Herlina Tarigan
Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

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Journal : Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi

Inovasi Pertanian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Petani di Lahan Gambut Rika Reviza Rachmawati; Herlina Tarigan
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 37, No 1 (2019): Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v37n1.2019.77-94


Indonesia is blessed with large potential peatland areas. Growing rice in peatland areas, for example, may be harmful to the environment if it is inappropriate farming practice. This paper aims to identify the best agricultural innovation and to propose strategic recommendation for peatland areas management. Farmers have applied agricultural innovations in growing rice in peatland areas with limited ecological damages carried out through water control management such as one way-water management, canal blocking, surjan or tukungan, and varieties adapted to peatland environment. The government has launched some measures to support peatland ecosystem but farmers’ support is inadequate. Implementing good agricultural technology through increased community participation in sustainable peatland management practices, strengthening farmers’ institution, information dissemination, and mutual community partnership. AbstrakIndonesia dikaruniai lahan gambut yang tersebar luas. Pemanfaatan lahan gambut untuk kegiatan pertanian padi banyak menimbulkan kontroversi apabila tidak dibudidayakan secara tepat. Tulisan ini membahas inovasi pertanian yang tepat dan merekomendasikan strategi pemberdayaan petani di kawasan lahan gambut. Inovasi pertanian untuk menanam padi di lahan gambut tanpa merusak lingkungan di antaranya pengaturan tata air yang mampu menekan terjadinya penurunan fungsi lingkungan, seperti tata air satu arah, tabat konservasi, surjan dan tukungan, sistem drainase dangkal, hingga inovasi pemberian kapur (ameliorasi), pemupukan N dan P serta  pemilihan varietas tanaman adaptif  baik tanaman pangan, hortikultura, dan  perkebunan.  Berbagai usaha dan kebijakan yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk menjaga ekosistem lahan gambut belum optimal hasilnya karena kurang mendapat dukungan masyarakat setempat. Diperlukan pemberdayaan petani di kawasan lahan gambut agar lebih peduli kelangsungan ekosistem. Penguatan kelembagaan petani berperan dalam pemecahan masalah usaha tani, penyebarluasan informasi, penerapan teknologi sesuai agroekosistem, serta membangun kerja sama dan kemitraan yang saling menguntungkan.
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 38, No 2 (2020): Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v38n2.2020.89-101


Inclusive and sustainable agribusiness development in the disruption era requires fundamental adaptation. Major changes in community’s activities take place from the real world to virtual activities. One of the urgent needs in inclusive and sustainable agribusiness development is agricultural human resources able to anticipate changes and successfully adapt to those changes. This paper aims to explore changes in the agribusiness order, challenges in the extension system and agricultural human resource development going forward.  Scientific review analysis shows that there are physical business cost savings, open and direct new markets, development of internet-based online shop services with smarter, easier, faster, more efficient, and more accurate transaction processes. The agribusiness system requires a new management system with more competitive human resources capacity. Three instruments for developing agricultural human resources are: (1) prioritizing skill improvement and providing infrastructure for information and communication technology (ICT), (2) capability of extension workers and researchers in creating, socializing and implementing inclusive technology with digital literacy, (3) training the farmers with ICT-based production skills, building partnerships, and accessing big data and information in accordance with their current. Accelerating instrument operations needs champions or youth driving agent.
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 39, No 2 (2021): Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi : In Press
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v39n2.2021.135-146


Food loss and waste are one of the indicators of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely goal 12: ensure sustainable food consumption and production patterns. Indonesia is committed to achieving the targets set out in the SDGs, one of which is target 12.3: to reduce food loss and waste by half by 2030. Achieving this target is beneficial for achieving national food and nutrition security, and environmental sustainability. This paper is a scientific review aimed at analyzing the magnitude, causes, impacts, and policy strategies for reducing food waste. The results of the analysis show that the percentage of food waste in the last two decades tends to increase. The largest proportion of food waste occurs at the household level. The main cause is the behavior of household food consumption patterns, ranging from planning, purchasing, and processing up to consumption, which do not aware that food waste has impacted not only individuals but also society in the form of economic, social, and environmental losses. Therefore, efforts to reduce food waste need to be carried out comprehensively and sustainably, considering that changing people's food consumption behavior takes a relatively long time. Another effort that needs to be done is to change the mindset of each individual toward the value of food through formal education from an early age and non-formal socialization by utilizing various communication media.
Karakteristik Komersial dan Perubahan Sosial Petani Kecil Herlina Tarigan
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 36, No 2 (2018): Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v36n2.2018.129-142


