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Pandangan Ulama Konservatif dan Ulama Progresif tentang Tafsir Ayat Lâ Ikrâh fî al-Dîn Moqsith, Abd
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 8, No 1 (2013): Islamica
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (393.446 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2013.8.1.219-240


The verse lâ ikrâh fî al-dîn has been one of the most contested verses with regard to its meaning and definition by the ‘ulama (religious scholars) from the past to the present. Basing on this verse, progressive ‘ulama maintain that the idea of freedom of religion introduced by modern society does not contradict the Qur’ân. For them, freedom of religion includes not only freedom to convert to Islam, but also freedom to convert from Islam. This view is rejected by conservative ‘ulama who argue that the meaning of the verse contains only freedom to convert to Islam, not to convert from Islam. If non-Muslims are free to convert to Islam, Muslims are not allowed to convert from Islam. Moreover, there are many ‘ulama who argue that the verse has been abrogated by other tens of verses which enjoin to fight against infidels and polytheists. After the revelation of ‘verses of war’ in the Qur’ân, the verse lâ ikrâh fî al-dîn becomes no longer legally binding.
Tafsir atas Hukum Murtad dalam Islam Abd. Moqsith
AHKAM : Jurnal Ilmu Syariah Vol 13, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ajis.v13i2.940


Abstract: An Exegesis on Apostasy Law in Islam. A discussion on apostasy almost spread throughout the corpus of Islamic law, both past and present. The concept of apostasy is now facing a serious challenge in a society that supports freedom of religion. Modern society tends to be of the opinion that the choice of individuals to enter or exit from a religion is a private matter that should not be interfered with by any authority. While Islamic jurisprudence, particularly that which is mainstream, further criminalizes apostates. Opening the entire argument about the concept of apostasy is a necessity. There are several verses of the Koran that speak of apostasy and there are various exegesis of apostasy which are discovered by scholars. There are scholars who criminalize apostates by referring to a Hadith, but there are also scholars who reject to have evidence of these Hadith.Keywords: apostasy, conversion, religious freedomAbstrak: Tafsir atas Hukum Murtad dalam Islam. Bahasan murtad hampir merata di seluruh korpus mengenai hukum Islam, baik dulu maupun sekarang. Konsep murtad kini menghadapi tantangan serius di tengah masyarakat yang mendukung kebebasan beragama. Masyarakat modern cenderung berpendirian bahwa pilihan seseorang untuk masuk atau keluar dari suatu agama adalah masalah privat yang tidak boleh diintervensi otoritas apapun. Sementara fikih Islam, terutama yang mainstream, lebih banyak mengkriminalkan orang murtad. Membuka seluruh argumen tentang konsep murtad adalah keniscayaan. Ada beberapa ayat Alquran yang membicarakan murtad dan ada beragam tafsir murtad yang dikemukakan para ulama. Ada ulama yang mengkriminalkan orang murtad dengan merujuk suatu Hadis, tetapi ada juga ulama yang menolak ber-hujjah dengan Hadis tersebut.Kata Kunci: murtad, pindah agama, kebebasan beragamaDOI: 10.15408/ajis.v13i2.940
Pandangan Ulama Konservatif dan Ulama Progresif tentang Tafsir Ayat Lâ Ikrâh fî al-Dîn Abd Moqsith
Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 8 No. 1 (2013): September
Publisher : Postgraduate Studies of Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (393.446 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2013.8.1.219-240


The verse Lâ Ikrâh fî al-Dîn has been one of the most contested verses with regard to its meaning and definition by the ulama (religious scholars) from the past to the present. Basing on this verse, progressive ulama maintain that the idea of freedom of religion introduced by modern society does not contradict the Qurân. For them, freedom of religion includes not only freedom to convert to Islam, but also freedom to convert from Islam. This view is rejected by conservative ulama who argue that the meaning of the verse contains only freedom to convert to Islam, not to convert from Islam. If non-Muslims are free to convert to Islam, Muslims are not allowed to convert from Islam. Moreover, there are many ulama who argue that the verse has been abrogated by other tens of verses which enjoin to fight against infidels and polytheists. After the revelation of verses of war? in the Qurân, the verse Lâ Ikrâh fî al-Dîn becomes no longer legally binding.
Corak Tasawuf Al-Ghazali dan Relevansinya dalam Konteks Sekarang Abd. Moqsith Ghazali
AL-TAHRIR Vol 13, No 1 (2013): Tasawuf
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/al-tahrir.v13i1.7


