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Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/klik.v7i2.319


In the current era of communication has various challenges that include the intensity of information exchange more often, the amount of information carried and the speed in exchanging information. Communication is not only in the form of text and sound but also in the form of pictures and videos. This study tries to use digital data in the form of video with the aim of providing a view of the PSNR measurement simulation. The method used is modulation of QAM 64, 256, 1024 and 4096 through terahertz channels (0.1-10 THz). Simulation results show that in QAM 64 the PSNR value is 35.2 dB to 36.6 dB. The PSNR value decreases as the M-ary increases. PSNR at 256 QAM ranges from 25.9 to 26.5 dB. PSNR in QAM 1024 is stable at magnitude 16.3 to 16.5. Whereas PSNR in QAM 4096 ranged from 15.0 to 15.25. From this study shows the greater the value of PSNR, the quality of information sent is increasingly similar. In addition, the higher the M-ary, the data carried will also be large so as to speed up the transmission time.Keywords: Terahertz, QAM, PSNR, Video, Simulation Di era saat ini komunikasi memiliki berbagai tantangan yang meliputi intesitas pertukaran informasi yang lebih sering, besarnya informasi yang dibawa dan kecepatan dalam bertukar informasi. Komunikasi tidak hanya berupa text dan suara namun juga berupa gambar dan video. Penelitian ini mencoba menggunakan data digital berupa video dengan tujuan memberikan pandangan tentang simulasi pengukuran PSNR. Metode digunakan yaitu modulasi QAM 64, 256, 1024 dan 4096 melalui kanal terahertz (0.1-10 THz). Hasil simulasi menunjukkan pada QAM 64 nilai PSNR sebesar  35.2 dB hingga 36.6 dB. Nilai PSNR menurun seiring bertambahnya M-ary. PSNR pada QAM 256 di rentang 25.9 hingga 26.5 dB. PSNR pada QAM 1024 stabil di besaran 16.3 sampai 16.5. Sedangkan PSNR pada QAM 4096 di rentang 15.0 hingga 15.25. Dari penelitian ini menunjukkan semakin besar nilai PSNR maka kualitas informasi yang dikirimkan semakin mirip. Selain itu semakin tinggi M-ary maka data yang dibawa pun juga ikut besar sehingga mempercepat waktu transimisi. Kata kunci: Terahertz, QAM,PSNR, Video, Simulasi
The Implementation of Bantu Warga Apps and Metabase for Spatial Data Processing In Surabaya Alfandino rasyid; Sritrusta Sukaridhoto; Muhammad Agus Zainuddin; Rizqi Putri Nourma Budiarti; Ubaidillah Zuhdi; Agus Imam Sonhaji; Yohanes Yohanie Fridelin Panduman; Luqmanul Hakim Iksan
Rekayasa Vol 16, No 2: Agustus 2023
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v16i2.20509


Civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) is known as an essential supporting system for effective policy-making and service delivery. Its primary purpose is establishing an individual's legal identity and vital events to ensure all citizens get their rights well. Furthermore, an advanced level of CRVS is equipped with a forecasting system to serve more useful data. This paper discusses the potential benefits and challenges of using Metabase and Bantu Warga as civil ministry support systems. The spatial data visualization system using open-source Metabase ran well and resulted in many visualization geospatial maps like birth, marriage and divorce, education, and employment. The forecasting autoregression model configuration and cumulative sum dataset reach the best error result in 1056618. The other aspects, like the self-isolation management system, civil documents classification system, and OCR system, have a good result.
Digital Twin and Blockchain Extension in Smart Buildings Platform as Cyber-Physical Systems Oktafian Sultan Hakim; Muhammad Agus Zainuddin; Sritrusta Sukaridhoto; Agus Prayudi
JUITA : Jurnal Informatika JUITA Vol. 11 No. 2, November 2023
Publisher : Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/juita.v11i2.18704


Cyber-physical systems is integrated computation with the physical world. CPS increasing in a wide range of applications, from smart homes to smart buildings. Digital twins are promising way to solve challenges with combination of CPS, 3D technology, and IoT. The system provides users with immersive interfaces to control and interact with devices within the smart building environment. Blockchain was chosen to secure user data using cryptographic algorithms and ensure data protection against manipulation, spying, and theft. Average load testing data for digital twin platform implemented in smart buildings range from 1 to 11 floors. The results reveal a gradual increase in average test times as the buildings' size and complexity grow, with the following values: 5.663s for 1 floor until 11 floors 7.294s. The data obtained from of the blockchain test using Hyperledger Besu provide essential insights into the system's performance with several bandwidth that used in the system. Average time for each test trial ranged from 1.066 seconds to 2.006 seconds, showing slight variations based on the bandwidth used. However, transactions per second (TPS) values were relatively fast, ranging from 1.066 tps to 0.499 tps with positive aspect of the retention rate for all trials was 100% success.