This article analyzes peasant’s commercial characteristics in irrigated lowland agro ecosystems and identifies its social change. Peasant’s performance includes limited land holding, poor infrastructure condition, family food security orientation, low access to capital, information and technology and institutional involvement, production cost dependence on traders, and strong social and employment institutional ties. Various policies needed for more commercial peasants include guarantee of land and market rights, farm management, risk mitigation and adaptation, promoting an efficient and inclusive food product value chain, develop modern agricultural farming and management techniques, establishing synergistic farmer’s economic institutions and extension institutions, and expanding business network. Policy strategies include flexible transfer of land tenure, instruments to reduce and manage farm risks, open access to market and marketing information, create favor value chains, vertical and horizontal coordination to meet the safety standards, peasant’s organization role enhancement, provide incentives for high-value commodity production, reduce trade barriers and technology subsidies that potentially reduce farmer’s employment and opportunities, and develop innovative financial service access systems. Priority policy includes better technology and natural resource management practices, input subsidies for food production, protection of land rights and farming system development to support non-farm diversification. AbstrakArtikel ini menganalisis karakteristik komersial petani pada agroekosistem sawah dan mengidentifikasi perubahan sosialnya. Selain pemilikan lahan terbatas, petani kecil juga bekerja dalam kondisi infrastruktur yang buruk, orientasi keamanan pangan keluarga, akses rendah terhadap modal, informasi, teknologi, dan kelembagaan, ketergantungan biaya produksi pada pedagang, serta ikatan sosial dan kelembagaan ketenagakerjaan yang kuat. Berbagai kebijakan yang diperlukan untuk petani agar lebih komersial diantaranya jaminan hak atas tanah dan pasar, strategi manajemen pertanian, mitigasi dan adaptasi risiko, mempromosikan rantai nilai produk makanan yang efisien dan inklusif lebih dekat ke sektor hulu, mengembangkan teknik pertanian dan manajemen pertanian modern, membangun institusi ekonomi dan lembaga penyuluhan petani yang sinergis, dan memperluas jaringan bisnis. Strategi untuk mengubah petani kecil agar komersial antara lain transfer lahan yang fleksibel, instrumen untuk mengurangi dan mengelola risiko usaha tani, membuka akses terhadap pasar dan informasi pasar, menciptakan rantai nilai baik, koordinasi vertikal dan horizontal untuk memenuhi standar keamanan, meningkatkan peran organisasi petani, insentif untuk produksi komoditas bernilai tinggi, mengurangi hambatan perdagangan dan subsidi teknologi yang berpotensi mengurangi pekerjaan dan peluang petani, serta mengembangkan sistem akses layanan keuangan yang inovatif. Skala prioritas meliputi teknologi yang lebih baik dan praktik manajemen sumber daya alam, input subsidi untuk produksi pangan, perlindungan hak atas tanah dan pengembangan sistem pertanian untuk mendukung diversifikasi non-pertanian.
Mekanisasi Pertanian dan Pengembangan Usaha Pelayanan Jasa Alsintan (UPJA) Herlina Tarigan
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 36, No 2 (2018): Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v36n2.2018.117-128


Agricultural Machinery Services Business (UPJA) is an institution based on the awareness of limited agricultural land, inadequate agricultural labor, fast planting time, and important agricultural modernization. UPJA is expected to overcome farming problems as well as being a factor of economic growth through capital accumulation and agricultural competitiveness. This paper is a critical review that aims to analyze agricultural mechanization and institutional development of UPJA as a rural economic institution for optimizing agricultural machinery. Results of the analysis show that the application of agricultural mechanization has been able to accelerate production process as well as to increase production and farming profits. The Special Effort (Upsus) program through agricultural machinery assistance has not run optimally. One way for optimizing the program is to grow and build UPJA as a manager of agricultural machinery. UPJA has the potential to spur the development of modern agriculture and at the same time it drives farmers’ economy in rural areas. Comprehensive and professional handling of UPJA is possible to develop this institution into a farmers’ corporation. AbstrakUsaha Pelayanan Jasa Alsintan (UPJA) adalah lembaga yang dibangun dari kesadaran bahwa lahan pertanian di Indonesia sudah relatif sempit, tenaga kerja pertanian makin terbatas, perlu mengejar waktu tanam, dan pentingnya modernisasi pertanian. UPJA diperkirakan mampu mengatasi masalah usaha tani sekaligus menjadi faktor pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui akumulasi modal dan daya saing pertanian. Tulisan ini merupakan review ilmiah (critical review) yang bertujuan menganalisis mekanisasi pertanian dan  pengembangan kelembagaan UPJA sebagai lembaga ekonomi desa dalam rangka optimalisasi alsintan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan penerapan mekanisasi pertanian telah mampu mempercepat proses produksi, meningkatkan produksi, dan keuntungan usaha tani.  Program Upsus melalui bantuan alsintan belum berjalan secara optimal.  Salah satu bentuk upaya optimalisasi adalah dengan menumbuhkan dan membangun UPJA sebagai pengelola alsintan. UPJA potensial memacu berkembangnya pertanian modern sekaligus menggerakkan ekonomi petani di pedesaan.  Penanganan UPJA secara menyeluruh dan profesional berpotensi mengembangkan lembaga ini menjadi korporasi petani.