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Keraton: Journal of History Education and Culture Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/keraton.v1i1.321


This study aims to determine the beginning of the Four-Day General Attack in Surakarta in 1949, to know the role and involvement of the Student Army in the 1949 General Four-Day Attacks in Surakarta both before the fighting, when the battle took place until the battle ended and to know how the influence The Four Day General Attack in Surakarta in 1949 against the recognition of the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Research and writing on the occurrence of the Four Day General Attacks in Surakarta in 1949 using the Historical Research Method with a Social Approach. This approach is used in describing past events, so that the social aspects of the events examined will be revealed in it. In accordance with the subject matter to be discussed, the method used is the Historical Research Method. From this research, one conclusion can be drawn that the beginning of the Four-Day Battle in Surakarta was due to a reaction from the launch of Military Aggression II where the Dutch troops entered the city of Solo, and the purpose of the Four-Day Battle in Surakarta was to get a position and field during cease fire applied. In addition, the students who joined the Student Army Force also had an important role in the course of the General Attacks in addition to fighting and holding escorts in the surrender of the City of Solo. After the expulsion of the Dutch forces from the city of Solo, the result of a 4-day General Attack benefited the Republic both in the military and in the political field. In the Round Table Conference, the Dutch were forced to admit that the Republic of Indonesia's fighters had a very strong position in the City of Solo and surrendered the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.
KAJIAN PENGEMBANGAN STRATEGI POTENSIAL INDUSTRI TEPUNG TAPIOKA RAKYAT (ITTARA) DI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TIMUR [A Study of Potential Strategy Development on Small Scale Tapioca Industry (ITTARA) in East Lampung District] Muhadi Muhadi
Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 22, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian
Publisher : Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (802.013 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/jtihp.v22i1.52-62


The objective of this research was to find out the weakness and the strength of ITTARA located in East Lampung, as a basis to develop the potential strategy of  ITTARA so that it could be sustainable and economically improved. Analysis methods used were the SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), while  the potential strategy concept was adapted from existing ITTARA conditions. The SWOT analysis showed that there was weakness aspect that dominated the strength aspect in internal factor of ITTARA, nevertheles there was opportunity from external factor that could be optimized. These strategies should be developed were diversifying final product, conducting side business of by product, and improving technology use, as well as  efficiency of production cost. These business strategy improvements were then analyzed using AHP to choose one strategy by using criteria of market potential, production cost, product added value, technology and competitor. The result showed the most potential to be developed was improving tehcnology use by conducting the two times milling tapioca production.   Keywords: AHP, ITTARA, SWOT analysis, two times milling   
Rekayasa Alat-Lilit Pada Industri Kerajinan Kain Jumputan Djumala Machmud; Muhammad Hasanudin; Muhadi Muhadi
Dinamika Kerajinan dan Batik: Majalah Ilmiah Vol 15 (1996): Dinamika Kerajinan dan Batik
Publisher : Balai Besar Kerajinan dan Batik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22322/dkb.v15i1.1051


Kain jumputan merupakan salah satu hasil kerajinan dari kain yang dibuat dengan ketrampilan manusia, yang perlu ditunjang dengan suatu peralatan agar diperoleh keseragaman kualitas hasilnya.Teknologi penggulungan, elemen mesin, bahan mesin dan teknik penyambungan benang dipakai dasar untuk merencanakan rekayasa peralatan lilit-ikat.Pembuatan unit penggulung, sumber gerakan dan kerangka peralatan merupakan kergiatan yang dilakukan da;lam pembuatan peralatan sesuai prosedur pengerjaan yang berlaku. Hasil uji penggunaan peralatan dibandingkan dengan hasil secara tradisional dipakai untuk mengetahui tingkat kegunaan unjuk kerja peralatan.Peralatan yang dibuat dapat berfungsi sebagaimana yang diharapkan dengan hasil lilitan motif yang sama dengan hasil proses secara tradisional, dengan waktu relatif lebih cepat.Kain jumputan merupakan salah satu hasil kerajinan dari kain yang dibuat dengan ketrampilan manusia, yang perlu ditunjang dengan suatu peralatan agar diperoleh keseragaman kualitas hasilnya.Teknologi penggulungan, elemen mesin, bahan mesin dan teknik penyambungan benang dipakai dasar untuk merencanakan rekayasa peralatan lilit-ikat.Pembuatan unit penggulung, sumber gerakan dan kerangka peralatan merupakan kergiatan yang dilakukan da;lam pembuatan peralatan sesuai prosedur pengerjaan yang berlaku. Hasil uji penggunaan peralatan dibandingkan dengan hasil secara tradisional dipakai untuk mengetahui tingkat kegunaan unjuk kerja peralatan.Peralatan yang dibuat dapat berfungsi sebagaimana yang diharapkan dengan hasil lilitan motif yang sama dengan hasil proses secara tradisional, dengan waktu relatif lebih cepat.