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The Existance of National Sharia Arbitration Agency in The Settlement of Sharia-law Banking Dispute In Rejang Lebong District Harianto Wijaya; Laras Shesa
AL-FALAH : Journal of Islamic Economics Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/alfalah.v6i2.3519


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to figure out how the existence of the national sharia arbitration body was in the settlement of sharia banking disputes in Rejang Lebong district. With the writhing of sharia-based economies, it certainly does not seal the possibility of a problem arising from it. In terms of matters resolved without need to to the realm of the court whether it has gone through a national sharia arbitration body or not yet.Design/Method/Approach: In the drafting of this article the author uses a qualitative approach. To search for data in this study constituents used interview methods with specific respondents. Analyzed it with deductive techniques. So that it could be narrated the results of those findings.Findings: The findings in this study turned out that the existence of national sharia arbitration agencies was still minimal, this being because of some of the first minimal financial or business institutions that used sharia foundations as a foundation in transacting. Second, still the lack of community understanding of the existence of national sharia arbitration institutions. For the problem settled ligitally only, many did not yet know it should be settled in the Court of Religion. Many societies who assume such things will be settled in ordinary public courts. Third, based on the recognition of bank leaders using the principle of sharia transactions, there was indeed no dispute at the bank yet.Originality/Values: The conclusion that can be drawn from research findings is the absence of existence from national arbitration agencies within the economic problems of the community of Rejang Lebong County
Sistem Waris Penduduk Pribumi Mandala Desa Campursari Kecamatan Megang Sakti Kabupaten Musi Rawas Perfektif Hukum Islam di Indonesia Laras Shesa; Busra Febriyarni
FOKUS Jurnal Kajian Keislaman dan Kemasyarakatan Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1145.094 KB) | DOI: 10.29240/jf.v6i1.2624


The purpose of the study was to figure out how the inheritance system differences of the indigenous mandala population with islamic law. Indigenous residents are natives who settled in Mandala designation of the Megang Sakti Campusari Village area of Musi Rawas County South Sumatra Province. This research is field research or field research. In reviewing primary data obtained from author interviews using a qualitative approach. From the research done then the authors get the results of the study that the inheritance system of the Indigenous Mandala population is incompatible with the syarat’ and the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI). It is due to Islamic law and KHI article 174. Kinship due to the nasab is not only the descendant of the lower heir, but rather there are from the ancestors of the upward heir like father or grandfather and sideways like siblings and a father of heir. The part of the boy's inheritance when heirs with daughters is twice the part of girls, meaning the part of girls half of the part of boys. It is set in articles 176 to 182 KHI. In article 209 KHI the adopted child section is restricted to a maximum of one-third of the inheritance property through mandatory wills
Keterjaminan Perkembangan Psikis Anak Usia Dini Korban Perceraian Ditinjau Dari Aturan Hukum Positif Laras Shesa
Zuriah : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/zuriah.v2i1.2636


The purpose of the study is to find out whether in positive legal rules such as child protection laws and child welfare discuss about psychic developments that are part of the child's spiritual survival guarantee. If there is any whether it has become a guarantee for the smooth development of early childhood psychically is not just in material fulfillment. This study is a study that uses qualitative methods that refer to earlier sources of libraries and researches that support library data. With the normative description approach of positf hocumes relating to child rights and obligations. The results of the study showed that in the rule of the positive Law in Indonesia still only generally redaction of the guaranteed needs of child psychic development. What’s more, regarding the child who was a victim of divorce, but at least in article 156 The Islamic Law Compilation of point C could already be a solution in the event of a problem. So that the guarantee of child psychic survival cannot yet be normatively measured even more so in its application. So far what is seen in the positive hokum rules is simply a guarantee for the fulfillment of the living of material for the child.
Traditional Impacities in The Frame of Worship: A Study of Fidyah Semyang Ritual in Suka Datang Village, North Curup Sub-District Laras Shesa; Agus Riyan Oktori; Isnaini isnaini
AJIS: Academic Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/ajis.v7i1.3443


The tradition of paying fidyah with gold for people who have passed away in Suka Datang Village, Curup Utara District, Rejang Lebong Regency, or what the people there call Fidyah Semyang, is the subject of discussion for this study. The purpose of this study is to deeply examine the implementation and mechanisms of the performance of the payment of fidyah and to investigate the views of Islamic law on the practice of fidyah that applies in society. This research is a type of Field Research with a qualitative approach using phenomenology, ethnography, and a case study. The data sources in the study are divided into two types: field data as primary and library data as secondary data sources. From the implementation of the tradition of Fidyah Semyang, there was some equipment to carry out ritual activities in the form of gold, money, and fragrance. Therefore, from the side of Islamic law, the practice is obligatory if there is a will from the deceased, but if the dead does not make a will, then the law is sunnah. If it is viewed from the theory of ‘Urf, the tradition of Fidyah semyang is included in the realm of Al-‘urf Al-Fasid (broken rule). Then, if it is viewed from the practical point of view, the recipients of fidyah should also be poor and needy to be replaced by religious scholars who can be said to be adequate
Keterjaminan Kedudukan Dzaul Arham Dalam Kewarisan Islam Melalui Wasiat Wajibah Laras Shesa
AL-ISTINBATH : Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 3, No 2 December (2018)
Publisher : Al-Istinbath: Jurnal Hukum Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (356.891 KB) | DOI: 10.29240/jhi.v3i2.615


