, broadcast democratization.
Journal Communication Spectrum : Capturing New Perspectives in Communication Vol 3, No 1 (2013): February - July 2013
Publisher : Department of Communication Science, Bakrie University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/jcs.v3i1.766


Twitter telah memberi warna bagi ruang redaksi. Keberadaannya membuat media massa harus berbenah untuk memanfaatkannya, sekaligus menandinginya. Sebagai salah satu media sosial, bagi redaksi, Twitter berperan sebagai sumber informasi baru, media promosi- interaksi, dan media yang digunakan untuk melihat trend topic. Hingga kini peran tersebut masih melekat pada Twitter. Tapi, bagaimana peluangnya di masa datang, bagaimana redaksi menyikapinya, maka penelitian ini menganalisis dua jenis data, yakni: data primer yang diperoleh dari wawancara petinggi redaksi yang mewakili empat media massa (online, cetak, radio, dan TV) dan data sekunder yang terdiri dari literatur dan dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Twitter masih berpeluang menjadi sumber informasi baru sekaligus media sosialisasi dan interaksi. Twitter juga berpeluang menjadi pesaing bagi media massa mainstream. Media  massa  memiliki beragam strategi untuk memanfaatkan secara optimal keberadaan Twitter, sekaligus mengimbanginya. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan adalah terus berinovasi memanfaatkan fitur-fitur yang ditawarkan Twitter. Katakunci: Twitter, ruang redaksi, media sosial, berita, jurnalisme.  Twitter has given "color" to the newsroom. Its presence makes the mass media should adapt wheter to use it and/or match it. As one of social media, for newsroom, Twitter acts as a new news source, media promotion—interaction, and media used to see a trend topic. Until now, the role is still attached to Twitter. But, what about his chances in the future, how do editors respond, then this study is a qualitative research method by utilizing two types of data to be analiyzed, namely: primary data obtained from interviews senior editors who represent four mass media (online, print, radio, and TV) and secondary data obtained from literature and documents. The results showed that Twitter is still likely to be a new news source as well asa medium of socialization and interaction. Twitter is also likely to even become a competitor to the mainstream mass media. The mass media has variety of strategies to use Twitter. One thing to do is constanly innovating in utilizing the feature offered Twitter
BELENGGU ATURAN, NEGOSIASI, DAN EKSISTENSI RADIO KOMUNITAS: Studi pada Radio Balai Budaya Minomartani dan Wijaya di Yogyakarta Eddyono, Aryo Subarkah; Hanathasia, Mirana
Journal Communication Spectrum : Capturing New Perspectives in Communication Vol 8, No 1 (2018): February - July 2018
Publisher : Department of Communication Science, Bakrie University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/jcs.v8i1.1810


Licensing issues are one thing that puts a burden on community radios, radios that are established to serve the information and entertainment needs of a particular community and are not justified in seeking benefits like private radio. Another thing is about the rules of advertising where community radio is not allowed to broadcast commercial advertisements, as well as canalization rules problems or broadcast frequency restrictions. This research answers the negotiations conducted by the Balai Minomartani (BBM) radio station and Radio Wijaya in Yogyakarta in obeying the government's burdensome rules and what their motivations. Data obtained from in-depth interviews, online and offline observations, and document collection. The results showed that the negotiations carried out by such two radio related to the troublesome and burdensome rules were to obtain legality and carry out the mandate of the community because legality became an important capital for the existence of community radio and to obtain various accesses. To cite this article (7th APA style): Eddyono, A. S. & Hanathasia, M. (2018). Belenggu Aturan, Negosiasi, dan Eksistensi Radio Komunitas [The Shackle of Regulation, Negotiation, and Existence of the Community Radio]. Journal Communication Spectrum, 8(1), 15-44. jcs.v8i1.1810
Strategi Jaringan Radio Komunitas Indonesia (JRKI) dalam Menyelamatkan Eksistensi Radio Komunitas EDDYONO, ARYO SUBARKAH
Komunikator Vol 4, No 01 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Community radio movement could be considered as media of resistance / counter hegemony. However, in fact, some community radios are far from expectations. Two community radio stations in Yogyakarta, which are Panaganti Radio in Terban and Angkringan Radio in Timbulhardjo, are not able to become media of resistance (Eddyono, 2011). Radio fails because government rules are too restrictive towards community radio. As a result, community radio cannot solve its own internal problems in order to survive for a long period. Moreover, this research could not get an answer about the role of Jaringan Radio Komunitas Indonesia (Indonesian Community Radio Network) in making a series of strategies to save the existence of community radio under its network, including Angkringan Radio and Panaganti Radio. This study used qualitative research and adopted Gramsci’s perspective on social movements and organic intellectual to understand the strategies which are used by JRKI to save the existence of community radio. As a result, JRKI strategies still have many weaknesses. JRKI is running out of energy in saving the existence of community radio. Keywords: Community Radio, Counter Hegemony, Democratization of Broadcasting, Battle for Positions, Organic Intellectual
Menyoroti Jurnalisme Warga: Lintasan Sejarah, Konflik Kepentingan, dan Keterkaitannya dengan Jurnalisme Profesional Aryo Subarkah Eddyono; Faruk HT; Budi Irawanto
Jurnal Kajian Jurnalisme Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Kajian Jurnalisme
Publisher : School of Journalism, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (262.888 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkj.v3i1.21762


