Ahmad Erlan
Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengendalian Penyakit Bersumber Binatang (Balai Litbang P2B2) Donggala.

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Journal : Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 24, No 1 Mar (2014)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.592 KB)


AbstrakSchistosomiasis merupakan salah satu penyakit parasit terpenting dalam kesehatan masyarakat. Di Indonesiaschistosomiasis disebabkan oleh cacing Schistosoma japonicum dengan hospes perantara keong Oncomelaniahupensis lindoensis. Penyakit ini hanya ditemukan di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah di dua kabupaten yaitu Kabupaten Posodan Sigi. Selama ini pengendalian yang dilakukan masih bersifat rutin yaitu pengobatan, survei fokus keong,pengumpulan tinja, dan pengadaan tool kit. Belum pernah dilakukan penelitian dari aspek kebijakan pemerintah daerahdalam pengendalian schistosomiasis. Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk memberikan opsi kebijakan bagipemerintah daerah dalam pengendalian schistosomiasis. Tujuan khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah menilai persepsistakeholder mengenai pengendalian schistosomiasis, menilai kebijakan yang selama ini dilakukan oleh pemerintahdaerah dalam pengendalian schistosomiasis dan merumuskan suatu opsi kebijakan. Metode penelitian yang dipakaiadalah studi kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam kepada stakeholder di Kabupaten Poso, Kabupaten Sigi, danpemerintah daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Penentuan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling dimana sampeladalah stakeholder yang berkompeten mengeluarkan kebijakan tentang pengendalian schistosomiasis. Data primerdikumpulkan dengan wawancara mendalam, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dengan mengumpulkan dokumendokumenyang terkait dengan kebijakan pengendalian schistosomiasis. Hasil wawancara mendalam menunjukkanbahwa pada umumnya semua stakeholder sudah tahu kalau schistosomiasis adalah penyakit spesifik lokal yang diIndonesia cuma ada di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, apa penyebabnya dan bagaimana cara pengendaliannya. Tindaklanjut dari surat keputusan yang sudah dikeluarkan oleh Gubernur Sulawesi Tengah yang membentuk tim terpadupengendalian schistosomiasis sampai sekarang belum ada gerakan. Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) yangdiharapkan terlibat, belum tahu apa yang akan dikerjakan. Perlu dilakukan pertemuan koordinasi lintas sektor agarpengendalian schistosomiasis dapat terpadu, saling mendukung, bersinergi dan dapat menghasilkan tujuan yangdiharapkan yaitu eliminasi di bawah 1%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah persepsi stakeholder mengenaipengendalian schistosomiasis cukup baik, mereka pada umumnya mengerti apa itu schistosomiasis, apa penyebabnyadan cara pengendaliannya. Kebijakan yang selama ini dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah dalam pengendalianschistosomiasis sudah mendapat dukungan dari Gubernur Sulawesi Tengah. Opsi kebijakan yang mendukung TimTerpadu Pengendalian Schistosomiasis adalah perlunya dibuatkan Peraturan Daerah sebagai regulasi agarimplementasi di lapangan mendapat dukungan penuh dari semua SKPD yang terlibat dalam memberikan bantuannyabaik itu sumbangan pemikiran, sumber daya maupun dana. Masyarakat juga harus diberikan hukuman adat, berupadenda potong sapi dari tokoh adat jika tidak berperilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di wilayah endemis serta harusmendukung program pemerintah daerah dalam pengendalian schistosomiasis.Kata kunci: Opsi kebijakan, stakeholder, schistosomiasisAbstractSchistosomiasis is one of the most important parasitic diseases in public health. In Indonesia schistosomiasis caused byworms Schistosoma japonicum in Oncomelania hupensis snail intermediate host lindoensis. The disease is only found inStudi Kebijakan Pengendalian … (Ahmad Erlan, Muh. Junaidi, Ni Nyoman Veridiana, Puryadi, Octaviani)43Central Sulawesi province in two districts of Poso district and Sigi. This control is performed during routine is still thetreatment, the survey focused snails, stool collection, and procurement tool kit. There was no study have ever beencarried out regarding the government policy to eradicate schistosomiasis. This study generally aims to provide policyoptions for local governments in the control of schistosomiasis. Specific objectives to be achieved are to assessstakeholder perceptions regarding the control of schistosomiasis, appraise the policy that has been used by the localgovernment in the control of schistosomiasis and formulate a policy option. The research method used is a qualitativestudy with in-depth interviews to stakeholders in Poso district, Sigi, and Central Sulawesi provincial government. Thepurposive samples were stakeholders who are competent to issue a policy on the control of schistosomiasis. Primarydata were collected by in-depth interviews, and secondary data were obtained by collecting documents related toschistosomiasis control policies. The results of in-depth interviews showed that in general all the stakeholders alreadyknew that schistosomiasis is a disease in specific local Indonesian and only found in Central Sulawesi, besides, they alsounderstand the cause and how to control the disease. As a follow-up of the decree issued by the Governor of CentralSulawesi, an integrated team of schistosomiasis control was established, however, no activities have been carried out bythe team up to now. There was no clear guidelines have been set up. There is a need to conduct inter-sectoral meetingin order to eliminate the cases below 1%. The study conclude that the stakeholders’ perception on schistosomiasis, whatthe cause of it, and how to control them are relatively good. The Governor supported the policy of local districtgovernment in eradication of schistosomiasis. However, lack of operational guidelines made these activities did notoperate very well. The propose policies option among others is to established a regulation that all related infrastructuresshould support the schistosomiasis eradication process by providing resources and funds including contributing ideasand measures to achieve the objectives. Communities should also involves and be responsible in the process includingcarry out sanctions to community members who do not comply with the regulation through community punishment. Tothose who do not comply with the rule to keep their environmental clean and sanitary should be given a sanctions suchas to cut their cow/livestock. Supporting Team Integrated Control of Schistosomiasis is needed for a regulation as theregulation on the ground that the implementation of the full support of all SKPDs involved in providing assistance bothcontribute ideas, resources and funds. People should be given the customary penalties, such as fines cut a cow fromtraditional leaders behave otherwise clean and healthy living in endemic areas and the need to support local governmentprograms in the control of schistosomiasis.Keywords : policy options, stakeholders, schistosomiasis
Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 21, No 1 Mar (2011)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/mpk.v21i1 Mar.112.


The study had conducted on Da'a community residing in Selena hamlet, Buluri village West Palu district. The ethnic community is Da?a Kaili comunity who still holds  cultural values in their daily behavior. This study used quantitative and qualitative methods. Most of the comunities are traditional  farmers with the income less than Rp. 500 000/month. Knowledge level of the respodents related to disease symptoms, transmittion and how  prevention. The behavior of respondents had indicated a positive attitude especially their seeking treatments behavior but they still have negative behavior like their outside actvities during the night. Their prevention behavior againts mosguito bites is still low but on the ofther hand they have positive attitude like they agreed ti use PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) when sleeping during the night. The comunity still had traditional beliefe of ilnee causing and how to prevent it by using their traditional ceremonies of healing ang pain avoiding. The residential area are surrounded by mountains, forests, bushes and the river which could be risk to malaria it bady supported with their housing conditions which, mostly made of bamboo.