Dzaul Arham mentioned his part in the discussion of the obligatory will. Mandatory wills are different from ordinary testaments. Although the boundaries of the section are the same, they cannot be one third. But regarding its position there are still differences of opinion. And according to the author although with the existence of differences of opinion that little or no part of dzaul arham was taken into account. In this journal the author uses substantive qualitative research methods, with the research type library research. The primary data comes from the literature. With the method of deductive analysis, something universal leads to a specific direction. The position of dzaul arham is indeed not written in the Koran but its position has become the ijma of the ulamas still being calculated with several conditions including no furudh ashhabul. Second, there is no ashabah. And finally, if furudh ashhabul only consists of a husband or wife, then he will receive his inheritance fardh, and the rest will be given to dzawul arham. Through the obligatory dzaul arham testament as though the parts are taken into account. And the completion of the obligatory will that the writer recommends is a settlement from Hasbi Ash-Shiddiqi, namely by determining the part of each heir including the recipient of the obligatory will, replacing the position of his deceased parents according to the level of his acceptance. Providing the recipient of the mandatory will for the portion that should have been received by his parents a maximum of one third of the portion. Giving excess balance after taking the mandatory test taker to the heirs according to the level of their respective parts. So that this way the dzawul arham part is still very calculated, or its position can be guaranteed.
Eksistensi Hukum Islam dalam Sistem Waris Adat yang Dipengaruhi Sistem Kekerabatan Melalui Penyelesaian al-Takharujj Laras Shesa; Oloan Muda Hasim Harahap; Elimartati Elimartati
AL-ISTINBATH : Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 6, No 1 May (2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (583.196 KB) | DOI: 10.29240/jhi.v6i1.2643


The purpose of this study is to find out how much the existence of Islamic law in the indigenous heir system influenced kinship systems through peaceful paths and some used al-takharuj settlement. Using the method of research of library studies sourced from many library references both electronic literature and nonelectronics. Analysis with qualitative and inductive techniques, so it can draw conclusions that corroborate normative values. The results of the study revealed that the resolution of inherited problems in the indigenous heir system remained concerned with the decisiveness of Islamic heirs through the path of settlement of al-takharujj and there were also those based on the principle of Islah. It is also in line with what is embraced in the Compilation of Islamic Law in article 183 on the heirs' agreement with peace in terms of the division of the estate. In its settlement there is one first described about the legally divided division of Islam then shared inheritance customary. Yet some are directly shared directly in customary heirs although it has not been described in an Islamic heir but still uses the principle of ishlah. Thus Islamic law remains recognized its existence in the settlement of customary inheritance although in its implementation it is not carried out thoroughly.
Re-interpretation of Leadership and Nusyûz in the Quran to Prevent Domestic Violence in Bengkulu Yusmita Yusmita; Iwan Ramadhan Sitorus; Laras Shesa
Madania: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman Vol 27, No 1 (2023): JUNE
Publisher : UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/madania.v27i1.10211


This study aims to reinterpret and redefine the community's understanding of leadership and nusyûz to prevent acts of domestic violence in Bengkulu. Given the changing pattern of people's life values, efforts to reinterpret the meaning of surah al-Nisâ verse 34 on leadership and nusyûz are necessary to prevent acts of violence in the household. This study is a descriptive field study. Data collection techniques were interviews and literature search, while the analysis technique used is Miles and Hubermen's analytical procedure. The findings from this study are in the form of interpretation or meaning of a centralized understanding of the verse on leadership in the family, where leadership in the family should focus on the strengths and weaknesses between husband and wife by emphasizing deliberation, the husband's broad chest relieves some of the wife's obligations, and treating the wife commendably. Furthermore, leadership is closely connected with the adequacy of providing for the family. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaknai dan meredefinisi pemahaman masyarakat tentang kepemimpinan dan nusyûz untuk mencegah tindak kekerasan dalam rumah tangga di Bengkulu. Perubahan pola nilai kehidupan masyarakat, diperlukan upaya pemaknaan kembali makna surah al-Nisâ verse 34 tentang kepemimpinan dan nusyûz untuk mencegah terjadinya tindak kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan yang bersifat deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan pencarian literatur yang relevan, sedangkan teknik analisis datanya adalah teknik analisis ala Miles dan Hubermen. Temuan dari penelitian ini berupa interpretasi atau pemaknaan pemahaman yang terpusat pada ayat tentang kepemimpinan dalam keluarga, dimana kepemimpinan dalam keluarga harus fokus pada kelebihan dan kekurangan antara suami dan istri dengan menekankan musyawarah, kelapangan dada suami meringankan sebagian kewajiban istri, dan memperlakukan istri secara terpuji. Lebih jauh lagi, kepemimpinan berkaitan erat dengan kecukupan menafkahi keluarga.