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Gagasan Amandemen (Ulang) UUD 1945 (Usulan untuk Penguatan DPD dan Kekuasaan Kehakiman) Ni'matul Huda
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 15 No. 3 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/iustum.vol15.iss3.art4


The urgency of  the re-amendment of the Constitution of 1945  is to enhance the result of the previous amendment,  which is to afford  better government governance in Indonesia.   Needless to say that the constitution of 1945 is sacred, as also amendment can not be taken carelessly
Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1974 dan Reformasi Pemerintahan di Daerah Ni'matul Huda
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 5 No. 10 (1998)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

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Masalah-masalah yang muncul dalam penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah adalah kewenangan daerah untuk mengatur dan mengurus rumah tangganya sendiri. Kecenderungan sistem yang dikembangkan adlah sentralistik dan bukan desentarlistik. Hal ini terlihat banyaknya urusan otonomi yang masih menumpuk di daerah tingkat I dan Pusat. Urusan-urusan yang diserahkan ke daerah bukan urusan-urusan yang potensial menambahkan pendapatan asli daerah, tetapi urusan-urusan yang justru membebani pemerintah daerah. Untuk itu sudah saatnya sistem ini ditinjau kembali dan dikaji kemungkinan-kemungkinan penerapan sistem rumah tangga formall, supaya daaerah memiliki keleluasan ruang gerak dan memberdayakan potensial daerahnya dan mengembangkan prakarsanya. Di samping itu, DPRD perlu diperdayakan secara proporsional sesuai dengan fungsi dan perannya sebagai lembaga pengawas dan pengontrol kebijakan pemerintah daerah. Untuk itu, lembaga DPRD perlu dipisahkan dari struktur pemerintah daerah yang selama ini dianut oleh UU No. 5 tahun 1974.
Penyelesaian Sengketa Pemilihan Bupati Bengkulu Selatan di Mahkamah Konstitusi Ni'matul Huda
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 18 (2011): Edisi Khusus Vol. 18 Oktober 2011
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

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Constitutional Court decision annulling Head of District of South Bengkulu and asking for re-election creates polemic in society. This research discusses: First, the competency of Constitutional Court annulling the election result of South Bengkulu; Second, the consistency of Constitutional Court decision in granting applicant’s request.This research is a normative research using case approach to see the basis of judge’s consideration in regional election dispute of South Bengkulu.This research concludes that: (a) Normatively, Constitutional Court has no competency in annulling regional election result, however because there is a juridical defect in the practice, Constitutional Court annul it; (b) There is inconsistency in Constitutional Court decision in deciding the winner of re-election after the Constitutional Court decision in regional election of South Bengkulu.
Otonomi Luas (Perspektif Yuridis dan Politis) Ni'matul Huda
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. I, No. 1, Agustus 2001
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol1.iss1.art7


Intellectual debate through the existence and the function of house representatives often measured the degree of democracy implementation, whether in Capital or Territory in a country that declared as a constitutional democracy country. In territory case, the position and the function of house of territory representatives (DPRD) are often connected with the position of territory chief. The weakness of DPRD position could be looked at the method of territory chief choice, the making of territory rule and territory chief watching. So, in autonomy era it's very important to understand the position and the function of DPRD. Here, it will be explained but just in juridical and political perspective.
Mencari Solusi Konstitusional untuk Integrasi Nasional Ni'matul Huda
Unisia No. 47: Tahun XXVI Triwulan I 2003
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.vol26.iss47.art4


When freedom of speech arises in this reformation era, the voice for creation the more just and democratic governance appears every time. Integralism state, then, believed as not  relevant anymore to accommodate the plurality of society, and conversely, federalism which is becoming more popular today, seems to be more appropriate for Indonesia. However, before going further to federalism, local autonomy is regarded as a promising instrument to set up national integrity.
Pemilihan Kepala Derah Secara Langsung di Era Otonomi Luas Ni'matul Huda
Unisia No 51/XXVII/I/2004
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.vol27.iss51.art8


The discourse of regional (provincial and residential) leader direct election arises due to the miscellenaeus deviations apparent during the process of regional governors, residents or munipalcities across the country. This deviations may in the form of money politics, required documents falsification, the less capability (under minimum required standard), or because of either from political party or central government intervension, which are mostly are not parallel with the local people aspiration. There fore, through direct election, local people are able to directly choose the political leader they want.