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Elisabeth Health Jurnal Vol 4 No 1 (2019): Vol 4 No 1 (2019) : Elisabeth Health Jurnal
Publisher : STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52317/ehj.v4i1.253


Obesity is one of the trigger factors for the incidence of non-communicable diseases as well as increasing morbidity in mothers and infants. Obesity experienced by mothers before pregnancy can affect the increase in baby's weight. Goals : Analyze differences in the increase in infant weight of obese and normal breastfeeding mothers. Method : Observational study with cross sectional design for 40 breastfeeding mothers and their babies in the work area of Andalas Community Health Center, Ikur Koto Health Center and Lubuk Buaya Health Center in Padang City with consecutive sampling techniques from August to November 2017. Increased body weight was obtained from a 1-month baby weight reduction with baby's birth weight. Data analysis using independent t test to see the difference between the two groups of variables. Result : There was a difference in the increase in infant weight from obese mothers with normal breastfeeding mothers (p = 0.023).Conclusion : Lower weight gain in infants of obese mothers. It is recommended for breasfreeding mothers, especially obese mothers, to continue to give exclusive breastfeeding and not to give formula milk or other foods even though the baby's weight gain was slow.
Hubungan Umur dan Pendidikan dengan Pengetahuan Ibu tentang Persiapan Remaja dalam Menghadapi Menarche di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 101752 Klambir V Medan Tahun 2019 Desriati Sinaga; Enima Hallawa
Elisabeth Health Jurnal Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Vol 5 No 1 (2020) : Elisabeth Health Jurnal
Publisher : STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52317/ehj.v5i1.297


Introduction: Teenager or Adolescence is a transition step between childhood and adulthood who will have puberty experience which marked by the arrival of the first menstruation (menarche). The Readiness of young women in facing the menarche requires the supporting of parents, especially mothersMethod: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between age and education of mother's knowledge with the preparation of young women in facing of menarche in State Elementary School 101752 Klambir V Medan in 2019.Result: This research used quantitative methods with correlation techniques and data collection techniques were in the form of questionnaires. The respondents in this study were all mothers who had sixth grade teenage girls in State Elementary School 101752 Klambir V Medan in 2019 totaling 43 people. The results showed that the respondents with age> 35 years who have good knowledge were 27 people (81.8%). Respondents with senior high school graduation who have good knowledge were 16 people (72.8%)Duscussion: Conclusion, there is the relationship between age and mother's knowledge about the preparation of young women in facing menarche with a significant value of 0.006. There is no relationship between education and mother's knowledge about the preparation of young women in the face of menarche with a significant value of 0.24.
The relationship of knowledge about the impact of early marriage on pregnancy and delivery With adolescent women's attitudes towards Early marriage in the working area of Tuntungan health center, pancur Batu district in 2021 Aprilita Sitepu; Desriati Sinaga; Natalia Reni Pangaribuan
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 1, October (2021): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Marriage is an event in which a pair of prospective husband and wife are formally met in front of a certain religious leader, witnesses and a number of attendees to then be officially ratified as husband and wife with certain ceremonies and rituals (Kartono, 2018). The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship between knowledge about the impact of early marriage on pregnancy and adolescent attitudes towards early marriage in the Tuntungan Health Center Work Area, Pancur Batu District in 2021. The population in this study were all female students in the Tuntungan Public Health Center working area, Pancur Batu District in 2021. A total of 104 people. The sample in this study was all female students in the working area of ​​the Tuntungan Health Center, Pancur Batu District in 2021 as many as 104 people. The results of the study based on knowledge, most of the respondents had less knowledge as many as 99 respondents (95.2%). Based on the attitude of most of the respondents have a bad attitude as many as 97 respondents (93.3%). Conclusion Most of the respondents have low knowledge due to the lack of information received about the impact of early marriage on pregnancy and childbirth. Because the more information received, the more knowledge gained. The education of the respondent's parents also has an educated elementary school as many as 72 respondents from 104 respondents. The higher a person's education, the person will tend to get more information. It can also affect knowledge about the impact of marriage on pregnancy and childbirth.
Relationship Of Mother's Knowledge About Protein Energy Malnutrition With Nutritional Status Of Preschool Children In Kristina Clinic Perumnas Sidikalang In 2021 Desriati Sinaga; Aprilita Sitepu; Meliana Sianturi
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 1, October (2021): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) is one of the important nutritional disorders in Indonesia and other developing countries. One of the highest prevalence is found in children under five, one of which is caused by mother's knowledge. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between mother's knowledge about protein energy malnutrition and the nutritional status of preschool children at the Clinic. The sample in this study were all mothers who had preschool-aged children who came to visit Kristina Clinic Perumnas Sidikalang in 2021 as many as 32 people. The results showed that the majority of respondents had good knowledge and the nutritional status of children was within normal limits, and there was a relationship between mother's knowledge of protein energy malnutrition and the nutritional status of preschool children with p = 0.001. The higher the mother's knowledge, the higher the child's nutritional status will be.
The Effect of Breast Care on Decreasing the Scale of Breast Milk Swelling in Postpartum Mothers at Pera Clinic, Medan City Desriati Sinaga; Risda Mariana Manik
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 2 (2022): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Breast milk dams occur due to increased venous and lymph flow, causing breast milk damming and pain accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Breast care is done as an effort to reduce the dam of breast milk. This study aims to analyze the effect of breast care on decreasing the scale of breast milk engorgement. The design in this study was a quasi-experimental (one group pretest and posttest) which was conducted on 31 postpartum mothers with breast milk dams at Pera Clinic, Medan City. The results of the study obtained a p value of 0.000 (p <0.05) so it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the decrease in the scale of the swelling of the breast milk dam before and after breast care.
The Description of Postpartum Mother’s Knowledge About The Benefit of Oxytocin Massage in Regards To Multiply The Breast Milk Productivity at Romana Clinic 2022 Ermawaty Arisandi; Marissella Situmorang; Desriati Sinaga; Bernadetta Ambarita
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 3 (2022): August: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/midwifery.v10i2.594


