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Penguatan Peran Ibu dalam Pola Pendampingan Terhadap Anak dan Media Baru Amala saputri, Nur; Satriadi Nur Arifin, Tommy
Jurnal Ilmiah Padma Sri Kreshna Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Widya Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1405.498 KB) | DOI: 10.37631/psk.v1i1.34


The presence of new media changes major changes in people's lives. Mothers as family educators must have the knowledge and understanding of new media. In order to educate children and families in using new media well. This service activity is intended to provide knowledge about new media, specifically in the pattern of mother to child assistance and the media. The methods used are reflection, lectures, simulations, and discussions about new media. Participants who took part in this activity were PKK Mothers of Demen village aged 25-60 years. The results of this activity include 6 patterns used by mothers in assisting children and the media. The pattern is (1) Mothers must be able to argue and ask for information or content that can be paid by the child. (2) Set the time for children to use new media. (3) Using safe mode when the child is operating a smartphone, specifically for elementary school age children down. (4) Supervise and check the smartphone used by the child. (5) Inviting children to chat and discuss their daily activities after children, while also making family groups on Whatsapp as a family room to chat online. (6) Combine or report deceptive content and content that contains negative SARA issues. PKK Mothers who participated in this activity gave many positive responses and became more understanding in using new media when accompanying the child when using new media. 
Journal Communication Spectrum : Capturing New Perspectives in Communication Vol 8, No 2 (2018): August 2018 - January 2019
Publisher : Department of Communication Science, Bakrie University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/jcs.v8i2.1854


This study describes symbols and signs containing erotic elements in the Tahilalats comic by Nurfadli Mursyid. The unit of analysis based on two main components in Tahilalats. The two components are Instagram interactive feature which is used as Tahilalats medium, and comic content aspect. Interactive features include comments, and in terms of comic content including basic comic elements: panels, balloons, captions, & illustrations. Data were analyzed by using qualitative analysis method of semiotics Roland Barthes. The results of the study show symbols of new eroticism that symbolize incest, transgender, and masochism in Tahilalats. Refering to the critical paradigm, there are certain ideologies related to the background of Nurfadli as Buginese through the culture of incest, the figure of bissu, and calabai. On the other hand, the use of Instagram as a comic medium has changed the way of presentation and enjoying erotic content in comics. The presence of features in the platform Instagram also makes the netizens play a major role in constructing erotic content in the Tahilalats. To cite this article (7th APA style): Saputri, N. A. (2018). Representasi Erotisme Baru dalam Komik Tahilalats Tahun 2015-2016 [The Representation of New Eroticism in the Tahilalats Comic 2015-2016]. Journal Communication Spectrum, 8(2), 190-207.
Horror Journalism Practices in Jurnalrisa Nur Amala Saputri
CHANNEL: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/channel.v9i1.17985


The presence of Youtube as a new media has opened up opportunities for alternative journalism practices. Basically, horror journalism is a form of alternative journalism that has emerged as an effort to fight against mainstream journalism in the mass media. This research focuses on how the representation of horror journalism practices in the Jurnalrisa Youtube channel. Researchers chose 3 video titles for Jurnalrisa in 2020 as research objects, namely Jurnalrisa #81 – Jurit Malam, #tanyarisa – #TANYAPETERCS, and Jurnal Cerita Misteri #6 – Peter CS Pernah Datang Ke Rumah Reza di Belanda! The three of them were chosen based on the number of levels of audience popularity that was obtained. The method used is textual analysis using the genetic structuralism theory of Pierre Bourdieu. This research shows that there are 3 new forms of horror journalism practice carried out by Jurnalrisa, namely interviews, mediumizing ghosts, and conducting virtual search investigations to discuss mystical and creepy events in a video sent by netizens to Jurnalrisa. The practice of investigations in the Mystery Story Journal is a novelty presented by Jurnalrisa by involving netizens as reporters or reporters of events. Through these efforts, Jurnalrisa presents a discourse that ghosts are not completely bad, evil, and negative, which is represented by the ghost of Karuhun, where he is presented as an active "subject" and becomes a form of historical evidence for events that occurred in the past.
Ekonomi Politik Media Dalam Industri Musik Digital Spotify Nur Amala Saputri
KOMUNIKA Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Komunika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1675.882 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/komunika.v4i2.9406


