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Project Scheduling Analysis Using the Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) Case Study: Surabaya’s City Outer East Ring Road Construction Project (Segment 1) Syahrur Romadhona; Fredy Kurniawan; Julistyana Tistogondo
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Master Program of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1400.21 KB) | DOI: 10.52088/ijesty.v1i2.56


The project acceleration by the Crash Program is one of the ways that is often used to make time and cost efficiency on an ongoing project. Acceleration of project completion time will affect the efficiency of equipment and labor productivity. In the case study of the Surabaya Outer East Ring Road Project Construction Segment 1, a project that has the potential to be accelerated is discussed in order to obtain efficiency values in terms of time and cost, Project acceleration by means of the Crash Program using the Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) method to determine the value of efficiency. This project uses resources, in this research the software used is Microsoft Project 2016. The research method used is to design network planning, find the critical path for each job, determine the work that has the potential to be accelerated, calculate the crash cost in additional working hours. and work shifts, calculating direct costs and indirect costs for each activity that changes due to changes in the duration of implementation, calculating the cost slope. Application of the Crash Program in the work of Asphalt Concrete Surface Layers (AC) thick 5 cm in the project will have an impact on increasing the time efficiency previously planned from 180 working days to 175 working days and efficiency with the difference in project costs of Rp. 18.313.935,8 with a ratio of 0,997 between the PDM method compared to the cost of the contract value calculated using the crashing project method.
Case Study of Public-Private Partnership on Infrastructure Projects of Tibar Bay Port in Timor-Leste Zeferino Soares Lopes; Fredy Kurniawan; Julistyana Tistogondo
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology Vol 1, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Master Program of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1103.367 KB) | DOI: 10.52088/ijesty.v1i3.79


Public - Private Partnership (PPP) offers many potential benefits for the government in providing infrastructure facilities. However, the implementation of the Public Private Partnership project is not easy. Infrastructure Development is one of the development priorities in developed and developing countries, including Timor-Leste. As one of the priorities of national development, cost limitations are the main problem faced by the government. Therefore, to overcome the lack of funding, the government can involve the private sector in terms of providing funds to finance the construction of infrastructure facilities.The Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (RDTL) must have good regulations to achieve the goals of Timor-Leste in the future through cooperation between the government and the private sector. Good regulation is one of the best ways for good cooperation between the government and the private sector.In this study, the chosen location is the Tibar Bay Port in Timor-Leste. Based on the results of research that has been done, infrastructure development efforts do not have to rely on the Timor-Leste government as a single actor, the involvement of other parties such as the private sector is also needed for infrastructure development. The Government of Timor-Leste is fulfilling a big dream for the the future through the development of infrastructure in accordance with the strategic development plan for 2011-2030 to come, because the Government of Timor-Leste prepares a bright future for a country to become a developed country like other countries.
NAROTAMA JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL Vol 2 No 2 (2018): Narotama Jurnal Teknik Sipil (NOPEMBER, 2018)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Universitas Narotama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31090/njts.v2i2.698


The development of increasing infrastructure development gave birth to the rapid development of service companies engaged in construction. Delay is one of the obstacles to development because the completion time does not match the one specified in the employment contract document. The delay in the construction project means the increase in the timing of the completion of the planned project and is contained in the contract documents agreed by both parties, namely the first and second parties. This study is to look for factors that affect the delays of construction projects, identify the role of legislation, and identify contracts. This research method is qualitative that is by observation and interview with resource person from Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Dan Tata Ruang that is PPK and staff. Also speakers from private contractors are supervisors, structural estimators, and some staff. On the scope of Government projects, the three dominant factors that affect the construction project's delays are weather, labor, and design. On the scope of Private projects, the three dominant factors that affect construction project delays are weather, material, and finance. The laws governing the delay are Law No.2 / 2017 article 54 paragraph (1) and (2), Perpres No.54 / 2010 Jo Perpres No.35 / 2011 Jo Perpres No.70 / 2012 and LKPP No.14 / 2012. The clause on the delay in the government work contract is in the SSUK, namely the critical contract, the term SSKK, and the bank's guarantee. Clauses on Private contracts namely the breach of wanprestasi and sanctions, and bank guarantees.
NAROTAMA JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Narotama Jurnal Teknik Sipil (JUNI, 2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Universitas Narotama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31090/njts.v4i1.1225


Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS) memperkirakan kebutuhan dana infrastruktur pada tahun 2015-2019, terdapat kesenjangan pendanaan sekitar 36,5% (Rp 1.385 Triliun) dari total kebutuhan dana infrastruktur (Rp 4.796 triliun). Kesenjangan pendanaan tersebut diharapkan dapat dipenuhi melalui kerja sama dengan swasta atau Badan Usaha, yang menggunakan skema Public-Private Partnership (PPP) atau dikenal dengan Kerjasama Pemerintah Badan Usaha (KPBU), sebagai salah satu alternatif pembiayaan kebutuhan infrastruktur. Tujuan artikel ini adalah memaparkan pelaksanaan Kerjasama Pemerintah Badan Usaha (KPBU) yang ada di Jawa Timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang mendalam tentang mekanisme pelaksanaan KPBU di Jawa Timur. Berdasarkan dari hasil analisis pada penelitian ini didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa KPBU telah berhasil diterapkan pada pengadaan proyek Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum (SPAM) Umbulan di Jawa Timur.