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Nurdin Effendi
Nuclear Industrial Material Technology Center -BATAN Puspiptek Area, Serpong, Tangerang

Published : 4 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Analysis of Ni25at%Cr Debye-Waller Factor Jahja, Aziz K.; Effendi, Nurdin
MESIN Vol 9, No 3 (2007): Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) untuk "Pulau-pulau Kecil"
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Mesin, Universitas Trisakti

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Analysis of Ni25at%Cr Debye-Waller Factor. Intensity analysis on X-ray diffractionexperiment was carriedout on Ni25at%Cr solid bulk sample to study the effect ofheat treatment on thephysical properties. Rietveld analysis (RIETAN) on both the untreated and heat-treated samplesincorporates both structural parameters such as Debye-Waller temperature factor and non-structuralparameters such as peak-position, peak-width, and peak broadening. Changes in these parameters havebeen observed in these samples, normally associated with changes in the materials properties after heattreatment,although previous residts show that the samplesmicrostructure and crystal group symmetryhave not been altered. Careful analysis revealed that on the atomic scale, the materials physicalcharacteristics such as Debye temperature, molar heat capacity, and homogenous and inhomogeneousstrain, thermal coefficient expansion have experienced some changes. Therefore this finding should havephysical impact onthe materials, such as convection-heat rate and thermal conductivity.
Corrosion Studies on SS-321 in Sodium-Chloride Solution Medium Effendi, Nurdin; Wihatmoko, Wihatmoko; Jahja, Aziz K.
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Mesin, Universitas Trisakti

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Corrosion Studies on SS-321 in Sodium-Chloride Solution Medium. Experimentalcorrosion studies on commercial SS-321 have been carried out. The experiments were carried out in asodium chloride medium with a concentration variation of 0.4 mol. 0.5 mol, 0.6 mol, and 0.7 molcorresponding topH values of 7.0, respectively. The experiments were carried out using a type ofM-273EG&G potentiostat/galvanometer test instrument. The post-corrosion samples microstructure wereanalyzed with the aid of EDS (energy dispersive spectroscopy) equipped SEM instrument to detect thepresence of any viable corrosion byproducts. Forfurther verification x-ray diffraction method was alsoused to detect anypossible emerging corrosion byproducts on the samples surfaces. Experimentalresultsconfirm that AISl-321 commercial alloys immersed in a sodium chloride corrosion medium with avariation of concentration experience very little or almost no corrosion, and that according to the socalledFontana s criteria these test-materials turn out to have an excellent resistance toward sodiumchloriccorrosion. This is also evidenced by the very low corrosion rate value measured in this study.EDSstudy and X-ray diffraction results indicate that thepossible ensuing corrosion byproducts are ironoxides, chrome oxides, iron chlorides, and nickel hydrideoxide.
MESIN Vol 8, No 3 (2006)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Mesin, Universitas Trisakti

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PEMBUATAN MATERIAL FERITIK BARU UNTUK BAHAN PENUKAR PANAS. Telahdilakukan pembuatan bahan feritik baru yang dinamakan dengan F-l sebagai bahan studi untuk bahanpenukar panas reaktor daya. Pembuatan bahan paduan ini dilakukan dengan teknik metallurgi serbuk.Komponen unsur-unsur paduannya adalah Fe, Cr, Si, Mn, C, dan Ti. Masing-masing komponen bahanditentukan persen beratnya dan ditimbang kemudian dicampur dan diaduk dengan ball milling selama 46 jam.Sampel yang dibuat berupa pelet dan setiap sampel terdiri dari campuran serbuk tersebut diatas dengan massa5 gram dan dikompaksi dengan die berukuran diameter dalam 1,5 cm, dengan tekanan sekitar 8000 psi.Masing-masing sampel ditimbang dan diukur dimensinya dan dihitung massa jenisnya sebelum disinter.Kemudian sampel disinter pada temperatur sekitar 1200°C selama 2 jam. Setelah proses sinter massa sampelditimbang dan diukur ulang dimensinya untuk mengukur ulang rapat massanya; hasilnya adalah sekitar7,9 gr cm"3. Sedangkan bilangan kekerasan mikro Vickers rata-ratanya berada dalam kisaran 160-165. Polaintensitas difraksi sinar-X menunjukkan bahwa sampel yang dibuat memiliki struktur kristal bcc, sesuaidengan tipe fasa feritik. Sedangkan butir fasa terbanyak berbentuk serpihan kecil dan sebagian butir jugaberbentuk dendritik. Dari nilai-nilai kerapatan maupun kekerasan mikro Vickers yang berada disekitar nilaidari bahan SS-405 dan SS-430, maka bahan feritik baru ini diharapkan memiliki prospek yang baik sebagaibahan alternatif yang masuk dalam kelompok bahan grade kelas II {nonhardenable).
Corrosion Studies On Ss-321 In Natrium-Hydroxide Solution S., Marzuki; Jodi, Heri; Effendi, Nurdin
MESIN Vol 9, No 3 (2007): Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) untuk "Pulau-pulau Kecil"
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Mesin, Universitas Trisakti

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Corrosion Studies On Ss-321 In Natrium-Hydroxide Solution. Experimental corrosionstudies on commercial SS-321 have been carried out. The experiments were carried out in a sodiumhydroxide medium with a concentration variation of 0.4 M. 0.5 M, 0.6 M, and0.7Mcorresponding topHvalues of 13.6, 13.69, 13.78, and 13.84 respectively. The experiments were carried out using a type ofM-273 EG&Gpotentiostat/galvanometer test instrument. The post-corrosion samples microstructure wereanalyzed with the aid of EDS (energy dispersive spectroscopy) equipped SEM instrument to detect thepresence of any viable corrosion byproducts. Forfurther verification x-ray diffraction method was alsoused to detect any possible emerging corrosion byproducts on the samples surfaces correlated to theSEM-EDS result. Experimental results confirm that A1SI-321 commercial alloys immersed in a natriumhydroxide corrosion medium with a variation of concentration experience very little or almost nocorrosion, so that according to the so-called Fontanas criteria these test-materials turn out to have anexcellent resistance toward natrium hydroxide corrosion. This is also evidenced by the very low corrosionrate value measured in this study. EDS study and X-ray diffraction results indicate that the possibleensuing corrosion byproducts are iron oxides, chromeoxides and silicon oxides.