Oxytocin massage is a massage along the spine (vertebrae) to the fifth or sixth rib. Knowledge of postpartum mothers about the benefits of oxytocin massage will affect breastfeeding to babies, breast milk that does not come out will cause the baby's weight to decrease because the baby's daily needs are not fulfilled properly. This study aims to describe the knowledge of postpartum mothers about the benefits of oxytocin massage in increasing breast milk production at the Romana Clinic 2022. This study used a descriptive method. The sample in this study was postpartum mothers 0-42 days who made postpartum visits at the Romana Clinic in 2022 with a total of 32 respondents. Researchers used primary data. The results of the study are as follows: from 32 respondents, the majority have sufficient knowledge as many as 17 people (53.125%), lack of knowledge as many as 11 people (34.375%), and the minority with good knowledge as many as 4 people (12.50%). Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, it shows that the higher the education of the mother, the higher the knowledge about the benefits of oxytocin massage.
An Overview of Mother's Knowledge about Prevention of Stunting on Toddlers at Kasih Bunda Clinic Sunggal Deli Serdang Regency 2022 Rina Hutapea; Anita Veronika; Risda Mariana Manik; Desriati Sinaga
Jurnal EduHealth Vol. 13 No. 01 (2022): Jurnal EduHealth, April - September 2022
Publisher : Sean Institute

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Stunting is defined as the condition of the nutritional status of toddlers who have a length or height that is classified as less when compared to age. One of the factors that most influence the incidence of stunting in toddlers is mother's knowledge. Mother’s knowledge is very important in preventing stunting in order to create actions or behaviors to avoid stunting in toddler. This study aims to describe the knowledge of mothers about stunting prevention on toddlers the Kasih Bunda Clinic Sunggal, Deli Serdang Regency 2022. This research uses a descriptive method. The sample in this study are mothers who had toddlers aged less than 2 years who make repeated visits to the posyandu at Kasih Bunda Clinic using accidental sampling technique. The location of this research is at Kasih Bunda Clinic on May 2022. With 30 respondents The measuring instrument used is the questionnaire. The results of the study are as follows: the majority of mothers' knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding aged 0-6 months had good knowledge as many as 13 people (43.33%), mother's knowledge about complementary foods according to the recommendation was sufficient knowledge 15 people (50%), mother's knowledge about Nutrition Intervention 7-23 months had good knowledge only 12 people (40%), Mother's knowledge about Growth and Development Monitoring has good knowledge of 13 people (43.33%), mother's knowledge of Environmental Hygiene has sufficient knowledge of 19 people (63.33%). The conclusion of the study is that some respondents have good knowledge about preventing stunting in toddlers at the Kasih Bunda Sunggal Clinic, Deli Serdang Regency. The research site is expected to provide counseling to mothers who have toddlers aged less than 2 years about stunting prevention. Respondents are expected to be able to apply the knowledge they already have in preventing stunting
PELAYANAN KESEHATAN DAN PENGENALAN MANFAAT PIJAT BAYI KEPADA IBU-IBU YANG MEMILIKI BAYI 0-12 BULAN Desriati Sinaga; Aprilita Sitepu; Ermawaty A. Siallagan; Anita Veronika; Merlina Sinabariba; R. Oktaviance S; Bernadetta Ambarita; Risda M. Manik
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 6, No 4 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v6i4.11828


ABSTRAKPengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kesehatan dan pengenalan manfaat pijat bayi kepada para ibu yang memiliki bayi. Pijat bayi dipercaya dapat menjaga kesehatan, mampu merangsang dan mengoptimalkan tumbuh kembang bayi. Pengabdian ini mengedukasi dan membantu ibu untuk melakukan pijat bayi yang benar untuk dapat dillakukan secara mandiri di rumah. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah para ibu yang memiliki bayi umur 0-12 bulan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui tiga tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Tahapan perencanaan dilakukan dengan cara survey pendahuluan ke lokasi pengabdian untuk melihat cakupan sasaran dan angka pelaksanaan pijat bayi. Tahap pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan memberikan informasi kesehatan dan melakukan demontrasi teknik pijat bayi yang benar kemudian menganjurkan ibu untuk mempraktikkan langsung kepada bayinya. Tahap evaluasi dilakukan di setiap tahapan pemijatan pada saat mendampingi ibu. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini bahwa ibu memahami pentingnya pijat bayi sangat antusias dan bersedia mengulang kembali tindakan pijat bayi tersebut di rumah, beberapa ibu mengatakan ada kekhawatiran karena belum pernah melakukan pijat bayi sendiri di rumah namun bisa diyakinkan oleh tim bahwa tindakan tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan santai di rumah sesuai dengan demontrasi yang sudah diajarkan dan leaflet teknik pijat bayi yang sudah dibagikan oleh tim. Kata kunci: pelayanan; kesehatan; manfaat; pijat bayi ABSTRACTThis Community Service aims to provide health information and introduce the benefits of baby massage to mothers who have babies. Baby massage is believed to maintain health, stimulate and optimize baby's growth and development. This service teaches and helps mothers to do the right baby massage to be able to do it independently at home. The target of this activity is mothers who have babies aged 0-12 months. This activity is carried out through three stages, namely planning, implementation and evaluation. The planning stage is carried out by means of a preliminary survey to the location of the service to see the scope of targets and the number of implementation of baby massage. The implementation stage is carried out by providing health information and demonstrating the correct baby massage technique and then recommending the mother to practice it directly with her baby. The evaluation stage is carried out at each stage of massage when accompanying the mother. The results obtained in this service activity are that mothers understand the importance of baby massage, are very enthusiastic and are willing to repeat the baby massage at home, some mothers say they are worried because they have never done baby massage at home but can be convinced by the team that this action can be done relaxed at home according to the demonstration that has been taught and leaflets on baby massage techniques that have been distributed by the team. Keywords: services; health; benefits; baby massage
Gambaran Karakteristik dan Pengetahuan Ibu Nifas Tentang Post Partum Blues di Klinik Pratama SAM Kecamatan Medan Maimun Tahun 2021 Merlina Sinabariba; Desriati Sinaga; Ria Marsalena
Healthcaring: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Volume 1 Nomor 1: Periode Januari 2022
Publisher : Information Technology and Science (ITScience)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.99 KB) | DOI: 10.47709/healthcaring.v1i1.1251


