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Teknobiz : Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Magister Teknik Mesin Vol 10 No 3 (2020): Teknobiz
Publisher : Magister Teknik Mesin Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35814/teknobiz.v10i3.1763


In areas of Indonesia that are crossed by the equator, the availability of sunlight is very potential and all day. Therefore in the case of application as a source of electrical energy to drive a water pump with a set of solar cell panels it is very possible. The level or intensity of sunlight illumination from sunrise to sunset is very different. The intensity of sunlight is certainly very influential on the ability of solar cell panels to convert them into electrical energy.Surely it will have an impact on the performance of the solar water pump system. Thus in this study will test the performance and analyze the performance of water pumps driven using electricity from solar cell panels. To achieve this goal measurements of the power generated by solar panels starting from 12:00 WIB to 16:00 WIB for three days (three repetitions) were carried out in the open field programmed in the Mechanical Engineering Study of Pamulang University. Data collection is done by measuring the intensity of sunlight, battery input power, and water discharge.The solar panel used is 100wp capacity, the highest solar panel power produced is 25.3W at 12:00 WIB with an intensity value of 114700 lux, while the lowest power value is 13.83 W at 16:00 WIB with an intensity value of 47301 lux. Charging a battery with a capacity of 12V / 35A from a minimum voltage to full using a 100 wp solar panel takes an average of 4 hours 28 minutes. The use of a battery with a capacity of 12V / 35A from full to minimal voltage conditions to drive an AC water pump takes an average of 1 hour 48 minutes and produces an average water volume of 1855.33 liters. Or the resulting average water discharge is 17.08 liters / minute.
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Cakram Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (205.238 KB) | DOI: 10.32493/jtc.v1i1.1342


Abstrak: Timbangan digital merupakan salah satu instrument yang banyak digunakan di setiap posyandu studi kasus kali ini terjadi di Posyandu Puri Permata Bogor. Dengan kapasitas 10 kg dengan akurasi 0,005 kg yang sering digunakan untuk menimbang balita warga. Akan tetapi tidak pernah dilakukan pengujian kalibrasi dan verifikasi kinerja secara berkala, sehingga akurasinya perlu dipertanyakan. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini telah dicoba dilakukan uji kalibrasi dan pengukuran ketidakpastian pengukuran dari timbangan digital tersebut. Uji kalibrasi meliputi kemampuan baca timbangan, daya ulang pembacaan timbangan, penyimpangan dari nilai skala nominal, serta diuji pengaruh posisi pembebanan tidak terpusat. Dari hasil kalibrasi diperoleh bahwa timbangan Seca mempunyai nilai koreksi terendah 4,9 gram pada nominal pembebanan 1.000 gram dan tertinggi 45 gram pada nominal pembebanan 10.000 gram. Nilai ketidakpastian pengukuran ±4,22 gram dan pada uji pengaruh posisi pembebanan tidak terpusat mendapat nilai maksimum 0,022 gram. Secara keseluruhan dari hasil kalibrasi kondisi timbangan tersebut masih dalam kondisi layak untuk digunakan.Kata kunci : timbangan digital, nilai koreksi, ketidakpastian pengukuran.
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Cakram Vol 1, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (872.335 KB) | DOI: 10.32493/jtc.v1i2.2242


Abstrak:  Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan destilator air laut skala rumah tangga. Destilator yang dirancang terdiri dari yaitu evaporator dan kondenser. Sumber panas untuk evaporator adalah panas dari hasil pembakaran gas LPG. Uap air yang dihasilkan dari evaporator tersebut kemudian dialirkan menuju bagian kondenser melalui bagian dalam pipa tembaga yang berbentuk spiral. Sedangkan di bagian luar pipa kondenser, dialirkan air pendingin dengan bantuan pompa kecil berdaya 12 Watt dengan debit air sebesar 0,169 L/s. Akibat proses pendinginan ini, uap air mengalami kondensasi, yaitu proses perubahan dari fase uap menjadi fase cair berupa air tawar. Penelitian ini merupakan studi awal yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana unjuk kerja sistem destilator ini jika ditinjau dari 2 aspek  yang meliputi laju produksi air tawar dan kebutuhan energi yang dibutuhkan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa laju produksi air tawar rata- rata dari sistem ini adalah sebesar 37,69 Liter/hari dan besarnya kebutuhan energi total dari sistem ini adalah sebesar 762,48 kWh/m3.Kata kunci: rancang bangun,destilator, air laut, air tawar. unjuk kerja, laju produksi, kebutuhan energi
Analysis of Mechanical and Magnetic Properties of Rubber Magnet Composite Made From NdFeB Magnetic Particlesand Silicon Rubber Edi Tri Astuti; Mulyadi Mulyadi; Sunardi Sunardi; Joko Setiyono
Piston: Journal of Technical Engineering Vol 7, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Mesin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/pjte.v7i1.33360


This study conducted the manufacture of permanent magnet composite based on NdFeB magnetic powder and polymer adhesives, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the composition of the mixing of raw materials on mechanical properties and magnetic properties. Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) composite was made by mixing of NdFeB magnetic powder and binder of silicon rubber (SR) in form liquid. The percentage of silicon rubber was varried of 5 %, 10%, 20 % and 30% by volume. Both raw materials were mixed until homogeneous and poured into the mold and allowed to dry at room temperature.The formed samples were characterized which includes the measurement of tensile strength and magnetic properties . The characterization results show that the sample with 20 % and 30 % SR has good flexibilty and other samples are rigid or not flexible. The variation in the composition of silicon rubber has a significant effect on mechanical properties and magnetic properties, especially remanence. The characteristic of flexible rubber magnet with a composition of 20% and 30% silicon rubber is that it has a tensile strength of 9.31 - 11.46 N / mm2 with an elongation of 17.55-26.74% and a hardness of 38-42 HA. While the magnetic properties achieved are magnetic field strength = 430-500 Gauss, remanence = 30-35 emu / g and coercivity of 2000 Oe