Jurnalisme warga, yang praktiknya masih bisa ditemui, adalah proses produksi informasi yang dilakukan warga biasa atas peristiwa yang terjadi di sekitarnya di berbagai media. Meskipun terlihat egaliter dan inklusif, pada kenyataannya praktik jurnalisme warga timpang dan diskriminatif. Artikel ini menunjukkan awal mula perjalanan jurnalisme warga dan hal apa saja yang melatarinya. Tujuannya adalah memberikan alternatif pandangan awal mula kehadiran jurnalisme warga, baik di dunia maupun di Indonesia. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi, dokumen, serta kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa praktik jurnalisme warga sudah sejak lama ada, bahkan lebih tua dari jurnalisme itu sendiri. Jurnalisme warga muncul karena kritik atas jurnalisme profesional yang partisan dan terlalu berorientasi pada pasar; perkembangan teknologi internet; situasi di mana jurnalisme profesional sejak awal keberadaanya tidak bisa dilepaskan dari warga; dan keinginan mendapatkan keuntungan. Di balik itu semua, kepentingan-kepentingan besar yang membayanginya adalah jurnalisme itu sendiri (jurnalisme profesional), demokrasi (kebebasan berekspresi dan menyampaikan pendapat), serta pasar. Ketiganya saling terkait dalam memotivasi kehadiran jurnalisme warga.
Siasat Kompasiana dan Indonesiana dalam Memanfaatkan Raksasa Media Sosial Demi Traffic Aryo Subarkah Eddyono
Jurnal Komunikasi Vol. 14 No. 1 (2019): VOLUME 14 NO 1 OKTOBER 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/komunikasi.vol14.iss1.art5


The presence of giant social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram) does not necessarily make the mass media afraid and relent without doing anything. The purpose of this study is to answer  how are Kompasiana and Indonesiana, media that accommodate content originating from citizens with social media format, in using giant social media? The data were obtained from interviews with the managers of Kompasiana and Indonesiana, observations, documents, and various literatures. The results of this study are, Kompasiana and Indonesiana use giant social media to disseminate content, including promotion or campaign activities; used to increase engagement with members (user account) and the public; used to overcome technological limitations (answering blog video trends); and social media used to discuss issues to determine content policy. The use of the social media giant by Kompasiana and Indonesiana aims at increasing traffic to attract sponsors to advertise. This is important for Kompasiana and Indonesiana to survive and get benefit (capital). This study also shows that in the midst of domination efforts, subordinate groups will always try to get opportunities to survive. Keywords: Social Media, Kompasiana, Indonesiana, Capital, Traffic
Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya Vol 8, No 2 (2014): Desember
Publisher : Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.831 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/sb.v8i2.4773


Abstrak. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu rekomendasi kepada masyarakat dan pemerintah terkait dengan upaya menangani berbagai masalah bencana yang sering terjadi terutama akibat kesalahan penanganan manusia. Kearifan alam merupakan nilai-nilai yang berlaku dalam suatu masyarakat. Nilai-nilai yang diyakini kebenarannya dan menjadi acuan dalam bertingkah laku sehari-hari oleh masyarakat setempat sehingga jika diterapkan dengan baik maka kesadaran untuk menjaga lingkungan akan tinggi. Manajemen kearifan lokal merupakan entitas yang sangat menentukan harkat dan martabat manusia dalam komunitasnya. Kearifan yang di dalamnya berisi unsur kecerdasan, kreativitas, dan pengetahuan lokal dari para elit dan masyarakatnya dapat dimaknai sebagai penentu pembangunan peradaban saat ini. Abstract. This paper aims to contribute a recommendation to the community and the government concerning how to cope the natural disasters which is mainly affected by human error. Natural wisdom is the values prevailing in a society. The values are the guidance for people’ daily activities therefore it is believed that everyone would have the high awareness on environmental preservation if it is applied well. Local wisdom management is an entity which is crucial for human dignity in the community. This wisdom involving the elements of the intelligence, creativity, and local knowledge of the elite and the community could be interpreted as a determinant of the development of civilization at present.
Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Instagram oleh Redaksi Kuninganmass Stefani Wijaya; Aryo Subarkah Eddyono
Expose: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 4, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33021/exp.v4i1.1532