Post Partum Blues adalah gangguan mood sementara yang terjadi pada hari pertama sampai hari ke-10 setelah persalinan dengan gejala tangisan singkat, perasaan kesepian, cemas, bingung, gelisah, letih, pelupa dan insomnia. Pada penelitian Edward tahun 2017 didapatkan 23% yang mengalami post partum blues di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Gambaran Karakteristik dan Pengetahuan Ibu Nifas tentang Post Partum Blues di Klinik Pratama SAM Kecamatan Medan Maimun. Jenis penelitian yaitu bersifat deskriptif atau menggambarkan/mendeskripsikan masalah penelitian tentang pengetahuan ibu nifas terhadap post partum blues. Teknik sampel yang digunakan yaitu Non Probability yaitu total sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh ibu nifas yang bersalin di Klinik Pratama SAM Kecamatan Medan Maimun Tahun 2021 sebanyak 20 orang, instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Pengetahuan responden dalam penelitian ini mayoritas kurang sebanyak 11 responden (55%), cukup sebanyak 5 responden (25%) dan baik sebanyak 4 responden (20%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengetahuan ibu nifas tentang post partum blues masih kurang. Diharapkan melalui kuesioner yang telah dibagikan, dapat menambah wawasan ibu nifas mengenai post partum blues. Pengetahuan ibu nifas tentang post partum blues mayoritas berpengetahuan kurang sebanyak 11 responden, diharapkan supaya meningkatkan pengetahuan serta mempertahankan pengetahuan yang telah didapatkan dan pengetahuan yang telah di peroleh supaya di terapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tentang bagaimana cara mencegah supaya tidak terjadinya Post Partum Blues pada masa nifas.
PEMBERIAN EDUKASI IBU HAMIL DALAM PENCEGAHAN ANEMIA DEFISIENSI BESI DAN PEMERIKSAAN HB GRATIS DI KLINIK BERTHA Bernadetta Ambarita; Aprilita Br Sitepu; Ermawaty Arisandi; Desriati Sinaga; Anita Veronika; Hetty Gustina Simamora; Risda Mariana Manik; R. Oktaviance.S; Merlina Sinabariba
Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 7, No 3 (2024): MARTABE : JURNAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jpm.v7i3.983-986


Pengabdian kepada masyarakat merupakan bentuk pelaksanaan kegiatan dosen yang ditujukan kepada masyarakat sebagai salah satu dari Tri  Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.. Tujuan Kegiatan ini yakni Peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pelayanan kesehatan pemberian edukasi ibu hamil dalam pencegahan anemia defisiensi zat besi dan pemeriksaan HB. Bertambahnya darah dalam kehamilan sudah dimulai sejak kehamilan 10 minggu dan mencapai puncaknya dalam kehamilan antara 32 dan 36 minggu. Melalui pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan kepada masyarakat maka ibu hamil dapat memperoleh asuhan kebidanan selama kehamilan dan Sasaran kegiatan Pengabdian masyarakat adalah Ibu Hamil dengan sasaran pemeberian Edukasi ibu hamil dalam pencegahan  Anemia dan pemeriksaan Hb pada ibu hamil di masyarakat di Bertha. Jumlah ibu – ibu hamil yang hadir sebanyak 30 orang ibu hamil, tekhnik kegiatan adalah melakukan pemeriksaan HB secara langsung pada ibu hamil : untuk tujuan praktis maka anemia selama kehamilan dapat didefinisikan sebagai anemia pada ibu hamil disebut ringan apabila kadar hemoglobin ibu 10,9 g/dl sampai 10g/dl,  Anemia sedang kadar hemoglobin ibu 9,9g/dl sampai 7,0g/dl. Anemia berat kadar hemoglobin ibu berada dibawah 7,0g/dl Kegiatan pemeriksaan dilaksanakan secara bergantian kepada ibu hamil yang sudah hadir di klinik Bertha . Dari 30 orang ibu hamil yang diperiksa HBnya ditemukan ibu hamil tidak mengalami anemia yaitu sejumlah 14 orang dengan presentasi 47%, dan responden paling sedikit yang mengalami anemia sedang sejumlah 7 orang dengan presentasi sebanyak 23%. Hasil pemeriksaan tersebut sudah diketahui ibu dan penanggung jawab klinik dan pemberian edukasi tentang gizi selama kehamilan juga sudah dilakukan