Since the emergence of internet media, digital music was born which then marked as a change in the dominance of conventional recorded music. It is slowly and surely replacing the roles of conventional media, starting from the production process, distribution, to the level of music consumption. One of the most prominent music streaming platforms today is Spotify. In practice, the music streaming platform Spotify acts as a cultural industry that seeks to obscure people's real needs. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method based on a critical paradigm. With the aim of analyzing power relations in cultural practices that have been built by the digital music industry, either through the media or by the owners of capital through the perspective of the political economy of communication media. There are 2 main findings as a result of the study. First, there are 5 forms of digital music standardization that emerged because of the Spotify platform. Second, there are 2 forms of culture created from the relationship and identity of digital music actors, namely, the trend of soloist musicians or music by do it yourself, and bargaining power between musicians and music labels. In the end, Spotify is the party who benefits the most because it acts as a mediator who provides services or services for digital music streaming providers.
Dekonstruksi Hantu dalam Media Digital Berdasarkan Perspektif Derrida Nur Amala Saputri
Komunika: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Komunika
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/komunika.v8i1.5669


Riset ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana penggambaran sosok hantu di media massa, khususnya pada media internet. Objek penelitian dalam riset ini adalah 2 video terpilih yang diproduksi oleh Jurnalrisa tahun 2020. Riset ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang merujuk pada paradigma kritis dengan metode analisis tekstual dekonstruksi Derrida. Hasil temuan dalam riset ini adalah Jurnalrisa mendekonstruki sosok hantu sebagai subjek aktif, dan sebagai makhluk hidup. Sosok hantu didekonstruksi sebagai subjek masih memiliki kehidupan, sebab masih memiliki pemikiran, intelektualitas, dan ilmu pengetahuan yang dapat dibagikan kepada manusia. Mereka mampu merasakan dan memiliki emosi, serta memiliki etika dalam bersikap. Mereka dihadirkan ulang dan diperlihatkan sebagai bagian dari alam atau makhluk hidup yang pada masa kini dijadikan sebagai fenomena kejadian sejarah di masa lampau. Jurnalrisa menggunakan platform Youtube sebagai kerangka media alternatif untuk mendekonstruksi hantu yang selama ini telah dipercayai oleh masyarakat secara turun-temurun. Dengan maksud untuk melawan media massa konvensional yang selama ini hanya berfokus pada soal teknis demi profit berupa uang dan rating yang mengkonstruksi hantu sebagai entitas negatif di masyarakat. Hal ini dikarenakan sifat Youtube yang lebih fleksibel dalam kebijakan koten dan sensor serta penggunaannya yang telah berbasis individual.
Perspektif Budaya Ketimuran dalam Film Disney Princess Nur Amala Saputri
Jurnal PIKMA : Publikasi Ilmu Komunikasi Media Dan Cinema Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): September
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to see the depiction of the meaning of eastern culture in the Disney Princess film 2020-2021. Disney as a global film company that is very thick with stories of western culture is now slowly starting to reconstruct eastern culture as a manifestation of its tolerance and openness to cultural diversity in the world. The method used is a semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes' model which sees a message meaning based on symbols ideologically. Researchers chose 2 Disney Princess films, namely Mulan (2020) and the film Raya and The Last Dragon (2021) as objects of research. Data collection was done by film observation and literature study. Researchers do documentation by screenshotting scenes and scenes that show symbols of eastern culture in both films. Then the screenshot images will be sorted based on the type of scene classification. The results of this study there are 4 forms of meaning of eastern culture, namely ideology or belief, attitude towards nature, collectivism, and lifestyle. The four cultural forms are practiced every day as a form of eastern cultural image represented in these two Disney films. Ironically, Disney still preserves the orientalization and Otherness of Eastern culture as a colonialism of Western hegemony.
Komodifikasi Atensi Audiens dalam Spotify Nur Amala Saputri Saputri
Komunika: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Komunika
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/komunika.v10i1.9307