Abstracts: Al-Ghaza>li’s < sufism –which described as more khuluqi-'amali in character- becomes the creed of majority of Muslims in the world, in fact adhered by some sects within Judaism and Christianity. Although some Muslim thinkers, such as Ibn Rushd, criticized al-Ghaza>li<, but his arguments in Ih}ya>’ ‘Ulum al-Di>n seem to be too solid to tear down. This article tries to explore the main points of al-Ghaza> li<’s thoughts in the atmosphere of contemporary world and came to conclusion that in this time when Islam is often expressed in harsh and barren manners, al-Ghaza>li’s sufism shows its relevance and significance. He offers the concept of love of God(mah}abbah), oneness of God (tawh}id), fear of God (makha>fah ), and gnosis (ma’rifah) to the mankind. According to al-Ghaza>li , someone who loves God must love God's creatures as well. This concept leads to the good behaviors such as desire to unite oneself with God by repentance (tawbah), asceticism (zuhd) for fear of being far from God, trusting in God (tawakkul), and being pleased with all decisions and provisions of God (rid}a). These spiritual stages will lead to the degree of knowing God (ma'rifah). Modern society, that often feel alienated, will find the book Ih}ya> 'Ulu> m al-Di>n as a cooling oasis.
Karsa: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol. 23 No. 1 (2015): ISLAM, BUDAYA DAN PEREMPUAN
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v23i1.613


Poligami   tak   pernah   usai   diperbincangkan.   Ia   bisa   dilihat   dari   berbagai perspektif, mulai dari perspektif sosial-budaya hingga dari perspektif teologi- tafsir. Artikel ini fokus pada bagaimana ulama, dari dulu hingga sekarang, memperbincangkan soal poligami. Bagaimana tafsir mereka terhadap QS. Al- Nisâ’ [4]: 3 yang secara tekstual menyebut soal poligami. Menarik, setelah ditelusuri,  ternyata  tak  ada  pandangan  tunggal  tentang  kebolehan  poligami dalam konteks sekarang. Ada yang pro tanpa syarat, bahkan boleh bagi seorang suami untuk berpoligami hingga dengan sembilan istri secara sekaligus seperti dilakukan Nabi Muhammad Saw. Ada yang setuju poligami dengan persyaratan yang ketat. Dikatakan, tak setiap orang boleh berpoligami. Hanya dalam kondisi daruratlah poligami bisa ditoleransi. Artinya, dalam suasana normal, poligami tak bisa dilakukan. Pertanyaannya, siapa yang punya otoritas menentukan kondisi darurat itu? Di sinilah titik masalahnya. Karena kondisi darurat itu bisa bias dan subyektif, maka muncul kelompok berikutnya yang kontra poligami. Bagi kelompok terakhir ini jelas, zaman Nabi memang zaman poligami, tapi zaman sekarang seharusnya adalah zaman monogami. Menurut  kelompok ini, yang dituju dari pembatasan poligami oleh Al-Qur’an adalah monogami.Copyright (c) 2015 by KARSA. All right reservedDOI: 10.19105/karsa.v23i1.613 
Menegaskan Kembali Pembaruan Pemikiran Islam Abdul Moqsith Ghazali
ILMU USHULUDDIN Volume 1, Nomor 5, Januari 2013
Publisher : Himpunan Peminat Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin (HIPIUS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6956.811 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/ilmu-ushuluddin.v1i5.1021