Currently, various media use social media with various motivations. One of the media that does this is a local online media in Kuningan, West Java, namely Kuninganmass. Kuninganmass chose Instagram because it has many features that can be used for editorial purposes. Kuninganmass Instagram has 25.2 thousand followers and has superior interaction compared to other local online media such as Radar Kuningan, Kuningan Dialectics, FrameWarta, SuaraKuningan, Ciremai Today, Kuninganmedia. This research answers: how does Kuninganmass utilize Instagram? The research method used is qualitative. Data were collected through interviews, observations and documents. The results of this study are that the Kuninganmass editor uses Instagram for the purposes of news distribution, news gathering, content promotion and sales as well as new interaction media. Kuninganmass utilizes Instagram social media by using Instagram features such as Instagram stories, Instagram TV, Instagram live, uploading content, and direct messages. Kuninganmass' motivation to use Instagram is to find out the effect of using Instagram social media on readers, introduce the name Kuninganmass and expand segmentation, especially reaching the segmentation of young people. With the use of Instagram, Kuninganmass has succeeded in increasing the youth segment, introducing the name Kuninganmass more broadly and getting additional alternative income. Suggestions for further research is to see how newsrooms are affected by social media culture in producing their content.
Jurnalisme Warga: Liyan, Timpang dan Diskriminatif Aryo Subarkah Eddyono; Faruk HT; Budi Irawanto
Profetik: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 12, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/pjk.v12i1.1498


Abstrak. Keterlibatan warga dalam menyampaikan informasi yang luput dilakukan oleh jurnalis profesional  masih bisa kita lihat hingga kini. Terutama pada peristiwa-peristiwa bencana alam seperti gempa dan tsunami yang melanda Palu dan Donggala pada akhir September 2018. Hal ini menunjukkan praktik jurnalisme warga masih mungkin dijalankan. Hanya saja, di ranah akedemis, riset jurnalisme warga di Indonesia tidak terlalu variatif dan terkesan berjalan di tempat, didominasi pembicaraan sejauh mana peran dan efektivitasnya berdasarkan model-model tertentu. Situasi ini sebaiknya diatasi. Salah satunya dengan menghadirkan cara berpikir cultural studies dalam mengkaji isu-isu jurnalisme warga. Cultural studies atau kajian budaya adalah kajian kritis yang mampu membantu periset menyelami beragam hal, yakni representasi, regulasi, identitas, konsumsi, dan produksi di mana masing-masing bisa saling terkait satu sama lain. Masalah lain yang saya temukan adalah pemahaman jurnalisme warga, yang selama ini berkembang  perlu dikritisi karena tidak kontekstual dan cenderung asal klaim. Saya beranggapan jurnalisme warga adalah praktik yang timpang, eksklusif, elitis, dan diskriminatif. Keberadaaannya menjadi liyan bagi jurnalisme dominan. Artikel ini juga merupakan autokritik atas pemahaman saya soal jurnalisme warga dalam riset saya sebelumnya. Kata kunci: Jurnalisme Warga, Kajian Budaya, Keberagaman Informasi, Demokrasi, Distingsi  Abstract. Public participation in sharing information that was missed by professional journalists can still be seen today. Especially in natural disaster events such as the earthquake and tsunami that hit Palu and Donggala at the end of September 2018. This shows that the practice of citizen journalism is still possible. It is just, citizen journalism research in Indonesia is not varied, dominated by research on the extent of its role and whether its management is effective based on certain models. This situation must be changed. Cultural studies can be an alternative way of thinking. Cultural studies are critical studies that can help researchers explore a variety of things, namely representation, regulation, identity, consumption, and production where each can be interrelated. Another problem that I found was the understanding of citizen journalism that had developed so far needs to be criticized because it is not contextual and tends to be inappropriate. I think citizen journalism is an unequal, exclusive, elitist and discriminatory. Its existence becomes liyan for dominant journalism.This article is also an autocritic for the citizen journalism research I did before. Keywords: Citizen Journalism, Cultural Studies, Diversity of Information, Democracy, Distinction