M Samkhan M
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Published : 2 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Progresiva : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam Vol. 8 No. 1 (2019): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/progresiva.v8i1.8928


The implementation of Islamic education is still oriented towards the romanticism of the past rather than looking at the future. The main challenges in the industrial era 4.0 include the issue of the quality of teaching resources. Therefore this study wants to answer; the orientation of the educational paradigm as an epistemological framework which underlies the set of ideas or concepts in the implementation of education as well as the actualization and evaluation of education. The effort to transform Islamic education uses an integrated approach between the reasoning of Bayani, Burhani, and Irfani. The hope, the integrated paradigm produces a scientific structure that emphasizes the creation of know-why and know-how competencies, rather than know-what. In this case it is a philosophical form of Islamic education in its axiological and epistemological aspects, so that professional Islamic education can give birth to a generation of knowledgeable knowledge, mastering technology in addition to holding fast to the religion of God. 
Membangun Epistemologi Kepemimpinan Spiritual Guna Memperkuat Pendidikan Islam: Suatu Telaah Diskursif M Samkhan M
LEADERIA: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): LEADERIA: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : HMPS MPI FTIK IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/leaderia.v1i1.1


The problems in Islamic education today can be said to be confronted in terms of quality and poor cycles. Several studies have resulted in his analysis which has shown that leadership is the most important fact in an effort to change the cycle for the better. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a paradigmatic science, especially in the framework of the epistemology is able to bring strong leadership. This effort is intended to be carried out in developing and strengthening Islamic education with better management and in which there are Islamic values ​​as elan fundament of education management. Where these values ​​can build motivation and work performance that results in two goals, because the process developed is not only aimed at satisfaction and productivity, but also oriented towards values transcendental-eschatological (worship and the pleasure of God). The leadership is a visionary leadership and is able to build effective, efficient and productive organizational processes in conducive learning. This leadership model is none other; spiritual leadership that is able to give birth to the sun in the world of education. Keywords: epistemology, spiritual leadership, Islamic education   Problematika dalam pendidikan Islam saat ini bisa dikatakan berhadapan dalam masalah kualiatas dan siklus yang kurang baik. Dari beberapa penelitian telah mengahasilkan analisisnya yang telah menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan adalah fakta paling penting dalam upaya mengubah siklus yang lebih baik. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya konstruks paradigmatik keilmuan terutama dalam kerangka epistemologi yang mampu melahirkan kepemimpinan yang kuat (strong leaderhip). Upaya ini guna dilakukan dalam membangun dan memperkuat pendidikan Islam dengan pengelolaan yang lebih baik dan didalamnya terdapat nilai-nilai Islam sebagai elan fundamen pengelolaan pendidikan. Yang dimana nilai-nilai tersebut dapat membangun motivasi dan performa kerja yang mengahasilkan dua tujuan, karena proses yang dikembangkan tidak hanya bertujuan pada kepuasan dan produktivitas, melainkan juga berorientasi pada nilai-nilai trasendental-eskatologis (ibadah dan keridhaan Allah). Kepemimpinan terebut merupakan kepemimpinan yang visoner dan mampu membangun proses organisasi yang efektif, efisien dan produktif dalam pembelajaran yang kondusif. Model kepemimpinan ini tidak lain adalah kepemimpinan spiritual yang mampu melahirkan surya dalam dunia pendidikan. Kata Kunci: epistemologi, kepemimpinan spiritual, pendidikan Islam