Problems faced by Muslim are increasingly complex. Challenges of modern life cannot be simply overcome by quoting the old religious interpretations, which are no longer irrelevant, but also have often created new problems. How many acts of terrorism, violence, discrimination, and de-humanization have been performed by referring to the religious texts? In fact, religious interpretation that destroys human values should be abandoned, and be replaced by interpretations which glorify and humanize human beings. One of main devices must be empowered for interpretation is reason (mind, ‘aql.) Through reason, a person not only can formulate relevant Islamic interpretation suitable to the era’s needs, but also can find the truth. Only by utilizing reason, amid strong tendency of scripturalism, Muslim people will succeed to create high civilization. Proven from human’s history, nations which have marginalized the role of reason would be in the darkness stage. Therefore, Islam continues to challenge mankind to use the reason. The prophet was sent to erect reason, and he says, “Al-dīn ‘aql lā dīna li-man lā ‘aqla lahu” (religion is reason, and no religion for who does not use the reason.)
Khatulistiwa Vol 3, No 2 (2013): Volume 3 Nomor 1 Maret 2013
Publisher : The Pontianak State Institute of Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (287.25 KB) | DOI: 10.24260/khatulistiwa.v3i2.210


Islamic fiqh as a part of Islamic studies is a product of thought which always serves as an interaction between a thinker and the socio-political environment that surround him. It is in this situation that the whole Islamic fiqh is written. This is why Imam Syafi‟i for example had a different fiqh opinion; Qawl qadim and Qawl jaded. Qawl qadim is the opinion of imam syafi‟i when he was in Baghdad, while Qawl jaded is the view of imam Syafi‟i while he has living in Egypt. Therefore, it seems logical that the classical fiqh thought is put into the configuration and the general context when fiqh is produced on the one hand, and in the context of a particular epistemology on the other hand.
TAFSIR ATAS ISLAM NUSANTARA (Dari Islamisasi Nusantara Hingga Metodologi Islam Nusantara) Abdul Moqsith
Harmoni Vol. 15 No. 2 (2016): Mei-Agustus 2016
Publisher : Research and Development Center for Guidance for Religious Societies and Religious Services, the Research and Development and Education and Training Agency of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (MORA)

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This article tries to explain the basic understanding of the term ‘Islam Nusantara’ (Archipelagic Islam), including its history and methodology. Academically, this article bases its premis on the main references written by Islamic scholars who have been proposing the importance of linking Islam Nusantara with the culture of the people in the archipelago. By referring to those references, it is noticeable how the dialectics of Islam and culture has evolved in the making of a unique Islam Nusantara. Since its inception, Islam Nusantara has become a heated discussion in the public discourse. Controversies and misunderstandings have occurred with those who support and against it. In the circle of NU (Nahdhatul Ulama), there is a group who prefer the term Islam rahmatan lil ‘alamiin than Islam Nusantara. This article aims to minimize the negative accusation against the concept of Islam Nusantara like the following phrases; Islam Nusantara has the potency to gnawthe principle teachings of Islam, or Islam Nusantara has deviated from the teaching of Ahlus Sunnah Waljama’ah (Aswaja).
Methodology of Deciding Fatwa in Islam: A Case Study of Legal Decision Making in NU Organization Abd Moqsith
Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation ISJOUST Vol 1, No 1, 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (935.319 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/isjoust.v1i1.1140


There are problems of islamic jurisprudence existing in society, but Qur'an and hadith as the references of shari'a are keep stagnant. Text of Qur'an and hadith are stagnant-without development, while the problems of jurisprudence are still growing. In fact, it is impossible to leave the problems without a solution. In that context, like other Islamic organizations, Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) actively issues religious fatwas. In order to keep the religious fatwa still based on the islamic law, NU has established a procedure of bahtsul masail, which is a scientific forum to respond the problems of jurisprudence, both individual and public jurisprudence related to public affairs. In delivering fatwa or answering the problems of jurisprudence, NU likely only picks up old Jurisprudence reference which are relevant to the problems. However, NU is allowed to perform ilhaqul masa'il binadhairiha, even istinbath in jama'i if the problems of Jurisprudence which can not be solved with the old Jurisprudence reference.