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Publisher : Cintra Bangsa University - Literacy and Publishing Center (CBU-LPC)

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Background: Covid-19 is a dangerous infectious disease caused by SARS Coronavirus-2. Until now, there has been no treatment that is considered effective to treat Covid-19 patients, so it is very important to prevent Covid-19, including 5M. This is inseparable from the 5M knowledge that is evenly distributed in the community. Although the majority of urban communities apply 5M, the minority does not, while rural communities tend to apply 5M when there are COVID-19 task force officers. The results of interviews with 5 Kayu Putih communities showed that on average the people answered that 5M was important to prevent covid-19.Objective: This study aims to determine the difference in the level of knowledge about the 5M prevention of covid-19 in rural and urban communities. Method: This research is a quantitative research with a comparative design. The sampling technique in this study used a total sampling of 55 people for rural communities and quota sampling for urban communities, amounting to 51 people. This research was conducted in RT 002 RW 001, Manufui Village, Santian District, South Central Timor Regency and RT 02 RW 01, Kayu Putih Village, Oebobo Subdistrict, Kupang City using a questionnaire describing the 5M knowledge of Covid-19 prevention with the Mann-Whitney statistical test. Result: There is a difference in the level of 5M knowledge in rural and urban communities with a mean rank value of 33.60 in rural and 74.96 in urban areas, while the p value = 0.000 (<0.05).Conclusion: There are differences in the level of knowledge of the 5M Covid-19 prevention in rural and urban communities. Keywords: 5M prevention of Covid-19, Knowledge, Differences, Rural, Urban
THE Hubungan Antara Deteksi Dini Pengenalan Gejala Awal Stroke Dengan Pengetahuan Tentang Cara Penanganan Stroke Pada Masyarakat Dalam Tindakan Pertolongan Pra Rumah Sakit di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bakunase Kota Kupang Istha Leanni Muskananfola; Sebastianus Kurniadi Tahu; Erna Ns. Febriyanti; Wiliam J. B. Lekitoo
Jurnal Keperawatan Malang Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Keperawatan Malang (JKM)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat STIKes Panti Waluya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36916/jkm.v6i2.132


ABSTRACT Background: Stroke is an emergency condition that can be life threatening and cause disability. Management of stroke patients is determined by treatment in the prehospital setting. Appropriate handling can be done by the community by recognizing the symptoms of changes in the face, extremities, and the ability to speak quickly. Purpose: Analyzing the relationship between early detection of early symptoms of stroke with knowledge of how to handle stroke in the community in pre-hospital aid action at Bakunase Community Health Center, Kupang City. Methods: This research is a quantitative study with a correlational analytic design and a cross sectional design. There were 121 respondents in RT 002, RW 001, Kelurahan Bakunase, Kupang City. Data collection using a questionnaire in November 2020. Result: The results of the analysis with the Spearman rho test obtained a p value of 0.011 with an R value of 0.231, which means that there is a significant relationship between early detection of early stroke symptom recognition and knowledge of how to handle stroke in the community in pre-hospital aid action in the working area of Bakunase Community Health Center, Kupang City. The R value of 0.231 indicates that the association between early detection of early stroke symptom recognition and knowledge of how to treat stroke is in the positive category with weak correlation strength. Conclusion: There is a relationship between early detection of early stroke symptom recognition and knowledge of how to treat stroke in the community. This study reveals that because knowledge for pre-hospital stroke management begins with the ability to recognize symptoms, the role of health agencies and educational institutions is needed to maximize health education for the public to be ready to deal with emergency conditions in the pre-hospital environment. Key words: Detectio;, Stroke; Pre-Hospital
Description of Self-Forgiveness in Correctional Inmates (WBP) in Class IIA Kupang Prison Sebastianus Kurniadi Tahu; Maria Y Bina; Laura De Jesus Pereira
NURSING UPDATE : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN : 2085-5931 e-ISSN : 2623-2871 Vol 14 No 3 (2023): SEPTEMBER (INPRESS)
Publisher : NHM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36089/nu.v14i3.1504


Background : Inmates will go through many life processes in prison, inmates will experience symptoms of low forgiveness in themselves, namely they often experience anxiety, harbor feelings of guilt, desire for revenge, unstable emotions, feel hurt, and find it difficult to accept reality, where they think with their condition in prison is the result of mistakes because of themselves, others or a situation. Objective: This study was to determine the description of self-forgiveness in inmates in prisons class IIA Kupang. Methods: This research is a quantitative research using a descriptive design. The sample in this study was the Correctional Inmates (WBP) in the Class IIA Kupang prison totaling 218 people who were selected using purposive sampling technique. This research instrument uses a self-forgiveness scale questionnaire. Results: it was found that most of the inmates in Class IIA Kupang prisons were in the high self-forgiveness category, as many as 105 inmates (48.2%). Suggestion: It is recommended for Correctional Inmates (WBP) in Class IIA Kupang Prison to increase positive attitudes and knowledge about Self-Forgivenes.