Kehadiran musik digital menandai adanya perubahan dominasi rekaman musik konvensional. Secara perlahan menggantikan peran-peran media konvensional mulai dari proses produksi, distribusi, hingga konsumsi. Spotify sebagai layanan streaming musik pun turut merayakan kontestasi ini untuk mewujudkan praktik kapitalismenya. Riset ini merupakan sebuah studi deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk melihat praktik komodifikasi atensi audiens yang dilakukan oleh Spotify. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan observasi partisipan selama 3 bulan, dan menggunakan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, terdapat tigas isu wacana kuasa dalam industri musik digital. Sementara praktik komodifikasi atensi audiens yang dilakukan oleh Spotify memperlihatkan bahwa Spotify melakukan komersialisasi dengan menjadikan para penggunanya yakni musisi dan pendengar sebagai pekerjanya. Interaksi yang terbentuk antara musisi dan pendengar di Spotify diakumulasikan menjadi data numerik yang kemudian dijual ke pengiklan demi menghasilkan keuntungan. Sehingga dalam hal ini, Spotify menjadi pihak yang paling diuntungkan sebab hanya berperan sebagai mediator yang memberikan jasa atau servis penyedia streaming musik digital.
Literasi Sharenting & Privasi Anak di Media Jejaring Sosial Nur Amala Saputri Saputri
BERNAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Majalengka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (432.648 KB) | DOI: 10.31949/jb.v4i2.4468


Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan memberikan pelatihan dan literasi sharenting serta privasi anak di media jejaring sosial bagi kelompok Ibu-Ibu PKK Dusun Demen. Metode yang digunakan adalah refleksi, ceramah, simulasi, dan diskusi tentang penggunaan media jejaring sosial dan kasus perundungan yang terjadi setelah sharenting. Adapun hasilnya yakni ibu-ibu paling banyak menggunakan Whatsapp sebagai media jejaring sosial untuk mempublikasikan informasi, sebab mudah dioperasikan dan bersifat langsung. Ibu-Ibu PKK Demen juga sudah mampu menganalisis kasus-kasus soal penyimpangan etika sosial di ruang digital. Para ibu harus selalu belajar memahami karakteristik dan sifat-sifat media jejaring sosial. Sebab media jejaring sosial sendiri sangat banyak jenisnya, dan memiliki fungsi serta pengaturan yang berbeda-beda. Seperti halnya penggunaan bahasa dan kata dalam media jejaring sosial harus dipilih secara baik agar tidak memicu multitafsir. Selain itu juga harus menjaga privasi anak apabila ingin membagikan konten foto ataupun video si anak di media jejaring sosial. Harus selalu memperhatikan posisi dan keamanan anak, sehingga data-data diri anak dapat terjaga dan tidak disalahgunakan oleh orang lain.
Edukasi Penggunaan Media Baru dalam Penanggunalan Bencana Erupsi Gunung Merapi Nur Amala Saputri
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat UBJ Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dan Publikasi Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31599/jabdimas.v6i2.1794


This article discusses educational activities on the use of new media as an effort to deal with disaster events in Demen, Pakembinangun, Pakem, Sleman. This community service activity is carried out by providing training on the use of new media, such as: YouTube, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Google Maps. The methods used are reflections, lectures, simulations, discussions, and evaluations regarding digital media. The result is that the Demen people know that most of the people quite understand the types of communication media, both conventional media and new media that present disaster information. Only about 18 out of 20 participants thought that television and Facebook did not have a positive effect on disaster management. Meanwhile WhatsApp, Twitter and YouTube actually provide a lot of information that has a positive impact on them, mainly used to find the latest information updates, coordination and cooperation. This service activity also invites the public to use Google Map as a new form of collaboration in mapping evacuation routes and 3 gathering points when natural disasters such as the eruption of Mount Merapi occur. This effort was made to reduce the risk of social panic and reduce the possibility of traffic accidents when evacuating.
Ekonomi Politik Media Dalam Industri Musik Digital Spotify Nur Amala Saputri
KOMUNIKA Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Komunika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/komunika.v4i2.9406


Since the emergence of internet media, digital music was born which then marked as a change in the dominance of conventional recorded music. It is slowly and surely replacing the roles of conventional media, starting from the production process, distribution, to the level of music consumption. One of the most prominent music streaming platforms today is Spotify. In practice, the music streaming platform Spotify acts as a cultural industry that seeks to obscure people's real needs. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method based on a critical paradigm. With the aim of analyzing power relations in cultural practices that have been built by the digital music industry, either through the media or by the owners of capital through the perspective of the political economy of communication media. There are 2 main findings as a result of the study. First, there are 5 forms of digital music standardization that emerged because of the Spotify platform. Second, there are 2 forms of culture created from the relationship and identity of digital music actors, namely, the trend of soloist musicians or music by do it yourself, and bargaining power between musicians and music labels. In the end, Spotify is the party who benefits the most because it acts as a mediator who provides services or services for digital music streaming providers.