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JURNAL LITBANG PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH Vol 3 No 1 (2005): Jurnal Litbang Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36762/jurnaljateng.v3i1.165


Revision of reconunendation on fertilizing technology which always develops is absolutely required, because it is the key in the effortof creating self-supporting of food, especially for rice.One of technologies which can be used as a basic of analysis on recommendationof ricefield fertilizing is through status analysis of the chemical element P and K for ricefield area. So far recommendation on the fertilizing ofricefield P and K still use general recommendation,namely I 00-150 kg SP-36/hectarand 10 kg KCl/hectar, because it has not been based on the status of soil chemical element. The researchstatus of the chemical element P and K, by Puslitbangtanak of Bogor in Central Java Province, at scale I :50.000, has been started in Brebes Regency.Tegal,and then in 200 I it is continued by BPTP of Central Java in Kedung, Tuban Subdistrict, Blom Regency and Masaran Subdistrict and Plupuh ofSragen Regency. Analysis program on the chemical element statusof the ricefield P and Kin 2002 is located i.n KesugihanSubdistrict ofCilacap Regency. The materialsrequired are as follows: Administration Map, scale J :250.000 and I :500.000, Map of Earth I topography scale 1 :250.000, map ofland scale I :250.000 and I :50.000, map ofland usage scale I: 50.000, land drill, surface knife, plastic bucket, plastic cartoon papers, wool string, plastic sack, rafia fibre, permanentmarker and water gerigen, Methodology use comprises: preparation, operation of soil sample taking and analysis ofsoil. In the level of field operational, it comprises consultation withAgriculture Deparunent/BIPP/BPP/KCD. Main Surveyperforms thesarnple talking of'individual soil which is become as sample ofcompbosit sample, l sample of chomposit sample consist of l 0-. 15 sampleof individual soil. The next level is sample of chomposit, which is dried and smoothened and then the contentof potencial P and K is analized by extract ofHCL 25%,the data from the resultofsoil analysis of the contentP and K through 3 status (low criteria,middle and high). Commonly,the result of the status mapping on the riccfield P and K is as follows: there are 168 samples of soil of the chemical element status P; low up to.high of'KesugihanSubdistrict, the low status is 10- 16 mg P :0/100 mg or46J, 156 nectar wide, the middle status is 23 -39 mg P20/100 mgor2079,764 hectars wide; and the high status is 42-86 mg/ JOO g with 1523,017 hectars wide, but the statusoflow chemical elementK is 7 · JO mg K20/ 100 g with 804,926hectarwide the middle status is 11 . i 7 mg/100 g K10 or2228,524 hectars wide and the status of high K is 21-46 mg/100 g K10 with 612,741 hectars wide by doing fertilizing suitable with the result of soil analysis, so the cost can be economized for Rp.523.094.375 per season for the buying of the fertilizerSP-36 and minus Rp. 25.969.230 per planting season for the buying of the fertilizer.KCL, but the using is recoveredof cost over with SP- 36 fertilizer
JURNAL LITBANG PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH Vol 3 No 3 (2005): Jurnal Litbang Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36762/jurnaljateng.v3i3.243


Sub watershed is a dynamic ecosystem with an interdependent among components. When a watershed experiences an overload canying capacity situation caused by the heavy human activities, the environment's damage will happen especially inphysical and chemical character, land productivity, and the occurrence of flood and draught. All of these, will affect the environment sustainability. This study's objective is to learn the physical changes of garang sub-watershed in Semarang, related to erosion, flood, and draught in this area. Method used is field survey, to identify the erosion level and flodd level, and to measure the draught level. Parameter employed are; rainfall's erosion, land erosion factors, length abd slope level, and management factors of vegetation and erosion. To study the flood factors, parameter used are : rainfalls, volume and surface water level, and maximal and minimal debit of water. The drought factors used for parameter are : rainfalls, width index of leaves, crop/vegetation co efficient, actual evapotranspiration, and crop's evapotranspiration. Analyses method used for measuring the erosion level is USLE method, while for the flood level is letting curb method, and for draught level is'SARRA method. The results show that the actual erosion of garang sub-watershed is between 0.932 ton/ha/year to 1.680.532 ton/ha/year. The flood curb in the catchment's area has commodities is between 0.61 to 0.94.
Kajian Kelayakan Teknologi Usahatani Jagung di Kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Tengah Feasibility Study of Corn Farm Technology in Kendal Regency, Central Java Elly Kurniyati; Renie Oelviani; Sodiq Jauhari
JURNAL PANGAN Vol. 29 No. 2 (2020): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v29i2.480


AbstrakKebutuhan jagung nasional mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan, namun kebutuhan tersebut belum mampu diimbangi dengan peningkatan produksi sehingga perlu upaya perbaikan teknologi usahatani. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan perubahan teknologi  usahatani jagung, mengetahui peningkatan keuntungan usahatani jagung, dan titik impas produksi serta titik impas harga.  Kegiatan dilaksanakan di Desa Wirosari, Kecamatan Patean, Kabupaten Kendal pada Mei – September 2018.  Metode penelitian dengan demplot teknologi usahatani benih jagung seluas 1 ha dan pengamatan pada usahatani jagung konsumsi seluas 1 ha.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi usahatani benih jagung sebanyak 1.550 kg dan benih afkir 663 kg/ha, sedangkan usahatani jagung konsumsi menghasilkan produksi 6.300 kg/ha.  Dengan harga benih Rp 35.000/kg  dan harga jagung konsumsi Rp 4.000/kg maka keuntungan usahatani benih jagung Rp 39.911.000/ha (BCR = 2,35) dan keuntungan usahatani jagung konsumsi Rp 14.523.000/ha (BCR = 1,36). Untuk memproduksi benih jagung petani menambah biaya sebesar Rp 6.314.000 namun mendapatkan tambahan keuntungan Rp 25.388.000/ha dengan nisbah keuntungan bersih 2,75 %.  Tolerasi penurunan produksi dan harga adalah 69,10 % untuk usahatani benih jagung dan 57,63 % untuk usahatani jagung konsumsi.  Oleh karena itu untuk meningkatkan produksi dan keuntungan petani perlu adanya perubahan teknologi usahatani dan fasilitasi agar petani mudah mengakses benih jagung varietas unggul.  kata kunci: teknologi usahatani, benih jagung, jagung konsumsi AbstractNational corn needs have increased significantly, but these needs have not been able to be offset by increased production so it needs efforts to improve farming technology.  This study aimed to know feasibility and technological changes of corn farming, to know the increase in profits of corn farming, and the break-even point of production and price. The study was conducted in Wirosari Village, Patean Sub-District, Kendal District in Mei- September 2018. The study methods  used  1 ha demonstration plot of corn seed technology and 1 ha  observation of consumption corn farming technology.  The result showed that corn  seed farming production of 2,550 kg/ha, while consumption corn farming production of 6.300 kg/ha. The seed price Rp 35.000/kg and consumption corn price Rp 4.000/kg so profit from corn seed farming was IDR 39.911.000 (BCR = 2,35) and profit from consumption corn farming was IDR 14.523.000/ha. The corn seed farming needed additional cost IDR 6.314.000, but provide additional profit of IDR 25.388.000 with net profit ratio 2.75%. The tolerance of decrease in production and prices in corn seed farming was 69.10%  and in consumption corn farming was 57,63%. Therefore, to increase farmer’s production and profit need to changes in farming technology and facilitate farmer’s access to superior variety seed. keywords: farming technology, corn seed, consumption corn